You should read the rules before posting your report, and your familly is the one breaking the rules Fail RP, Mixing, RDM, CR, Mercy Killing etcetera
Rules for filing a complaint: The topic should be done strictly according to the form; Example#1: DM | ID 10053 Example#2: SK | ID 633 Example#3: Cheats | ID 1110 Spam with the same type of topics is prohibited; It is forbidden to insult anyone and provoke insults; The screenshot should...
- 2 days passed after a violation;
- Evidence is cropped or edited (must be 1 minute+(exceptions might be, when you can understand the whole situation for less than 1 min));
- Evidence uploaded to other sources; ( as you're using a forbidden software to capture this )
- Not your ID in Top right corner and not your POV so you're the one breaking rules here.
i have a friend's house near yours and your familly is mixing events. so yeah your familly who's breaking the rules !
33758 Banned ( now playing with his other account 166012 and mixing with his other ID will upload povs later )
Leader of the familly is banned too