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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Players nickname
Pablo Ali
Administrators nickname
Alex Odd
May 28, 2021

Pablo Ali

May 10, 2021
First of all, I just asked an normal question if I can change family name to Hamas. And we got in an back and forward over the situation but my argument was that there is family called the Israelis and he's telling me go play on a Palestine server which in my opinion was disrespectful. Also, in the discord there was video made against us and had nothing to do with GRP but wasn't taken down. So it seems as if the admins in the server are kind of biased. Also a large amount of this server pop is people from Arab and Islamic backgrounds. So to show favour to the one side and blackball the other is biased. Also, The country I come from doesn't deem Hamas as terrorist organization but only the military side. Bear in mind, that Hamas is also an name which people from Arab backgrounds are called. In short, it seems unfair to be unbanned considering I have a lot of hours in this city, follow the rules of the city, and have donated money to the server. also when he said if I send one more message in regards to the situation, I had already sent it before he said that. As you will see in the video, I have put.


Zac Zero

May 26, 2021
I wanna answer this fellow players question on why he isn't allowed to have his family changed. And I believe this is how an Admin should have answered it. "I understand there is a family name the Israelis, and looking at the question you asked whether you could change the name of your family to Hamas, looking at the current situation between the two clashes in real life today, I suggest not to change it first because of the fear of creating a backlash within the community. We will keep this change in mind". Isn't that easier? Aren't Admins suppose to leave behind all aspects of RP? Why is Administrator Alex Odd banning him based on "Political Topics in reports"? Is there a rule which state that? A general rule?

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
I wanna answer this fellow players question on why he isn't allowed to have his family changed. And I believe this is how an Admin should have answered it. "I understand there is a family name the Israelis, and looking at the question you asked whether you could change the name of your family to Hamas, looking at the current situation between the two clashes in real life today, I suggest not to change it first because of the fear of creating a backlash within the community. We will keep this change in mind". Isn't that easier? Aren't Admins suppose to leave behind all aspects of RP? Why is Administrator Alex Odd banning him based on "Political Topics in reports"? Is there a rule which state that? A general rule?
You should start reading rules of server:

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
First of all, I just asked an normal question if I can change family name to Hamas. And we got in an back and forward over the situation but my argument was that there is family called the Israelis and he's telling me go play on a Palestine server which in my opinion was disrespectful. Also, in the discord there was video made against us and had nothing to do with GRP but wasn't taken down. So it seems as if the admins in the server are kind of biased. Also a large amount of this server pop is people from Arab and Islamic backgrounds. So to show favour to the one side and blackball the other is biased. Also, The country I come from doesn't deem Hamas as terrorist organization but only the military side. Bear in mind, that Hamas is also an name which people from Arab backgrounds are called. In short, it seems unfair to be unbanned considering I have a lot of hours in this city, follow the rules of the city, and have donated money to the server. also when he said if I send one more message in regards to the situation, I had already sent it before he said that. As you will see in the video, I have put.
Even in your text you clearly a mentioned that you want to change nick to Hamas course of Organization, which is CONSIDERED in EU/USA and other countries as terrorist organization, and OUR server is working UNDER EUROPEAN laws, no matter what is allowed in your country as long as this is disallowed in Europe - it's also forbidden on our server. In some country are allowed to eat peoples, and in their culture this is normal, should we allow this to?... So if in your country is fine with that organization then u can play on servers of your country and this will not be restricted / prohibited by them.

About donating of money, even if u have donate money this does not give you any "power" or indulgence for avoiding rules of server and law of country according to which server is working.

And about video, we have whole log of our conversation with you where u where clearly told by SEVERAL admins to stop - but u have continue political discussions and argued with admins - as result u have received ur ban.

Thread closed and will send this info to Major for review.
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Main Dev
Main Dev
Apr 28, 2021
All political topics are restricted on our server. It doesn't matter harmful it is for you or not. Someone can take hard name of your family. We are trying to be respectful for everyone. That's why all political-related topics are forbidden. And we don't appreciate it. As well I see that you were so aggressive in report. According to our rules, you must stop flooding messages in report and make a complaint on our forum. It's the best way to achieve justice instead of trying to argue with an administrator. Which is trying to take care for all our community.​
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