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Abby Lopez

Ex.LI Deputy Leader.
Aug 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Menna
2. Your age :
3. Time zone : GMT+2
4. Average online per day : 8-10 hrs
5. Your Discord : Phobia#5534
6. Your Nickname : Menna Demoness
7. Your ID : 189340
Addition information
1. Leader of LifeInvader
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1- I have been in LifeInvader for like 4 months, I have served this organization with dedication.
2- I reached "Head Executive" position, as a high command i had alot of experience that give me a chance to become a Leader of this Organization.
3- i would like to see more changes in LifeInvader as i see that this organization should be more professional as it is one of the most organizations in the city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. LikeSelect for moderation
1- i would like to make more IC events for LifeInvader employees as we could strengthen the bond between them such as Competitions & Parties.
2- I would like to use "Amphitheater" in the Promotion's ceremony as i see it will motivate our employees So, they can put more effort in their work.
3- We can also make a daily newspaper for IC news and trendings which make citizens more aware and updated of IC news.
4- Numbers should be focused on especially with the heavy numbers of citizens who joined the City as we should provide the same quality of service to the increased number of citizens joined.

Gabby Lopez

Apr 27, 2022
The right position for the right person.
Menna was always supportive and always welling for better LI.
Hard worker and helper for each person of us, been the most active high command for awhile and helpful for every customer.

When you need the best leader ..you will find Menna always in the place.

Aleyna Riley

Sep 9, 2022
lifeinvader leader should be changed and many things in lifeinvader should be fixed, according to observations i think menna has this potential.
We were very lucky to have a leader like Effy, fortunately we coincided with her being the leader, we all love her very much and she is a very good leader. She don't have time at these days so she have to step down, and it is harder than you think handle a organization,control all people. If you wanna support someone dont denigrate another one because of your personal issues:)


Ex LifeInvader Head Executive
May 16, 2022
We were very lucky to have a leader like Effy, fortunately we coincided with her being the leader, we all love her very much and she is a very good leader. She don't have time at these days so she have to step down, and it is harder than you think handle a organization,control all people. If you wanna support someone dont denigrate another one because of your personal issues:)
I didn't directly denigrate her by using effy's name here. with the simplest example,there are too many false advertisements in lifeinvader and the employees should be informed more about this, I expressed my opinion as I don't think it's managed well enough at the moment. Also, I haven't spoken to effy personally so far,how do you say i have a problem with personally lol. Also, don't think so narrowly. even if i had a personal problem it wouldn't have anything to do with li management.
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