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Aug 29, 2022
Family Name - WEDA Family
Owner- Epha Fa | 103847
Family House Number - 917
Family Discord Owner - Epha#7031
Family Leader Forum ID - 66064

Family Goal:
1-Getting into a good family ranking
2-Participate in all events and win
3-Developing our family from the activities we win and entering the rich families section
4-The whole city recognizes our name
5-Expand the family

Family Rules:
1-He must follow the rules
2-Must be respectful
3-Participate in events and have fun
4-Adapt in the city
5-Must communicate well

Family Backstory:

Epha runs a barber shop with 3 friends, the other 2 friends have to move to Los Santos, epha is ostracized because he is alone now, and he has to kill one of those who offend him, he can no longer live in his hometown of Baku, and goes to los santosa with his friends , can no longer open stores, so they switch to black money, in this meeting many people who support them become friends and decide to walk together to start a family. The Weda family is very good at this right now, but the money they earn is not enough for them and they take different paths to keep going, while there are many enemies pushing them, they also have many friends, they are improving along the way and their family has exceeded 200 people. now the order has been established, the weda family is now ready for anything!


1.Rookie - Our new family members who are in the process of learning the rules
2.Soldier - Members who have learned the rules and participated in events
3.Shooter - Young and ready-made family members, these members of our family can drive better
4.Hitman - He's been with us a long time and he'll be able to steal cars and rob people.
5.Turfer - The most talented for events are members who are close to leaders
6.Gangster - those who have now mastered and control the newly arrived members of the family and teach them the rules
7.Enfoncer - They are responsible for the family's maintenance of weapons and cars
8.Underboss - They manage events, they don't miss anything
9.Boss - They are the ones who help the leader and the whole family, they advise everyone
10.Father - the leader who manages the family meets the needs of the family, helps everyone, makes announcements, informs

Family Logo:


Family Outfit:

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