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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Zema Gypavelli
Administrators nickname
Larry McGavin
Jul 1, 2022


Jun 11, 2022
I would to begin this by saying I was no warned, BUT I was directly involved in the situation with the POV. I believe that 4519 was wrongfully warned for RDM.

DM (by definition in the GRANDRP discord is): Deathmatching (DM) - Killing another person without a sufficient roleplay reason (deathmatching) is not allowed.

The situation started with me and my family outside of our house having a play fight. Out of absolute nowhere FIB rolls up and jumps out with guns in their hands screaming at us to get on the ground. I am stunned and Todd and I both ask what the problem is, since we know we are all just playing around. We explain to the agents this and they do not try to detain us or place us under arrest. The situation from there should be over and they should leave.

It would be non-rp for police officers or agents to stick around the area when we have explained all is well. They would respond to another call and continue about their day, which they did not. In the video they continue to stay and harass us, to the point that random people start shooting at us.

My family and I are obviously scared because we do not know if the FIB agents there are trying to tell others our locations in left eye radio so we start telling them to leave. I specifically say get off my block and I say this multiple times and give them more than 5 seconds.

6.15 When outside the GHETTO you must engage in RP before shooting someone. For example issue them demands and if they do not listen to your demands within 5 seconds you can shoot them. | WARN

In the rule it does not say we MUST count down in front of them. Just that have to issue demands and give them the 5 seconds.

For context the second POV shows shifty saying "trying to kill an officer, zema" because someone was shooting at us. These officers continued to stay in an area where they were getting shot at BEFORE Todd started shooting them. To me this is failrp or lack of fearrp because they should have left or chased the random people who started shooting at them instead of continuing to stay near us when the situation was resolved. Todd and I both told them to get off the block (since we were not sure if it was FIB shooting us, and they didn't fear for their life so we figured it was), and when they did not leave after multiple times and more than 20 seconds we shot them to make sure people were not given our location to kill us.

This entire situation was a full RP situation that should not constitute as RDM. Thank you, Mazhor for reading this.


Shifty Powers

Nov 15, 2021
This is 4519 report to make. If you think his Punishment is unjustified have him make a report.


Main Dev
Main Dev
Apr 28, 2021
Person who received a punishment should open a complaint. Unfortunately, we count you as a 3rd party person.​
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