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Nyx Liu

ha? hakdog.
Oct 19, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Joyce
2. Your age: 25
3. Time zone: GMT+8
4. Average online per day: 6hrs+
5. Your Discord: NYX#0101
6. Your Nickname: Nyx Bolo
7. Your ID: N/A

Additional information
1. Leader of Lifeinvader.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • I led this organization in EN City 2 from February to April and July to September (four successful terms without any warning, kudos to the team!) and made a remarkable improvements and contributions to the organization. I think benchmarking what we did in EN City 2 will greatly help the organization grow in the new city.

  • I’m a team player. I listen to others and respect their ideas, communicate effectively to people, solve a problem, offer help to those in need and celebrate small wins in life. I’m also a passionate and organize person. I love to prepare and organize things ahead of time to execute it perfectly.

  • I want to build a great workplace to the Invaders because they are the most valuable asset of the organization. Happy Invaders are productive workers!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

  • I will find/hire competitive high commands. I believe that these people will play a significant role to improve the rp experience in the organization by actively leading and managing their respective department.

  • I will hire reliable employees/staff for each department - Ads, Creative, Journalism. First priority will be the Ads Department, followed by Creative Department and last is the Journalism Department.
    1. Ads is the face of Lifeinvader. People see these on their day to day RP life. I will make sure that each newly hired employee on this department will undergo proper training (introducing the LI Policy and how to use PDA) before putting them into actual work and coach them if they experience any difficulty while working. Proper training and coaching will lead to quality work.
    2. Creative team bring ideas into reality. They will help the organization to plan, promote and host regular fun events that people will definitely enjoy (aside from Talent Show). They will also support with clients request like business promotion, family promotion, private events planning etc. I will train them based on my experience with hosting events, creating promo materials and many more.
    3. Journalists will keep the people updated with current events. Even though the city is new, I will find/hire aspirant journalists and reporters that can roam around the city to scoop news, conduct interviews, cover events and make contents such as articles and videos.

  • Effective bonus system and compensations to celebrate employee’s achievements and recognize their hard work.
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