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IMPORTANT Applications for the leader of party

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Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
1) The full information about the party and the candidates.
2) The program of the party (Ideology, Purpose, Objectives / Pre-election promises) Note * at least 4 campaign promises;
3) List of party members. Note: it is possible to add any ideas from yourself. (For example: Sponsors)
4) Party slogan and picture
5) The date of the creation
6) Criteria to become the member of the party.

Ron Atkin

Leader of unofficial org
Jul 3, 2021
The City’s Shield Party

About the Party
The City’s Shield Party was created with trust and public safety at the forefront of its key principles. The CSP strongly believes that the Government should be working around the clock to unite and protect the state of San Andreas. Ron Atkin, the party’s leader, has experienced some of the toughest parts of this state. Ron is a reformed criminal top dog who has fought his way to a position where he feels he can make a real impact. Ron’s deputies, Riku and Hannah, are also extremely experienced members of society and will aid the party in achieving its goals from ensuring a smooth running government to global events for the State. The rest of the party is built on trusted and strong-minded individuals who will motivate each other to be the best we can be every day.

  • “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.”

  • Defense and promotion of citizen's rights and peace.
  • Increased and proper training of law enforcement officers to ensure public safety.
  • Constant evolution of legislation to keep up with the wants and needs of the public.
  • Combating inequality and discrimination based on gender, race, religion or other beliefs.
  • Timely, meaningful and reliable disclosures about the Government's financial plans and actions.

Party Members/Endorsements
  • Candidate: Ron Atkin
  • Deputies: Riku Atkin, Hannah Blu
  • Chief of Staff: Tommo Atkin
  • Minister of Homeland Security: Jad Atkin
  • Minister of Finance: Aydin Atkin
  • Minister of DSD: Skye Blu
  • Director of USSS: Davante Kappasize
  • Director of IRS: Goro Takemura

  • LifeInvader​
  • National Guard​
  • Ponch Family​
  • FIB​

Date Created: 1/24/2022

  • Clean criminal record
  • Been in the city for at least 5 years
  • Have good knowledge of city laws
  • Knowledge of city rules
  • Excited about making the city a better place
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Teddy bear

May 8, 2021
Goto Future
Go to, we are one step ahead. Together We are stronger, and we will be. GoTo Was created in January 1st 2022.

WHY: I personally, Osama TeddyGoto am tired of all of this corruption, WE and i mean WE as citizens have been, assaulted, effected by all of these corrupt LEOS. Lets change that, lets make our state, place where everyone can live Safely.

EMS - one of the biggest issues with our State. We are currently under heavy shortage of doctors which causes horrible issues all around our city. Solution to this is going to be adjustive, We will start to give big amount of bonuses and reward to EMS as to employees to give them motivation and TO get more people in EMS.

Self defence - city is under heavy problem of bandits, robberies on highways has only gone up. We will allow National Guard to be able to patrol on Highway together with SAHP. Outside this, Self defence will become on of our top priorities,

Taking care of citizens - Unlike last Leadership, we will actually give out to people, by this i mean that we will have programs for Socially vulnerable, where well give out all necessary items that are needed to people in need, who cant afford or have problems in their life.

DOC - everyone agrees with me that DOC is always understaffed, so We will create program which in order to work your way up to Higher ranks you will have to be in service at DOC. Bonus system also will be made just to make sure no prisoner is left alone. Visitors will always be welcome to take tour around DOC and see how it works,

LAWS - unlike last leadership we will actually listen to people, start recruiting more staff and stop "Hiding" , In our email you will be able to suggest laws which we will definitely look into.

Party Members and Sponsors​

Governor - Osama Teddygoto
Deputy Governors -
Minister of Homeland Security - Harry Verlice
Director of Secret Service-
DSD Director-
DOC Director-
Shabah Verlice
Head of Department (SS) :
Attorney General:
Getrude Pedersen
Chief of Staff:
Department of Social Development:
Director of Secretary:


Goro Blu

Nov 17, 2021
1) The full information about the party and the candidates.
2) The program of the party (Ideology, Purpose, Objectives / Pre-election promises) Note * at least 4 campaign promises;
3) List of party members. Note: it is possible to add any ideas from yourself. (For example: Sponsors)
4) Party slogan and picture
5) The date of the creation
6) Criteria to become the member of the party.
Social Reform Party

The Social Reform Party was formed with the core idea of Protecting and Defending the citizens of this city against Social Injustices. Our party tends to introduce changes to Los Santos city in order to improve and enhance the city’s experience for all its citizens. Founded by Goro Blu (formerly Goro Takemura), the founder promises to dedicate himself to the betterment of the city and all its citizens. Having served two terms in the previous Government as the Homeland Minister and DOC Director, Goro has experience about the inner working of the Government along with the issues that plague our beloved city, he wants to enact new and Radical legislation to provide complete Transparency of the working of the Government to its citizens. Enforcing and introducing Stringent and harsher Women’s protection laws will be the focus of our government. Our party members are experienced with various aspects of the government and are working together to bring a Social Reform across Los Santos.


Protecting and Defending the citizens of Los Santos against Social Injustices.

  1. Introduction of RTI Act – This Act will allow Complete working transparency of the government towards the citizens of Los Santos
  2. Defend and promote Women’s right and equality by introducing new Act with sever punishment for crime against women
  3. Organizing campaigns to promote and spread awareness about Laws Protecting women within the city.
  4. Organize regular Job Recruitment Fairs for EMS and LEO’s
  5. Conducting regular and frequent State inspections of EMS and LEO’s
  6. Introduce new DOC services – Prisoner Transport and Prisoner Pickup
  7. Increase public outreach by organizing regular events for citizens of Los Santos to participate in
  8. Organize inter agency drills between Gov and LEO’s in order to improve response time and inter agency teamwork
Party Members

– Goro Blu
Deputy Governor – Hannah Blu
Speaker of the House/ State Advisor- Ron Atkin
Minister of Justice – Jack BluForrest
Minister of Homeland – Leon Kennedy
Minister of Finance – Stoney Blu
Minister of DSD - Skye Blu
Members of Party
Muha Alemdar
Shanziekat Blu
Valentino Khan
Anthony Valentine
Fred Fredrickson
Eleven Monroe
Riku Atkin
King Ponch
Ross Blu
Ismail Ponch
Shelsea Blu



Reform towards a Better, Brighter and Prosperous Society

  • EMS
  • FIB
  • NG
  • Ponch Family
  • DeepBlu Family


- Clean Background Check
- Over 6 Years in the City
- Knowledge and understanding of the Server Rules
- Knowledge and understanding of the City Legislation

Established: 21/01/2022
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Jonathan Thomas

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
Jun 28, 2021
The Following Players are selected for the The Leader of the Party Interview:

1. Goro Blu of the Social Reform Party
2. Ron Atkin of the City’s Shield Party

The interview is at 19:00 Sever Time on Monday (31/01/22)

Teddy bear

May 8, 2021
Goto Future
Go to, we are one step ahead. Together We are stronger, and we will be. GoTo Was created in January 1st 2022.

WHY: I personally, Osama TeddyGoto am tired of all of this corruption, WE and i mean WE as citizens have been, assaulted, effected by all of these corrupt LEOS. Lets change that, lets make our state, place where everyone can live Safely.

EMS - one of the biggest issues with our State. We are currently under heavy shortage of doctors which causes horrible issues all around our city. Solution to this is going to be adjustive, We will start to give big amount of bonuses and reward to EMS as to employees to give them motivation and TO get more people in EMS.

Self defence - city is under heavy problem of bandits, robberies on highways has only gone up. We will allow National Guard to be able to patrol on Highway together with SAHP. Outside this, Self defence will become on of our top priorities,

Taking care of citizens - Unlike last Leadership, we will actually give out to people, by this i mean that we will have programs for Socially vulnerable, where well give out all necessary items that are needed to people in need, who cant afford or have problems in their life.

DOC - everyone agrees with me that DOC is always understaffed, so We will create program which in order to work your way up to Higher ranks you will have to be in service at DOC. Bonus system also will be made just to make sure no prisoner is left alone. Visitors will always be welcome to take tour around DOC and see how it works,

LAWS - unlike last leadership we will actually listen to people, start recruiting more staff and stop "Hiding" , In our email you will be able to suggest laws which we will definitely look into.
  • Endorsements:
  • BRANDO Family
  • FIB

  • Clean criminal record
  • Have good knowledge of Laws
  • Goals to Save our city

Party Members and Sponsors​

Governor - Osama Teddygoto
Deputy Governors - Ghana Miller
Minister of Homeland Security - Harry Verlice
Director of Secret Service- Negan Argikadro
DSD Director- Kalicha Dzudzustavi
DOC Director- Shabah Verlice
Head of Department (SS) : Thomas Shelby
Attorney General: Getrude Pedersen
Department of Social Development: Gode Emora
Director of Secretary: Frocken Benedetti

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Dec 9, 2021
The Peaceful party

Hi my name is Jack Hunter I am the leader of the peaceful party. The peaceful party was created along time ago when I was just a kid. I had a rough life as my parents couldn't afford much not even a haircut so that's why I had to go bold. The only entertainment we had was the news. I was always interested in politics and I had a great opinion on it. My dream had always been to be a governor that the city loved and respected.
The peaceful party is about helping and making Los Santos a better place for all. Our main goal is to create a better environment for everyone and also make law enforcement more professional and better.

My promises
1 make a better environment for all
2 every decision me and my team make will always be best for citizens
3 make men and women both be respected
4 make women that are being harassed be heard
5 law enforcement including EMS and NG will be trained to be more professional and respectful
6 Have more women laws to protect the women of the city
7 EMS harresment will be not tolerated on both genders
8 have more job opportunities and more open recruitments for all law enforcement including EMS and NG
9 make the citizens feel welcome to tell me any of their opinions on law and rules
10 the capitol will host meditation sessions at least every week to make the city more calm (everyone is welcome)


" sometimes you must breathe "

Candidate: Jack Hunter
Deputies: Anthony blue
Minister of Homeland Security: Jacques wolf
Minister of Finance: Joey blue
Minister of DSD: Muha aldmender
Director of USSS:,Jay hustle eleven monroe
Director of IRS: Daniel yadavrao

How to join the peaceful party
5 years in the city
No active warnings
Clean record
No hand or face tattoos
Officially established on the 5/2/22

Goro Blu

Nov 17, 2021
1) The full information about the party and the candidates.
2) The program of the party (Ideology, Purpose, Objectives / Pre-election promises) Note * at least 4 campaign promises;
3) List of party members. Note: it is possible to add any ideas from yourself. (For example: Sponsors)
4) Party slogan and picture
5) The date of the creation
6) Criteria to become the member of the party.
Social Reform Party

The Social Reform Party was formed with the core idea of Protecting and Defending the citizens of this city against Social Injustices. Our party tends to introduce changes to Los Santos city in order to improve and enhance the city’s experience for all its citizens. Founded by Goro Blu (formerly Goro Takemura), the founder promises to dedicate himself to the betterment of the city and all its citizens. Having served two terms in the previous Government as the Homeland Minister and DOC Director, Goro has experience about the inner working of the Government along with the issues that plague our beloved city, he wants to enact new and Radical legislation to provide complete Transparency of the working of the Government to its citizens. Enforcing and introducing Stringent and harsher Women’s protection laws will be the focus of our government. Our party members are experienced with various aspects of the government and are working together to bring a Social Reform across Los Santos.


Protecting and Defending the citizens of Los Santos against Social Injustices.

  1. Introduction of RTI Act – This Act will allow Complete working transparency of the government towards the citizens of Los Santos
  2. Defend and promote Women’s right and equality by introducing new Act with sever punishment for crime against women
  3. Organizing campaigns to promote and spread awareness about Laws Protecting women within the city.
  4. Organize regular Job Recruitment Fairs for EMS and LEO’s
  5. Conducting regular and frequent State inspections of EMS and LEO’s
  6. Introduce new DOC services – Prisoner Transport and Prisoner Pickup
  7. Increase public outreach by organizing regular events for citizens of Los Santos to participate in
  8. Organize inter agency drills between Gov and LEO’s in order to improve response time and inter agency teamwork
Party Members

– Goro Blu
Deputy Governor – Hannah Blu
Speaker of the House/ State Advisor- Ron Atkin
Minister of Justice – Jack BluForrest
Minister of Homeland – Leon Kennedy
Minister of Finance – Stoney Blu
Minister of DSD - Skye Blu
Members of Party
Muha Alemdar
Shanziekat Blu
Valentino Khan
Anthony Valentine
Fred Fredrickson
Eleven Monroe
Riku Atkin
King Ponch
Ross Blu
Ismail Ponch
Shelsea Blu



Reform towards a Better, Brighter and Prosperous Society

  • EMS
  • FIB
  • NG
  • Ponch Family
  • DeepBlu Family


- Clean Background Check
- Over 6 Years in the City
- Knowledge and understanding of the Server Rules
- Knowledge and understanding of the City Legislation

Established: 21/01/2022


Jan 31, 2022
Welcome to Against All Odds, a new political paradigm party dedicated to "Health, Peace and Freedom for All". Founded by Joey Blu to fight Corruption, bringing unity within the city and fellow Orgs, the party is dedicated to building a brighter future for all of Los Santos City. Our party members are experienced in different aspect of government and are working together.


We aim to build a united force to drive our city towards a brighter and prosperous future and to make it a safer city for all sexes within the city.


o Preventing corruption within government – Introduction of new Act for this.
o Promise for SS to have top training and experience to be able to work hand in hand with other leo’s.
o Equal opportunity for all – Men and women get represented equally within the city.
o Open courts and transparent trials – no more email courts.
o Accountable to the people – Open to all suggestions that citizen’s may have to better the city.
o Implement a senate and a congress.

List of Party members

Governor – Joey Blu
Deputy Governor – Hannah Blu
Minister of Homeland – Goro Blu
Minister of Justice – Skye Blu
Minister of DSD – Shanzikat Blu
Minister of Finance – Stoney StevenBlu
Director of USSS – Leon Kennedy
Director of DOC – Yazan Error
Subject to possible changes in the future.

Members of party
Shanzikat Blu
Pablo Blu
Stoney StevenBlu
Yazan Error
Fred Bluson
Shelsea Blu
Anthony Blu
Jack Blu
King Panch
Enemy Wisher
Guzman Error
Alex Blu
Eleven Monroe
Jack Hunter
Desmond Wisher

Slogan: Against all odds we will make it!


1. Deepblu
2. EMS
3. Royal Elite


Requirement to join the Light Party

- Clean background
- over 6 Years in the city
- Knowledge of server rule

Established: 11/02/2022
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Jonathan Thomas

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
Jun 28, 2021
The Following Players are selected for the The Leader of the Party Interview:

1. Joey Blu of The Against All Odds party
2. Goro Blu of the Social Reform Party

The interview is at 19:00 Sever Time on Saturday (12/02/22)

Ashhar Baba

Deputy Chief Of SAHP
Nov 15, 2021
The Labor Party
Security For The Future, And Work For Everyone

About the "The Labor Party"​

Labor's vision is a fair world without poverty and in peace, where people are free, equal

and influence their lives. All people are unique, irreplaceable and just as much worth. Each of us should have the opportunity to live a good life, in small and large communities. We want a society based on freedom, solidarity and equal opportunities for everyone.


Our ideology, or basic vision or social view if you want, social democracy.
We build our policy on the basic values of freedom, equality and solidarity.


- Safe jobs and a salary it is possible to live, is crucial for the individual's freedom and for the community. We live on each other's work in San Andreas. The right to work and the right to provide is fundamental. Work to everyone is therefore our main priority. It is unemployment that costs, both for society and the individual. For the Labor Party, no task is more important than getting the whole people in work.

- The society should be safe and provide opportunities. For everyone, regardless of gender, complexion, faith,
functional ability and sexual orientation. We will never accept discrimination, hates and threats to individuals or groups.

- The oil and gas industry has been and is important for the development of San Andreas. Talent workers have created an industry that is very Competetive. The Labor Party will help develop the oil and gas industry further.

- Mental health is as important as physical health. We must step up the prevention of mental health problems and ensure that it becomes easier to get help when such ailments occur.

- Clarify the responsibilities of the ambulance service and fire and the rescue service, and compensate families of which the rescue service did not come in time.


- Voting In Smaller Cases
- No Corruption/Tax Fraud
- Improve Law Enforcement Training
- Faster Rescue Service
- Work For Everyone
- No Discrimination
- Reduce price of Gun License 9K




- NG

- F.I.B


Party Members​

Candidate :​

Kellvin Miller

Deputy :

Poppy Lasombra

Minister Of Finance :

Munna Master

Minister Of DSD :

April Rune

Attorney General :

Havoc McKenna

Director Of USSS :

Pablo Schmidt​

Director Of DOC :

Tanju Gunduz​

Director Of Capitol Security :

Anthony Blu​

Requirments for joining TLB​

- Clean Criminal record
- Been in the city for at least 5 years
- Have good knowledge of City laws Knowledge of City Rules
- Excited About Making the city a better place

Date Party Was Created:

Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
1) The full information about the party and the candidates.
2) The program of the party (Ideology, Purpose, Objectives / Pre-election promises) Note * at least 4 campaign promises;
3) List of party members. Note: it is possible to add any ideas from yourself. (For example: Sponsors)
4) Party slogan and picture
5) The date of the creation
6) Criteria to become the member of the party.
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Fred Fredrickson

Jan 14, 2022
The People’s Choice Party

The Voice we deserve , the change we need


The People’s Choice Party was formed in 2019 , by few idealists working at different clerical jobs in the city. The party’s creator , Pablo Schmidt was working as a Deputy Head of department, cheif of staff, Deputy of USSS to the Governor , had clawed his way up in the government. Due to immense increase in the city’s crime rate , and the Governor failing the city , Pablo defected from his party , and took it upon themselves and took the responsibility of the upbringing of the city and uphold of integrity of the city. Moved by the movement , started by Pablo, other like minded idealists joined him and formed the people’s choice party on , 28.03.2022 , the holy and auspicious day of festival of lights.

Pablo Schmidt , the Governor candidate , has been working in the government for the past 20 years , has vast experience in running the government and has been doing splendid work as a Deputy head of department, USSS Deputy director and cheif of staff.


The most basic ideology that every member of The People’s Choice Party uphold is giving Economic freedom and structuring the civil rights and ensuring equality for all citizens of the state.

The only purpose of the party is to maintain security and the efficient running of the state of Los Santos, where we promise a secure and beautiful neighbourhood, and everyone lives in harmony and peace.

Objectives :-
We will be focusing mainly on four different sectors , which includes , the State Organizations , the owner’s of the business , the common men , the criminals.

The State Organizations will be provided with all the top-notch facilities , which well help them make the city crime free , but will not tolerate any abuse of power. We will constantly keep checking the running of the state organizations.
The owner’s of the business will be able to pay the least taxes , for their contribution to the state of Los Santos , and will be rewarded for their help to raise the economy in the state.
The first priority would be the safety of the common man , so that he can live a safe and happy life. The government will be providing lot of job opportunities to fulfill his daily needs.
There will zero tolerance policy against criminals , all the criminals will be sentenced with harshest punishments, so that the city would be crime free. Anyone detained will be given a chance to prove him not guilty, if a person is wrongly accused , the state will be compensating and the officer in charge will be punished for the following.

Members of the Party.
Governor- Pablo Schmidt
Deputy Governor - April Rune
Minister of justice - Poppy Lasombra
Minister of Homeland- Stoney Steven
Minister of DSD- Patches McBob
Minister of finance- Fred Fredickson
Director USSS - Munna Master
Director DOC - Bonnie Blackmood

Criteria to become a party member
Have a Clean background and has no gang affiliation
- over 05 Years in the city
- Knowledge of server rules.
- Knowledge of the city legislation as will be laid out by the party.
I have never joined this party or accepted to be minister. I have never heard of it.
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