My name is Kulio McBuscuit, I will go into great detail and explain the reason for why I attacked the said players.
The reporting party has not uploaded the
full video to what happened prior to these two incidents. Prior to this event my friends and I came across these people who we wanted to talk to, yet they decided to insult us, warn us,
and pull their weapons and aim them towards us, giving us demands to leave or we will be
''clapped on sight'' ( I have a video recording of him saying that ID: 129669 - Adam Smiley).
Proof 1 ( Our interaction with the reporting party proving that
we did have prior interaction ) :
Proof 2 ( At this moment, the reporting party has
insulted us, and has given us a very harsh
warning that if we are to be seen again, we will
''be clapped'' on sight with no questions asked ) :
The reporting party
including family members have
shot at us FIRST, dealing
significant damage to my friend and I in the process, I'm sure
logs can prove this.
Proof 1 ( The reporting party
shooting at us and
escalating prior to the video of me shooting at the reporting party ) :
Proof 2 :
Upon regaining my health, I decided to go down the black market and buy myself a sniper rifle so that I can have my revenge. I climbed a building that overlooks
their families headquarters and shoot at them, killing some of them in the process seen in the reporting parties videos.
In my opinion I had more than enough RP reasons to attack the reporting party as they have
insulted, warned and shot at us first.
If Staff Members see otherwise, I will accept your decision and learn from it and I will also apologize to the reporting party for the mistakes I have done.
Kulio out.