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Rejected Nick Rune | DHOD of Undercover. FIB Biography.

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Nick Rune

Jul 1, 2021
Name: Nick Rune
Gender: Male
Age: 21
DOB: 02/11/1999
Nationality: Indian, American
Place of Birth: India, Mumbai
Residence: Los Santos, San Andreas, USA
Parents: James, Janita
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 140lbs
Body Type: Fit,Aesthetic
Eye Color:Black
Hair Color: Black
Facial Hair: Trimmed beard.
Other Defining Features: Tattoos on Both Hands

Early life in Mumbai :
Nick was born in 1999 in stable city of Mumbai where his father was a Specialist in AI technologies and a mother who was Computer Engineer. His father was living in Mumbai due to project which was ending in 2015. In 2016, when Nick's family was moving back to NYC, plane crashed. Both of them died in plane crash. Nick was one of the few survivors in that crash.

Early hardships in Los santos and San Andreas :
When he opened his eyes he realised that he is in some hopital named Los santos City Hospital and surrounded by unknown people. He lived all his life in India. So everything there, was new to him. His father used to tell him stories about american cities and two of them were Los Santos and San Andreas. Due to young age and lack of knowledge, he was working at part time jobs. He would work 15 hours a day at 3 different jobs such as slavery in farm in morning, electrician in afternoon and locksmith in evening just to put food on table.

Criminal life :
Life Nick was living was destroying his mental stability. Due to unstable mind, he would yell at supervisors at work. eventually he was fired from all jobs. Now, He was 17 years old with very low money in hands. Everyday, grief and sorrow of losing his parents was eating him alive.
One day, Nick was buying food at store, 2 guys in green clothes came to him and asked for money while keeping on gun point. He gave them all of his money and told them to kill him or he would kill himself. Now, both of them were confused. Nick saw opportunity and took one of guys' gun and tried to do suicide but shot was missed and now he was blacked out on the floor.
Again, when Nick opened his eyes he realised he is in unknown place but, this time it was not any hospital. It was someone's home. One guy with green shirt came in and gave him some food to eat. Nick was confused. Guy introduced himself as Mike Luigi who was leader of Gang called Families.
Nick told Mike everything about his life. Mike gave him one home on rental on rental and as a rent, he would distribute guns to gang members. Mike was father figure to him. He taught him how to drive, how to use guns. Nick learned alot about guns, ammunition. Nick would always sit in HQ, distribute guns and practice gun in range while his fellow friends in gang were killing and robbing people. Nick talked to Mike about that, but Mike was not allowing him because he thought he is too young to do that. To prove him wrong one day, he took a gang car, went to state of San Andreas and shot 2 SAHP officers who were on patrol. Officers were better at everything due to their training. IIn the end, he was forced to surrender.

Short Life in EMS and turning point:
In jail, during processing, officers asked for name and proof of identification. Nick gave officers his expired Driving License and told name "Nick Rune". One of the officers were shocked. Shocked officer asked, "What happened to your father ?" Nick replied,"They died in plane crash 3 years ago." Officer showed his ID and introduced himself as 'Jimmy Rune'. Nick was shocked. Jimmy was Nick's Uncle. After completing jail time, Jimmy shared his apartment with Nick and also helped him get a job at Emergency Medical Services.
In EMS, he worked hard and reached position of Junior EMT.
Usual day in EMS, there was call about 1 deeply wounded officer, Nick hopped in ambulance with 2 EMTs and drove their but, to his surprise, that wounded officer was Nick's Uncle. He took him to hospital, but he died on the way to hospital. Nick had seen a lot peoples' death but, that death was most heartbreaking for him.
Nick asked investigating officers what happened but, no one had no idea. One day Nick was driving home from hospital in San Andreas to his home. During route, he was requested pull over by SAHP car with 2 officers. Nick pulled over. SAHP officer fined him for driving over speed limit. When one of the SAHP officer was writing fine to Nick, officer got a bullet in his stomach due to shootout by 2 guys in red clothes. Nick was ducked inside vehicle. He got out and took a cover on one side of car. Nick always had first aid kit in his car. He took first aid kit and stopped wounded officer's bleeding temporarily while other officer was fighting those guys. Nick took wounded officer's gun and told that officer that he will help them. Officer insisted not to because backup was on the way but Nick's urge to use weapons took best of his mind. Due to a lot of range drills during his time in gang, he wounded 1 of them but it was too late, other officer got shot in alot of places that he would barely shoot. Nick fought that guy until backup came. Nick took alot of shots on both hands.Now, Backup was at scene, they helped Nick take down last guy and took both wounded officers to hospital. By taking gun in hands, Nick broke oath in EMS so he was fired from EMS. Wounds became marks on his hands. To hide those horrors he painted tattoo on both of his hands.

Life as SAHP officer :
By taking down those 2 guys, Nick realised his potential and decided to apply for SAHP officer. He got accepted in SAHP. In SAHP, Nick would go on patrol everyday with his higherups and arrest offenders who were carrying illegal goods,weapons, drugs.
Nick had to learn all penal codes in state in order to arrest offenders.Due to everyday practice, Nick had pretty good knowledge about most penal codes in states.
Due to his consistency, He earned a position of Deputy the 3rd.
In SAHP, Nick learned importance of hidden bodycams when one of the offenders ran away and Nick did not had proof of him running.
During patrol in state of san andreas, Nick saw group of four people near quarry. His higher command told him to stay in vehicle and keep eye on them. Two of those guys opened trunk of vehicle and pulled out some gun to sho other guys. Due to Nick's knowledge in gun, he told his high commanding officer that those are illegal, after that other two guys pulled out tazer, started aiming at guys near vehicle trunk and told them surrender. One of the guys with tazer holstered tazer and cuffed them one by one. Nick was confused. His higher commanding officer ordered him to assist them, so he assisted them. Those 2 guys were undercover FIB agents. Agents thanked SAHP officers including Nick and they left.
By this incident, Nick was thrilled and wanted to join FIB.

Life as FIB agent :
When Nick was off duty, he looked for FIB's HQ in city. He went there and called one of the agents to come to reception. Nick asked about procedure to join FIB. Agent provided him details to join FIB.
Nick barely completed every requirement in application andgot called for interview. He passed interview and became Junior Agent at age of 19. He worked hard in FIB by collecting evidences on gangs and catching wanted criminals. He and his fellow colleagues made a big dent in criminal underworld of Los Santos and keep doing undercover work daily for 2 years
Nick moved fast trough the ranks and in Fall of 2021 at age of 22, Nick became Deputy Head of Undercover Department.

Outcomes :
  • Nick will always have a bodycam recording around hostile situations.
  • Showing no fear to 2 or less people ,being able to try his best to talk him self out of the situation where 2 or less people are holding him hostage at gunpoint. He is not afraid to use his combat training when he sees an opportunity to get out by using force.
  • Nick is incorruptible , wont take any amount if someone tries to bribe him .
  • If Nick was in a situation where someone is taking him as hostage he would rather die then give any Intel to kidnappers.
  • When Nick is in trouble, he is able to pick up guns and ammunition while having his weapon out from his enemies and fallen targets, except when he is under heavy fire.
  • Nick can torture criminals in order to get intel.
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