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Ram Pluxury

Aug 14, 2022

1. Your name IRL : Manohar Yaseen
2. Your age :22
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day : 7-9 Hours
5. Your Discord: RamPluxury#7940
6. Your Nickname: Ram Pluxury
7. Your ID: En3 N/A En1: 90698 En2 : 54187

Note :I am Previous Leader of Ballas in En2 and i had Much Gang Experience as Deputies & Hc in Both En1 & En2

Additional information

1. Leader of...
Bloods Street Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I Want to be a leader of this Bloods Street Gang to improve my RP experience, and I will give better gang experience .
2. I have much Gangs experience. i will put my efforts on my organization to make most active gang in events and situation
3. I think with both my age and experience I am mature enough and strong as a leader to maintain balance .

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

  • every organization need A good high command to make most active gang in city and give much rp training to newcomers
  • I was mature at my Age in Ic and OCC u will see my Gang members also same . They respect everyone They Will Act like Mature in Situations even if Im not there
  • I will Provide Bonus To my members After every Successful Events to Boost to confidence and Energy
  • Im Never Encourage Favouritism . if anyone Need Rankup they will Need to gain or Earn
  • I will Try to contact some streamers To make some content in En3 I think This is the Best way to attract the peoples to City and also i will give them to versatile Opportunities to make content also
  • I Don’t have Ego or not feeling Gulity . If i dont know Something I will ask To Seniors ones and Take Their Help . I will always consider everyone Tips even they are Lower commands
Thank you
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