- Joined
- May 15, 2022
- Messages
- 1,156
1. Your Name IRL: Eliya.
2. Your Age: 18
3. Time Zone: Gmt+3
4. Average Online: per day 10+ hours
5. Your Discord: Elon Moooooooosk#7118
6. Your Nickname: Elon Moose
7. Your ID: 128029
1. Leader of FIB
First of all i would like to thank you for reading my application i really appreciate it.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 Because from the moment I discovered FIB and I saw the Level of the roleplay in the organization, I knew that this Organization is made for me so I worked hard and I got promotions then I got to Deputy Director then to Temporary Leader and I would Like to continue What White Wade started and make the Organization active as it was during my temporary Leadership with no favoritism, toxicity in the Organization. FIB is the Family that we made together and I will make sure to continue the legacy with those people who I met During the last term and keep it for other terms as well.
2.2 Since I was the Ex DHOD of HR&T I can easily find out the errors and the problems in the Organization and fix the problems of ranking, numbers and Inactivity and Continues the Event system that I did in SAHP and during my Temporary Leadership to make the FIB Roleplay more fun for the Legal organization and the FIB agents.
I will keep the relationships between organizations good and handle everything so there would be no conflicts inside the organization and outside the org as well.
We will be improving the system of the undercover department by getting a successful undercover team with a hard worker HOD who will last till the last day of my term and I will make sure to review those casefiles myself and making a new bonus system to motivate the UC agents and a new evidence-gathering system.
and as I said in my last application to make the organization funnier “I want to work with the admin team and leaders of both criminal and legal organizations to make this city as fun as possible for everyone, especially Legals and FIB."
2.3 Since six months ago I joined the city I have been In SAHP and I started on from the lowest rank possible and I got a high command position by working hard and exerting effort. After this I continued my journey by joining the FIB. During those Six months I met a lot of Leaders and I was close enough to them, I saw their mistakes and achievements, this will help in not repeating those mistakes again. I think I have gained enough experience from them to Lead this organization with fewer mistakes.
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
-Doing IC Global events which will include other leos , gangs and as well citizens so people trust FIB as a Keeper and protector of the city.
-I want to resolve everything IC-ly without breaking the character and going on forums so no one's rp gets destroyed.
- Take more advantage of /me and /do commands.
- Weekly events with bonuses to the agents in order to motivate them.
(Examples.: the agent with the most amount of confiscations, the agent with the most arrests and …)
- Doing a Promotion ceremony in a week for the agents
- Assigning specific undercover agents to every legal org and Illegal orgs to keep an eye on any illegal activities performed to stop the corruption.
- Regular organized Outer City patrols which will be coordinated with other organizations,
- Doing more special training with other orgs.
- making sure every single agent has knowledge of the state legislation.
-What I want is to ensure that under my leadership the FIB RP will be the best it has ever been in this city.
2. Your Age: 18
3. Time Zone: Gmt+3
4. Average Online: per day 10+ hours
5. Your Discord: Elon Moooooooosk#7118
6. Your Nickname: Elon Moose
7. Your ID: 128029
1. Leader of FIB
First of all i would like to thank you for reading my application i really appreciate it.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 Because from the moment I discovered FIB and I saw the Level of the roleplay in the organization, I knew that this Organization is made for me so I worked hard and I got promotions then I got to Deputy Director then to Temporary Leader and I would Like to continue What White Wade started and make the Organization active as it was during my temporary Leadership with no favoritism, toxicity in the Organization. FIB is the Family that we made together and I will make sure to continue the legacy with those people who I met During the last term and keep it for other terms as well.
2.2 Since I was the Ex DHOD of HR&T I can easily find out the errors and the problems in the Organization and fix the problems of ranking, numbers and Inactivity and Continues the Event system that I did in SAHP and during my Temporary Leadership to make the FIB Roleplay more fun for the Legal organization and the FIB agents.
I will keep the relationships between organizations good and handle everything so there would be no conflicts inside the organization and outside the org as well.
We will be improving the system of the undercover department by getting a successful undercover team with a hard worker HOD who will last till the last day of my term and I will make sure to review those casefiles myself and making a new bonus system to motivate the UC agents and a new evidence-gathering system.
and as I said in my last application to make the organization funnier “I want to work with the admin team and leaders of both criminal and legal organizations to make this city as fun as possible for everyone, especially Legals and FIB."
2.3 Since six months ago I joined the city I have been In SAHP and I started on from the lowest rank possible and I got a high command position by working hard and exerting effort. After this I continued my journey by joining the FIB. During those Six months I met a lot of Leaders and I was close enough to them, I saw their mistakes and achievements, this will help in not repeating those mistakes again. I think I have gained enough experience from them to Lead this organization with fewer mistakes.
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
-Doing IC Global events which will include other leos , gangs and as well citizens so people trust FIB as a Keeper and protector of the city.
-I want to resolve everything IC-ly without breaking the character and going on forums so no one's rp gets destroyed.
- Take more advantage of /me and /do commands.
- Weekly events with bonuses to the agents in order to motivate them.
(Examples.: the agent with the most amount of confiscations, the agent with the most arrests and …)
- Doing a Promotion ceremony in a week for the agents
- Assigning specific undercover agents to every legal org and Illegal orgs to keep an eye on any illegal activities performed to stop the corruption.
- Regular organized Outer City patrols which will be coordinated with other organizations,
- Doing more special training with other orgs.
- making sure every single agent has knowledge of the state legislation.
-What I want is to ensure that under my leadership the FIB RP will be the best it has ever been in this city.