- Joined
- Feb 20, 2022
- Messages
- 18
Dear Mazhor,
I am not writing this complaint primarily because of my almost senseless and arbitrary sanction in which I am accused of warehousing. I would like to take the opportunity in this complaint to draw attention to a serious maladministration on the server DE04. After all, the fact that the playerbase of server DE04 is constantly decreasing must come from somewhere and have a cause. It is a fact that server DE04 has not always been the worst visited server of all German servers. This is a process in which this server has evolved to be the worst visited server of all and is constantly shrinking.
Warehouse Case
But first of all, I would like to describe the case that initiated me to write this complaint. I am accused of warehousing and so today, 24.08.2022, I was banned for warehousing. All I have ever done and am accused of by the admin Candy Enect in this matter was to relocate ammo from the government organization to my private car for a short period of time so I would have enough room in my backpack to buy things at the market or fill my juice store. I never gave ammunition to third parties and everything that was temporarily stored by me due to insufficient space in the backpack was also taken out again. At no time was the process of warehousing intended nor done by me. Now I ask you, how dare the server's administration accuse me of warehousing, knowing that they can get any information they want from my logs in the ACP?
About Candy EnectI am not writing this complaint primarily because of my almost senseless and arbitrary sanction in which I am accused of warehousing. I would like to take the opportunity in this complaint to draw attention to a serious maladministration on the server DE04. After all, the fact that the playerbase of server DE04 is constantly decreasing must come from somewhere and have a cause. It is a fact that server DE04 has not always been the worst visited server of all German servers. This is a process in which this server has evolved to be the worst visited server of all and is constantly shrinking.
Warehouse Case
But first of all, I would like to describe the case that initiated me to write this complaint. I am accused of warehousing and so today, 24.08.2022, I was banned for warehousing. All I have ever done and am accused of by the admin Candy Enect in this matter was to relocate ammo from the government organization to my private car for a short period of time so I would have enough room in my backpack to buy things at the market or fill my juice store. I never gave ammunition to third parties and everything that was temporarily stored by me due to insufficient space in the backpack was also taken out again. At no time was the process of warehousing intended nor done by me. Now I ask you, how dare the server's administration accuse me of warehousing, knowing that they can get any information they want from my logs in the ACP?
The fact that the administrator Candy Enect, on the one hand, boasts about the number of players he banned (got clipped, can be proven), on the other hand, said in a conversation that the players on the server are all just numbers for him, makes it unmistakably clear that this admin is only about sanctioning and not about the players themselves. The statement: ,,For me they are all just numbers running around there“ was clipped and can be shown in full length if needed.
Now transferring this assumption about the Admin Candy Enect to my ridiculous warehousing case further supports these assumptions.
Interaction between Admins and organizations
As for the dealings between the administration and the players, the list is very long, where it is obvious that arbitrary actions are taken and sanctions are imposed. It so happened that after an unsuccessful raid between the state organizations and the Grove Street Gang, the administrators ordered to submit a POV of every single member of the Grove Street Gang. Everyone knows that there are always people who don't have a POV of everything. Thus, it was clear from the beginning that this requirement could not be met. Thus, the gang received an equally arbitrary warning based on this arbitrary demand.
To make this aspect of the maladministration side more clear, I would like to reveal the conversation between all the organization, the organization administration and the Chief Administrator that took place last week. On 08/17/2022, a conversation took place in Discord between all the leaders of all the organizations and the org. administration, such as the Chief Admin. The topic of the conversation was the Grove Street Gang. Who was not invited to this conversation? Grove Street Gang. There were many serious accusations made towards the gang in this conversation. This is normal, problems have to be talked about. However, it is in no way understandable why the Grove Street Gang's view and possible counter-evidence was not taken into account. Just the fact that the leaders of the Grove Street Gang were not invited to the conversation again points to arbitrary treatment of individual people. When the conversation between the leaders and the admins ended, the Chief Admin of DE04 even had the gall to issue a warning to the Grove Street Gang without ever listening to the accused gang's point of view. Screenshots and chat histories are available and can be shown. And the accusations are not even minor things, the Grove Street Gang has been told that they deny RP, agitate OOC, provoke, force Gambo and many more. Had the time been taken to let the Grove Street Gang take position on these accusations, they would have easily been able to put a stop to these accusations. But that was never done, only one view was noted and a warning issued based on that.
Questionable kicks inside the Admin-team
A probably equally important topic is the interaction between the admins. Everything that follows and is described by me can be proven with screenshots of chat histories. However, these screenshots will not be published here in this post. If necessary, I will forward them to you.
Recently, there have been an increasing number of cases where admins, including high admins, have been kicked off the adminteam for reasons that cannot be explained. I describe these cases not only from my point of view, but also from the point of view of these admins. When these former high admins then ask the chief admin for a reason, they simply get ignored. Considering that there are no valid reasons for the kicks and therefore the kicks are not justified, it must be questioned for what reason these actions were taken. However, no comment is made on this. For these cases, it is necessary to go much further into detail, but here in the forum is not the place for it. The admins who have been kicked from the team here, objectively speaking, do the best work, work close to the community and are not afraid to take work upon themselves. One could almost get the impression that the most competent admins are intentionally excluded from the team.
Possible corruption within the admin team
An admin banned 4 people, came after 30 ingame and unbanned them all. (No unbanning request in the forum). When I asked a senior admin what this was all about I was told they were looking into it. When I asked further, I was ignored.
There are specific cases which clearly point to corruption within the admin team. There is clear evidence in this manner and needs to be checked. However, these will not be published here in the post. They can be submitted at any time.
Every allegation made in this complaint is substantiated and not pulled out of thin air. However, as mentioned above, the evidence and proofs are not published in this post. I collected enough material to call this case a serious subject. In case of a more detailed examination of the cases I listed, I offer to send you all the evidence via Discord.