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Victoria Valkyrie

Sep 21, 2021
1.Your name IRL: Furkan
2. Your age: 23
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day: 5-10 hours a day
5. Your Discord: FurKhaaN#1342
6. Your Nickname: Victoria Valkyrie
7. Your ID: N/A
8. I want to be the curator of the crime section or state section: State

Why do you want to become an admin?

I witnessed start of the server EN 2 and saw what happened, what need it (player and admin side). Also I have experience on EN 1 but my EN 2 experience better than it.
I love to help, teach something to people for improve their gameplay, I always did like that. Now there is a chance for it. I'm really excited because this server will be new, fresh and awesome. I want to use my experience in EN 2 to subsidize and improve server startup issues and moderation and give this server a much bigger start for EN 3.
This server gonna start soon and there is important time for launch. First administrator team has a big importance because; If a solid foundation is laid for the server, then the admins, and therefore the players, will be better affected by this. I witnessed the server opening as an player. Now, I want to testify as an admin and work at an energetic pace to provide a much better experience with solid foundations, to teach people, and to increase player's entertainment.

Experiences as an administrator GrandRP | EN 2
Experiences as employee, HC, Deputy Leader in all LEO Orgs.

What are your strengths?

- High level communication skills
- Helpfulness
- Well team work
- Honest
- Creative, positive and friendly

What are your greatest weaknesses?

- Outspoken
- Impatient sometimes, although not excessively
- The fact that I am prescriptive, can sometimes bore people. Actually, I just want to uphold justice.
- Squeamish sometimes

Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?

Will you be ready to sell your business?
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