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Rejected (LSPD) Corrupt Bio | Zema Gypavelli | 20479

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Jun 11, 2022
Organization: Los Santos Police Department

Name: Zema Gypavelli
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Race: Afro-Latina
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Kankakee, Chicago
Father: Deceased (Ivelisse Santiago)
Mother: Deceased (Demetrius Bishop)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Weight: 115lbs.
Height: 5’0”
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Jet Black
Tattoos: Too many to count
Strengths: Quick on my feet, incredibly intelligent, charismatic, great driver, fantastic swimmer
Weakness: Quick to anger, not the best at shooting


Zema Gypavelli was born in Kankakee, Chicago to Puerto Rican and Spanish-speaking mother Ivelisse Santiago and African American and Native American native English-speaking father Demetrius Bishop. Zema’s birth went smoothly, aside from her being 3 weeks premature and a minor stint in the NICU. Zema was taken home to a modest one story house in the ghettos of Kankakee where she was welcomed with open arms by the close-knit community. From a few months to 6 years old Zema went to block parties, cookouts, and became best friends with the neighborhood kids, despite the fact that Kankakee was one of the largest crime centers in the continental United States. This took a turn for the worst when her mother was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The household Zema lived in went from shabby and quiet to shabby and explosive. The diagnoses of Zema’s mother created a rift in the family and ultimately caused her father to leave the two of them behind while he took refuge on the golden California coast. Zema continued to grow up in Kankakee diving deep into her school work and earning the highest grades and test scores in her school, resulting in Valedictorian at the end of her high school. During her graduation ceremony she scanned the crowd for her mother, hoping she would be there despite the fact their relationship had been strained since her father left. When she noticed her mother was not there her heart fell, but she continued through her speech, accepted her diploma and awards, and took the bus home. When she arrived she found her mother passed out on the couch. Initially she thought she was just asleep, but upon further inspection she realized her mother was not breathing and her lips were blue. A frantic Zema called an ambulance and tried to perform CPR, but Ivelisse was pronounced D.O.A at the hospital. The next few days were a blur of funeral arrangements and packing as Zema decided it was best to head toward California in search of her father. The burial of Zema’s mother was a quiet one, and once she was buried Zema got on a plane and headed toward California.
Upon arriving in California her father met her with open arms and smiles. He was sad to hear of her mother’s death, and he did his best to cheer his daughter up. Demetrius had made a decent life for himself in California working as a highway patrol officer with a hefty pension. So when he asked the police commissioner if his daughter could be brought onto the force, it was no shock that a yes was given almost immediately.


Zema’s career as a police officer started off as a breeze. She easily rose through the ranks and ended up becoming Captain of Internal Affairs and Field Training only a year after being officially welcomed onto the force. Her quick rise through the ranks caused jealousy to run through PD and amongst the citizens, but she paid them no mind since she knew how hard she worked to get where she wanted to be.
One night when she was ending her shift after going through officer logs and giving out promotions, she was ambushed outside of the police department and dragged into a sliding door van. Nervous about what would happen Zema stayed quiet and complied with her kidnappers. She was brought to an abandoned building and dragged out of the van. In the building she saw her father handcuffed to a rusty railing. The kidnappers interrogated her and her father, asking questions with no real answers just to watch them squirm. And at the end of the interrogation they murdered her father in front of her and then beat her with police batons.
Zema woke up in the hospital two weeks later and mourned the loss of her father. She started going to therapy for her Complex-PTSD and depression, and once she felt up to it she returned to the force. When going past the office of the man who took her position of Captain of Internal Affairs she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw her fathers watch on his desk. This was the watch he had been wearing when she saw him murdered in front of her. And that was when everything clicked. The force hated her father and especially hated how fast she rose through the ranks. It made sense that they had tortured and mutilated them, and it made further sense that they would keep trinkets of Demetrius to torture Zema. Her PTSD diagnoses meant no one would believe her. From then on Zema took self defense classes to turn her body into a weapon all its own, and took driving classes that ensure that her ability to maneuver and control a vehicle is top notch.
From then on Zema became a rogue cop and changed her last name from Santiago to Gypavelli, as to not soil her mother’s family name. She also changed her last name to Gypavelli after running into the family while on patrol. While getting snacks in the gas station a man walked in and she immediately fell head over heels for his voice. She tracked him down using her PDA and realized his name was Todd Gypavelli. From there the two hit it off and immediately were wed at the GYPMXBB Family House. Once the wedding and honeymoon were finished, Zema did anything and everything get her way and to come up on top. It was her mission to find out who the other people involved in her fathers murder were, and to ultimately bring light the corruption in the police department she once called her home.


1. Because of Zema’s Complex PTSD, she has a nearly undetectable camera hidden in her Rolex Watch that is always uploading to a private server
2. Because of Zema’s PTSD, she carries a work radio at all times to ensure she is in constant contact with the few people in the department that she trusts and to watch everything going on in case she is double crossed again.
3. Zema conceals her police I.D in a secret but accessible hidden pocket in her bra. (If taken hostage and asked for police I.D can do 2 try commands to see if they were successful in finding badge)
4. Zema can accept bribes of a maximum of $20,000 to reduce jail time sentence or remove a person off the wanted list or “lose” her body cam of the situation which would ensure the criminal walks free ( Only friends/family or people with information that can be used by Zema)
5. Zema can sell information to criminals or gangs ( info such as raids/ammo runs for orgs) in return for money or information.
6. Zema can smash org and personal body cams if she finds them on a person (must use try cmd maximum of twice)
7. Zema can have any tattoo on her body as she will have it covered whilst on duty, and having tattoos makes her less likely to look like a cop and be taken hostage
8. Zema can participate in family events, legal or illegal.
9. Whilst off duty, Zema can rob and kill people with Family
10. Due to Zema’s charismatic nature, she can bargain for hostages to save money (Using 2 try cmds, each successful try lowers the price by $2,000)
11. Zema also carries her I.D with her off duty in order to use this I.D to get herself and her friends/family out of sticky situations
12. Zema can use gun illegal or illegal to protect herself (exception; use of organization weapons for personal use is strictly not allowed)
13. Zema can sell or buy guns on the Black Market for protection of self
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Floki Vilgeroarson

New to this
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 19, 2021
Outcome 1 must be turned on with rp command
Outcome 4 you still need to have bodycam of each arrest
Outcome 10 denied
Outcome 13 you cannot sell org items
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