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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury

Rejected Disbanding SAHP, Wrongfully kicking me from Leadership | Alex Odd, James Pluxury

Players nickname
Papi Gordo
Administrators nickname
Alex Odd James Pluxury
Jun 10, 2021
https://i.ibb.co/F4MBNJf/5a134896bbb4da79fa50cd54d5410d91.png https://i.ibb.co/ZNdqMC6/20210609120932-1.jpg https://i.ibb.co/RgZcnnX/robbery.jpg

Clarence Fartgardde

Jun 3, 2021
This is the first RP server I have joined and I joined SAHP because they are held to the highest standard of RP and professionalism. I have learned a tremendous amount from the leadership in SAHP. Without them I would not have stayed in the city. Its important to have good organizations like this to keep people wanting to play.


May 26, 2021
SAHP activity is almost 0, no one see SHAP Patrol on duty on Highway, even to make insurance people or asked admins for this or have made it at NPC. Curator of state have monitored activity for last week and made decision to disband SAHP in special after last message of leader in SAHP discord.
Dear Alex,

Sorry to say but you have been provided with wrong information.
Even yesterday when we were disbanded abruptly, there had been ton lot of activity including selling License Plates and Insurance.


Jun 3, 2021
SAHP activity is almost 0, no one see SHAP Patrol on duty on Highway, even to make insurance people or asked admins for this or have made it at NPC. Curator of state have monitored activity for last week and made decision to disband SAHP in special after last message of leader in SAHP discord.
Wow I myself have spent over 40 hours this week patrolling and helping to train the new deputy 1’s in the graveyard shift. If you like I can also upload ALL my body cam from my time with SAHP proving the amount or insuranace, patrolling and just SHIT I’ve taken while at SAHP HQ from random Civ walk ups. FYI would be over 200+ hours of footage and I’ve only been with SAHP a few weeks

Ryan Slater

ex-Governor | ex-SAHP leader | ex-LSPD leader
May 10, 2021
SAHP activity is almost 0, no one see SHAP Patrol on duty on Highway, even to make insurance people or asked admins for this or have made it at NPC. Curator of state have monitored activity for last week and made decision to disband SAHP in special after last message of leader in SAHP discord.

I love this statement...

Show the people the logs for both in game and discord that clearly state 100s of hrs of activity of SAHP, countless tickets and RP interactions.

If this is a community built by the people, for the people, show the truth 🤙

Joseph Kony

May 8, 2021
SAHP activity is almost 0, no one see SHAP Patrol on duty on Highway, even to make insurance people or asked admins for this or have made it at NPC. Curator of state have monitored activity for last week and made decision to disband SAHP in special after last message of leader in SAHP discord.
This statement is, after a careful analyse, filled with lie and contains 0 credibility. Your statement is made up out of pure hatred, jealousy for the work that SAHP has put in and an abuse of your e-powers.

There is no appreciation for SAHP and what we have done in order to make this server a better one. But it seems like youre fine with all the non-sense ( and nonRP of course ) going on in the server.

Where do you take the right to say 'activity almost 0'. Your activity obviously needs to be stepped up, i have never seen you ingame at SAHP before or somewhere else.

How can you be a 'Curator' if all you do is destroy? Youre not doing your job very well.

" no one see SHAP Patrol on duty on Highway" - of course you cant see someone if all cars go 50000000 KMH and the render distance is 1 pixel. All of SAHP is out there on a regular basis and that included me for several hours.

So how come you just take the right to spread false information in the community when you are the one supposed to 'curate' it. All you do is destroy and abuse your e-powers.

Just step down or at least use your brain before spreading wrong information.

John Marston

Jun 10, 2021
SAHP activity is almost 0, no one see SHAP Patrol on duty on Highway, even to make insurance people or asked admins for this or have made it at NPC. Curator of state have monitored activity for last week and made decision to disband SAHP in special after last message of leader in SAHP discord.
Go ahead and check the SAHP discord server. Check duty logs and the 5-17 chat where we wrote up tickets to make sure we wouldn't double fine. Both of these chats completely disprove what you say. You say we had almost 0 activity even though we had 15+ officers patrolling daily. You say we had 0 activity while you disband SAHP, which literally causes 0 activity.

Zac Zero

May 26, 2021
I mean Alex, working as an EMS constantly going back and forth from CH to Sandy, I do see them do their patrols sometimes. Not rare, but not as many as the LSPD or the NG or the FIB. But to say 0 activity is kinda harsh don't you think? Yeah it may not be much, but at least there some activity right?

Ryan Slater

ex-Governor | ex-SAHP leader | ex-LSPD leader
May 10, 2021
I mean Alex, working as an EMS constantly going back and forth from CH to Sandy, I do see them do their patrols sometimes. Not rare, but not as many as the LSPD or the NG or the FIB. But to say 0 activity is kinda harsh don't you think? Yeah it may not be much, but at least there some activity right?
That’s probably because the route you have to sandy is an inch of the mile we cover mate.

We’ve got no fewer than a dozen officers pushing 40plus hours this week some upwards to 60+.

Just because you don’t see us in your playtime doesn’t mean we aren’t there

Zac Zero

May 26, 2021
I agree with you Baaabs, I'm just saying is that I do see you guys on the road. It's not rare. And also it's quite hard to see u guys in the desert area because the cars are the same colour XD


Jun 3, 2021
I mean Alex, working as an EMS constantly going back and forth from CH to Sandy, I do see them do their patrols sometimes. Not rare, but not as many as the LSPD or the NG or the FIB. But to say 0 activity is kinda harsh don't you think? Yeah it may not be much, but at least there some activity right?
Got to remember as well Zac we have more than half the map to cover inc contraband runs etc. sometime we just staking out sandy airport as well

tommy smalls

May 27, 2021
We also screen shot everytime we come on duty due to body cam make sure we have evidences its rolling to when we do pov we are doing /do /me so we dont have to post a massive pov when we do reports

Lebron Pluxury

Gang Unit
Curator of the project
Apr 30, 2021
Good afternoon. After looking into the evidence of both sides. I agree with the disband of your organisation as senior curator of state James Pluxury was looking over your org for a week. He made a decision to disband your organisation as you were not participating in the store robberies, trying to organise strike which basically means not playing rp. There was no activity of your organisation at all and people were complaining. We told you to fix it but you did not manage to do it. Closed!

Papi Gordo

May 12, 2021
ill just drop this gem right here for your viewing pleasure.

where an LSPD officer will tell you they have not been responding to robberies for a few days now. Alex im not sure if its hit you yet, but with the many people (SAHP and NON SAHP) responding to say the claims youre throwing out are actually incorrect i think at this point, REACHING OUT TO SOMEONE who has the facts and proof to show you WHATS REALLY happening would be the best thing. You have been already switched your first accusation about us not going to robberies, when the info was presented we were and LSPD was not you then changed it to 0 activity, which now again is being proven wrong because not only do we have DUTY LOGS to back up, you also have on duty logs i would love to see this 0 activity show. We all just want proof Alex, we all have our proof to back up our side, but have yet to see any proof from you guys?

Tito Banks

May 8, 2021
Just wanted to voice my opinon even though it will fall on deaf ears. If the organization was failing in the activity aspect as we were informed , We than set forth and mass hired and mass trained fellow officers. So the statment "We told you to fix it but you did not manage to do it." is really bothersom. Running applications and interviews was one of my tasks. All of our HR staff members rushed to fix the situation because we wanted to make it right. But now that we are being told that we did not do that is just false. Like a admin said about us , i can say about this party that decided this outcome, it is definitely a "Echo Chamber".


May 26, 2021
Good afternoon. After looking into the evidence of both sides. I agree with the disband of your organisation as senior curator of state James Pluxury was looking over your org for a week. He made a decision to disband your organisation as you were not participating in the store robberies, trying to organise strike which basically means not playing rp. There was no activity of your organisation at all and people were complaining. We told you to fix it but you did not manage to do it. Closed!
It's such a shame that you can not accept that you are wrong.
We provided 2 videos of SAHP responding to robbery even after that "Strike", we have more evidence but I doubt that'll make any difference because you just can't accept that you were wrong to disband SAHP.
Activity wise, we can provide tons of Patrols, issuing Traffic Penalties, Penal Penalties, Selling Plates and Insurance, assisting in ammo runs for NG and LSPD too, Helping NG during Raid on FZ and during their hiring for background checks! But you won't see all this activity because, you can't accept that you are wrong!

Shac Jay

Jun 10, 2021
Good afternoon. After looking into the evidence of both sides. I agree with the disband of your organisation as senior curator of state James Pluxury was looking over your org for a week. He made a decision to disband your organisation as you were not participating in the store robberies, trying to organise strike which basically means not playing rp. There was no activity of your organisation at all and people were complaining. We told you to fix it but you did not manage to do it. Closed!
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2
Exhibit 3
Exhibit 4

Here is 4 seperate instances of me attending store robberies in the last week and I'm not on as much as most of the other SAHP members as well as we don't always save our bodycams for the robberies and I managed to find 4 separate instances of us attending robberies from what I did have, there have been plenty more than that

Shac Jay

Jun 10, 2021
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2
Exhibit 3
Exhibit 4

Here is 4 seperate instances of me attending store robberies in the last week and I'm not on as much as most of the other SAHP members as well as we don't always save our bodycams for the robberies and I managed to find 4 separate instances of us attending robberies from what I did have, there have been plenty more than that

Forgot about this video too
SAHP robbery


May 11, 2021
here is james coming into our department chat to accuse us of not doing anything, when we were literally finishing up processing at DOC for an ng raid
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