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Jerry Barba / Ex NG Deputy
Jan 1, 2022
Organization: National Guard

Name: Jerry Smith
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Nationality: British
Place of Birth: Plymouth, Great Britain
Sexuality: Heterosexuality
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Black
Tattoos: None
Strengths: Team Player, works great in a team. Resilient, will not back down easily.

Weakness: Easily persuaded, can easily be pressured into a situation.

Life Story: Jerry was born in a deprived area of Plymouth, food was hard to come by and many people would fight for food and the quality of living fell.
Often a lot of people would steal items from a local grocery store. Being so desperate, Jerry took the decision to steal from the grocery store and unfortunately got caught in the process.
After being released from custody, Jerry then fell into a life of crime pickpocketing and making bad choices, the money he made would be spent on beers in a local park and
his life was at the lowest point it had ever been. Eventually, the police had an active search for Jerry and he was found and charged with
4 cases of Thievery. He spent 5 years in jail but got out on parole 3 years later on a basis that no more crime will be committed. Then, with his money earned from
the crimes, he moved to Los Santos. Were we are today.

Career Story: After moving to Los Santos, he found work in a 9 to 5 office job. While he was getting income he looked for better ways to find money. One night when watching the TV, he saw an advert for the National Guard. There he enlisted as a private , he liked the job he worked in and climbed his way up to Major. During his time in NG Jerry fell in love with Humvees due to them being a common transport option and being reliable. He only hopes to bring good for his fellow soldiers.


1- Jerry can destroy bodycams of anyone. There will be a /try and then /me.
2- Jerry may lie to higher ups to protect someone.
3- Jerry may takes bribes from people and turn a blind eye if he deems it to be a good option.
4- Jerry may try to protect his friends and veterans of NG too much due to persuasion.
5- Jerry may let family and friends alone based on his mood.

Saif Khan

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Feb 28, 2022
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