Family Name: DINERO INC.
Family Founder: Day Dinero [9714 I.D]
Family House Number: 914
Family Owners Discord: Day#4611
Family Owner Forum Link:
Dinero appeared in 1946 right after WWII, based in New York, affected by the war this small group opened up a local Bodega in Manhattan to provide supplies to busy people. It was a slow night at the Dinero Bodega, a local Italian gang pulled up and attempted to rob the place. Day Dinero and the Manhattan crew refused to get robbed as the bodega is all they got and decided to rob the Italian gang. After a 30 minute shootout, they succeeded. Stealing watches, jewelry, weapons, and cars from their dead victims. This is the start of the bloody, but
successful history of Dinero. After the first taste of retaliation, They seeked to harm whoever had done them wrong.
After numerous robberies and retaliation, was climbing up the ranks in Brooklyn and took over the Italian assets. Dinero started selling drugs, small arms weapon trade, robbing, and taking hostages. They started raiding known homes in gang territory and selling their stolen goods on the black market.
One night the crew got together after they got word of a local military firearm transport. The robbery quickly went south and every law enforcement agency in a 25 mile radius tried to stop the crew. The crew was able to shoot their way out and were able to get away with enough firearms to arm an army. This quickly made international news and put this family on the global map.
The family’s news has inspired branches to pop up in every continent, after 60 years since birth the family still has members all over the world. Members coming from the ghetto to legal organizations. This family’s influence is unstoppable and continues to climb through the ranks. This family is filled with smart individuals that live by the gun and die by the gun, in the search for more riches.
(1) Lil Homie ← Starting rank
(2) Runner ← Complete 2 family quests of your choice and a war family quest (4 hours, war for business/foundry), attend 2 events
(3) Shooter ← Nourish the plantation 5 times & log it bi-weekly, Attend 5 events a week.
(4) Trapper ← 100 solo ranking in arena, nourish the plantation a total of 10 times & log it bi-weekly, Attend 5 events a week.
(5) Gangsta ← Recruit at least 2 people and have them rank up to Trapper, nourish the plantation a total of 10 times & log it bi-weekly, attend 10 events a week.
(6) Hitman ← Become Legend rank in Arena, active with events whilst assisting/leading them.
(7) Vice ← Maintaining everything with Gangsta weekly, Main leader in events. Voted by High Commander.
(8) Executive ← Own a business, be a trusted member in the family.
(9) High Commander ← Right hand picks their own Top Dog - must be a trusted member in the family
(10) Right Hand ← CEO picks their own Right Hand - VERY trusted member of the family.
(11) CEO ← The creators of the family
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