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Feb 17, 2022
Family name: Kingsman
Owner: Rai Sanjuichi 111019
Family house number: 1409
Family owners discord: Raitoon#0643
Family owners forum: Raitoon

Family Logo:


After World War II, a group of businessmen has decided to come together and create an organization, the name of which is long forgotten, in order to dominate the British economy, diving deep into the illegal side of Brittan. With "the ends justify the means" as their motto, they did well for a while, yet they were far from competing with the British government. As time went by, more and more members either were killed fighting for their goals or ended up in prison for their long criminal records, slowly shortening their numbers. After a long war with the British government, the organization has been weakened to the point of no return, leaving them with no other choice but to take drastic measures and escape to Los Santos, leaving behind everything they fought and died for. Years passed, the organization lost all of its power and wealth and soon everyone would start to forget who they were and what goals they held. However, the very few members left alive did not forget of the heights they aimed to achieve, slowly executing a plan that was taking effect ever since the organization had to flee and hide in the streets of Los Santos. Now, years later the children of those very few members have grown up, carrying all of the knowledge their fathers have passed on to them and ready to bring the organization to the new heights, this time avoiding mistakes from the past and take economical control over the entire Los Santos. However, the domination of economical world of Los Santos wasn't the final goal. This time around, the whole world is the goal of the organization, the name to which, from now on, is Kingsman.

Family Ranks:
(2)Agent I
(3)Agent II
(4)Agent III
(5)Advanced Agent
(6)Senior Agent
(8)Agent Commander
(9)Senior Councillor
(10)Head of Conclave

Family Clothes:

Family Rules:

-Follow the server rules,
-Respect all family members,
-Follow all directions that are given to you by High Command of family,
-Do not embarrass the family’s reputation,
-Do not be toxic.

Family Goals:
-Taking economic control over the entire Los Santos,
-Getting a sustainable economy model for family,
-Getting business and wealth for family members,
-Becoming the richest family in City,

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