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Jul 28, 2022

1. Your name IRL-Shamus

2. Your age- 16

3. Time zone- US CT

4. Average online per day- 3-5 weekdays
8-12 weekends

5. Your Discord- CayoPerico#6691

6. Your Nickname-Jamol Valentino

7. Your ID-181974

Additional information

1. Leader of... Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. I would like to be the leader of Ballas cause I believe I have the experience required to have it. I have been HC in several gangs and just got deputy in bloods.

2. The Ballas were the first gang I was ever in and I would like to bring them to the top while also getting 100% turf and no.1 in events. This is where I learned all of the rules of the server and where I made many friends and I want to have others make friends like I did.

3. I have a good idea of how I would like to run things improving on mistakes I have seen past leaders make I would like to work on fairness in a gang making sure everyone is satisfied and getting feedback to improve if someone wanted to leave.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

If I became leader of Ballas I would be very specific on who invite to the organization not so much on your city level but how much you know about different RP situations. Making sure you know all of the basic information about RP, I would also work on making sure that all rules are followed and if a rule was broken and someone of the gang sees it, to report it to me so I can teach them how the scenario should have gone. I won't invite anyone who doesn't know basic rules, if you didn't know you couldn't shoot in hq, that's ok I will simply inform you that you can't and if I feel you can remember that, I will invite you. Overall I would make sure nobody is breaking rules of RP.

-Thank you for your consideration
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