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- Oct 3, 2021
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Ich schreibe jetzt einfach mal für den lieben Chief der heute gebannt wurde weil er ein Cleaner in seiner Download history hatte. Es kann wirklich nicht angehen das man nur einen Cleaner auf seinen pc hat das man dafür einen 60 Tage Bann kriegt. Ich finds lächerlich weil ein Cleaner hat 80% der Grand Spieler auf seinem Pc und ihr könnt nicht anhand einem Cleaner sagen ob er Cheatet oder nicht er hat jedes Turf aufgenommen oder wenn er irgendwo Fighten war ein Stream angehabt. Ich finds einfach sehr schade das man die Grand Spieler so kaputt macht und das eine Orga (Mara) so darunter leidet das ein Spieler z.b was auf seinem pc hat das die orga dafür bestraft wird. Im Endeffekt war Chief nur Turf Leader mit Rang 8 und war kein Rang 10-11-12…. Es wurde auf Krampf ein Grund gesucht damit Mara geclosed wurde. Jetzt wo wir mithalten konnten alles strukturiert war. Musste ja was passieren und ihr habt euren Grund gefunden. Nochmals ihr könnt anhand eines Cleaners nicht sagen das ein Spieler Cheatet. Wenn er gecheatet hätte würde man das entweder auf seiner POV sehen oder im Stream. Manche sagen Streamproof das stimmt nicht. Nimmt euch selber 0x oder Skript in die Hand und probiert selber ihr werdet sehen das es so stimmt das man alles erkennt. Das einzige was man nicht sieht ist der Kasten wo man alles einstellt. Das haben mir viele andere gesagt. Und jetzt beredet das nochmal und entbannt den Jungen der ist 100% clean hat die Datei nur in seiner Download history gehabt und nicht ausgeführt. Eine Sache noch. Ihr könnt auch nicht die Orga dafür verantwortlich machen, weil wir sehen nicht am Anfang oder so wer Cheatet oder wer nicht. Wir machen doch keine pc Checks bevor wir irgend jemand rein holen. Das ist so einer ekliger move 1 ist schuld und ganze orga wird hochgenommen für das die andere Leuten nicht man dafür können. Es waren nur Turfer jetzt die warns rein gebracht haben. Überdenkt bitte alles und entbannt Chief und gibt Mara wieder an Charlie.
I'm just writing for the dear chief who was banned today because he had a cleaner in his download history. It's really unacceptable that you only have one cleaner on your pc that you get a 60-day ban for it. I find it ridiculous because a cleaner has 80% of the grand players on his pc and you can't tell from a cleaner whether he's cheating or not, he recorded every turf or if he was fighting somewhere had a stream on. I just think it's a pity that the grand players are broken in such a way and that one organization (Mara) suffers so much from the fact that a player has something on his pc, for example, that the organization is punished for. The bottom line was Chief was just a rank 8 turf leader and wasn't a rank 10-11-12…. A reason was sought so that Mara was closed. Now that we could keep up everything was structured. Something had to happen and you found your reason. Again, you cannot tell from a cleaner that a player is cheating. If he cheated you would either see it on his POV or in the stream. Some say Streamproof is not true. Take your own 0x or script and try it yourself you will see that it is so true that you can recognize everything. The only thing you don't see is the box where you set everything. Many others have told me that. And now talk about it again and unban the boy who is 100% clean only had the file in his download history and didn't execute it. One more thing. You can't blame the organization either, because we don't see at the beginning or anything who is cheating or who isn't. We don't do pc checks before we bring anyone in. It's such a disgusting move 1 is to blame and the whole organization is taken down for which the other people can't do it. It was only Turfer now who brought in the warnings. Please reconsider and unban Chief and give Mara back to Charlie.
Danke und einen schönen Abend ich hoffe es wird bearbeitet und alles klärt sich auf alles nur wegen einen Cleaner. Einfach unfassbar was ihr aus grand macht.
I'm just writing for the dear chief who was banned today because he had a cleaner in his download history. It's really unacceptable that you only have one cleaner on your pc that you get a 60-day ban for it. I find it ridiculous because a cleaner has 80% of the grand players on his pc and you can't tell from a cleaner whether he's cheating or not, he recorded every turf or if he was fighting somewhere had a stream on. I just think it's a pity that the grand players are broken in such a way and that one organization (Mara) suffers so much from the fact that a player has something on his pc, for example, that the organization is punished for. The bottom line was Chief was just a rank 8 turf leader and wasn't a rank 10-11-12…. A reason was sought so that Mara was closed. Now that we could keep up everything was structured. Something had to happen and you found your reason. Again, you cannot tell from a cleaner that a player is cheating. If he cheated you would either see it on his POV or in the stream. Some say Streamproof is not true. Take your own 0x or script and try it yourself you will see that it is so true that you can recognize everything. The only thing you don't see is the box where you set everything. Many others have told me that. And now talk about it again and unban the boy who is 100% clean only had the file in his download history and didn't execute it. One more thing. You can't blame the organization either, because we don't see at the beginning or anything who is cheating or who isn't. We don't do pc checks before we bring anyone in. It's such a disgusting move 1 is to blame and the whole organization is taken down for which the other people can't do it. It was only Turfer now who brought in the warnings. Please reconsider and unban Chief and give Mara back to Charlie.
Danke und einen schönen Abend ich hoffe es wird bearbeitet und alles klärt sich auf alles nur wegen einen Cleaner. Einfach unfassbar was ihr aus grand macht.