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Davis Lawley

Me Myself & I
Jun 14, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Owen

2. Your age: 19

3. Time zone: ST (Server Time)

4. Average online per day: 4-8 Hours

5. Your Discord: Riftyz#9638

6. Your Nickname: Davis Lawley

7. Your ID: 105709

Additional information

1. Leader of...
Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1- I would like to be leader of this organisation due to the passion I have towards not just gang life but also towards the organisation Marabunta, I have been an LEO for quite a few weeks now as I took a break from gang life but I know I need to make a return I need to be back at what I do best causing chaos around the city, doing active FZ raids, Gun store robberies hostage situations ETC, I have been a Deputy within the organisation within Kevin Toscas term and honestly I had a blast did we have a huge amount of numbers not really no, But did we have a relatively decent amount yes we did, I helped keep the organisation active as I was actively recruiting and bringing new people into the gang and trying to encourage them to stay so we can rule the city.

2- This reason may not be seen as vital to some people but I feel it is, So as you know gangs cause a lot of chaos around the city by doing robberies, raids, hostage situations etc therefore the LEO organisations can raid the Gang organisation, therefore this is one of the reasons that I would like to run Marabunta Grande as I personally feel the Marabunta HQ is one of the easiest HQs to defend from the LEOs, If we can successfully stop the raid we can save our ammo and body armour from being raided from the warehouse therefore making my gang more efficient as it will be near enough impossible for our gang to operate if we are constantly getting raided and losing all of our gear and equipment.

3- The last reason I would like to be leader of this organisation is because I want to finally make a return back to the gang life and turn Marabunta Grande into a terrorist organisation it's about time that Marabunta Grande finally grows and expands from the small circle of possibility that it has been in for the past few terms, I can be the leader to make the difference in the organisation Marabunta Grande.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1- The first thing I would be enforcing as Marabunta leader is that I am in close connection with the other gang leaders, At the end of the day yes gangs are going to fight but are they really the main enemy no they are not, The LEOs are the main enemy and the gangs need to work together and take all the Law Enforcement officers down instead of fighting each other, When gangs fight each other they both take heavy losses that then allow the Law Enforcement officers to come and just finish off whoever is left and it is not a great look for the gangs, Gangs need to be more strategic they need to work together to finally grow just behind being known for being always in the ghetto killing strangers, they need to be out there on the highways controlling them taking hostages demanding money stealing from the city and claiming it for themselves, I want to be a visionary for all gangs I want them to look up to me and follow my path to claim this city not just for myself, not just for my gang in particular but for every gang out there.

2- In addition we will be working in close contact with the crime families who are associated with crime and bring them on our journey to take over the city, We will have more numbers committing crime within the city than seen in a long time, if these families do not want to work with us we will show them who is boss and ensure that they answer to us, Marabunta Grande will be running the streets if people think they have what it takes to question us then sure you can try but won't end well for them, we will be ensuring we turn into a terrorist organisation, we are sick and tired of these Law Enforcement officers and the government being in power they have been in power for too long it's time to show them the strength of the gangs and to enforce to them we will not stop crime, We do what we do best which is to cause Havok and distress to the city.

3- I will be having inside knowledge from the Law Enforcement organisations as I will be recruiting people to give us intel which can be beneficial towards us, for example if we are going to get raided I want to know before the FIB have even left their garage, I want to have more corrupt officers rolling around the city who are on my pay check and who will be in the LEO organisation for one purpose, to provide us with the intel that we need to not just survive but also to thrive and overrule these LEOs who think they can walk all over us because we are gang members because I won't be allowing that, If you stand in our path you will be removed from it and not just feel the wrath from Marabunta Grande but from all the gangs within the city.

4- I will be ensuring that within my organisation there is no Biased opinions and favouritism, Everyone must be treated fairly and every single person deserved a chance to join the organisation Marabunta Grande, people do change take it from personal experience I have been an LEO myself in the city for quite a while now but in my blood I know I was meant to make a return back to my home in Marabunta.

5- I will be enforcing a new way for the new residents of the city to join Marabunta Grande if you are below our age requirement to join the gang then you can simply take a test if you feel you do have the gang experience and knowledge to join us.

6- The turfing and spray team are very important within gangs yet they do not get shown enough respect or do not get rewarded how they deserve to therefore if I do get the opportunity to be leader of the organisation I will be working with my deputies to create a rewarding system which will rewards the dedicated members who will be within the turf and spray team.

7- I will be choosing the 4 of the most devious and experience deputies within the city that come to mind, these deputies will be by my side to assist with my term as the leader of Marabunta Grande, my deputies will actually have a voice within the organisation as this is important to remain structure, these deputies due to their experience really will boost my confidence as leader to enforce who our gang really is

8- We will be recruiting members for our gang every single day, We will be sending members to infiltrate gangs and families to encourage them to join our organisation, we want to ensure we have a large amount of numbers in the organisation to be able to really cause a large scale of chaos across the whole city, we won't be like other gang organisations who may think robbing one store for the day is enough because it's not we will be going above and beyond with our destruction and our deviousness and mischief we will be constantly be taking hostages robbing stores doing raids and everything possible in our power to take down this city once and for all to claim it for ourselves.

Nick Vilgeroarson

Apr 4, 2022
+1, IRA will run this city 🤣


Alex Pluxury

Nov 21, 2021
You have been selected for Marabunta Leader interview!

The interview will take place tomorrow at 18:00 ST (26.07.2022)
Please be in the waiting room 15 minutes in advance.

Please DM me as soon as possible in the discord.​
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