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Rodrego Warburg

Out Of Service
Apr 14, 2022



3.GMT +3

4.Average online per day: 3 – 6 hours.

5. King Bashar#8412

6.Rodrego Gracia


Additional information:

1.Leader of LSPD.

A. I’ve been working in PD for many terms, and I get to high ranks step by step, meanwhile when I was getting a higher rank, I saw in most of terms how the ranking system is, and I think I’ll be able to make the best ranking system for LSPD.
B. All organizations have their own departments, but LSPD is kind of a mix between many organizations, like giving fines, towing cars, patrolling, and arresting...
So, I’m planning to make 4 main departments for LSPD, each one will get quests to due during my period of leading LSPD and they’ll be looking forward making LSPD better.
The departments:
- They’ll be the main guide for all employees of LSPD, they will not be any employees, they’ll be the expert employees, if any employee confused with something, they’ll be the first to respond and help them figure out how things work.
Parking Enforcement – Their responsibility to keep the streets of Los Santos clean out of empty illegally parked cars, and to make this better than expected, they’ll not be doing LSPD main work, and the point of this, to get as many towers cleaning the streets at the same time.
Detectives – Their main job is to get as much evidence as possible to catch those who try to make the city unsafe, and uncomfortable to live in, and they’ll be conducting their work with F.I.B.
S.W.A.T – It’s not going to be easy to choose these units, LSPD expects these units to do a lot for the country, they’ll be taking priority in robberies, and banditries, and they’ll be planning for the whole LSPD about how to deal with the situations.
C. With EN3 now beginning, Los Santos will need a leader passionate and dedicated to creating a strong foundation of LSPD. With hours of experience and even more hours spent training those in the field, I hold a strong knowledge on how to traverse this difficult upcoming path.
3. I will always prioritize my officers and their knowledge of the rules. For example, if there is an ongoing NG raid, I will ensure all units respond except for parking enforcement. Should a gang failRP, my first action would be solving this IC and making this a learning experience rather than immediately attempting to get them banned from an admin.

Kareem Zuma

Oct 19, 2021
interviews will be today between 15-19 server time
and dm me in discord asap
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