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Arnav Negi

Feb 10, 2022

1. Your Name IRL --: Arnav Negi
2. Your Age --: 17
3. TIme zone --: GMT +5:30
4. Average Online per Day --: 3 -10hours
5. Your Discord --: LuciferMS#7446
6. Your Nickname --: Amenadiel Marshal
7. Your ID --: 102301

Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD


2. Why do you want to be leader of this specific organization? (List three reason with explanation).

(a). First of all when I came in the city I joined I was wondering about being a LEO officer and it was mt dream in IRL to become a LEO , But for Legal Orgs we should have to be 5 years at that time so I worked hard keep on grinding to be atleast 6 years for the interview. After I had been 6 years old then I went in SAHP open recruitment and It was my First legal org , when I joined it it was a dream come true and happiness in me was overloaded. I did my duty with very much hard work there . I then joined Gov as USS and then finally LSPD .

b. I care about this organization deeply and I want this to come back on top as it was under the Chief like Tyrell Johnson, Eklavya etc . I'm very passionate about this and one of the greatest strength that I possess is that I ace the targets that I'm extremely passionate for.

c) To counter one of the greatest issues in an org namely the ranking system . I would like to restructure the ranking introducing the diagonal relationship in an org for it to work properly . As we all know that in the diagonal relationship the the no of officer at the lower rank increase as the triangle widens up towards the bottom . I would introduce a limited number of seats at high ranks and there will be no exception if new people join up the organizations . The number of promotions will be based on the no of seats specified at the beginning .

d) As mentioned before the no of posts will be limited which means that the no of promotions will also be limited - this thing will be already mentioned in the LSPD applications as a disclaimer for the people who'll apply . One of the largest issue in the pervious LSPD was that if an Officer's logs look good he would get the promotion but now as the seats are limited this introduces a competitive environment which means that now the Officers have to compete with others not with themselves . For example if only one seat is remaining in the upper rank and there are 10 Officers competing for it , this will lead them to work hard for it but now they dont just have to improve themselves , they also have to do better than the other 9 Officers to get that promotion which will result in all the 10 officers working hard and overall improvement of the functioning of the organization.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

a) One of the largest issues in this organization is the favoritism . I would like to give the admins my word that as soon as I become the leader of LSPD I would leave the family that I currently am in . I would not join any other family . This is a new solution to this problem because all the previous LSPD leaders while applying write that they would remove favoritism but they failed to do so . I would like to burn this bridge totally by leaving the family that I currently am and wont join any family until my term ends .

b) To implement the chain of command , discipline and improving the roleplay more seriously I would like to introduce the Internal Affairs division that was in the past . In the past few terms the IA was useless as it was only limited to the high command , but I would like to introduce this as a whole department which will consist of lower ranked Officers too who will investigate the Officers against whom the report has been filed

c) I would like to distribute the people from opposite time zones equally in the high command team of all the Divisions

d) Focus on the laws will be at the upmost priority . I would like all the Officers in my org to be proficient with the laws and the usage of pda .

e) Surprise inspections of the logs and a surprise quizzes will be introduced hand to hand setting up a mechanism of demotions and promotions

f) I would give bonusses not only to the Officers who are attending the events but also to the Officers who handle the situation when the number of fib agents are low in the city Ex: in Late Night and Early Morning.
g) Joint training with FIB , SAHP and NG to improve the relation and coordination between all three orgs.

The goals that I would like to achieve -

a) Creating an active and interesting org where players can enjoy .

b) Removing all the toxic elements from the org .

c) Completing a successful term without any organizational punishments .

d) Inserting fear in the minds of illegal organizations and Criminals.

e) Maintaing good relations with all legal orgs.

Thank you for reading my application !


From Vladikavkaz.
May 14, 2022
Vouch, really a guy with team spirit and sticks to rules, reconsiders on disputes. Best for LSPD

Kareem Zuma

Oct 19, 2021
Interview tomorrow at 17:00 server time
join waiting room 15 minutes prior to the interview​
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