Okay so I am still mad and confused, I got 60k fine for this and I do not understand how this happened and why it happened. I was running to parking lot from casino, when midway I had to go fast afk because of personal reasons not affiliated with the pc. When I come back which is like after good 10mins, im next to the doc being in a police car. As he explained, he searched me for some reason which is more well known for him, arrested me for having ILLEGAL FIB SHOTGUN and the thing which is crazy is that I have no idea how fib shotgun was in my inventory, honestly. I admit I had revolver and circumsised shotgun but i never had fib shotgun in my inventory. I dont know, this situation is mad sketchy, I have suspicion that he just saw me afk and decided to make some money and arrest me. Cuz I left my character in a city zone, under a bridge, where barely are no people and chances of getting into RP there are super low, but as it turns out never zero. I am really upset with this situation, with loosing 60k for this stupidity and loosing 1hour of play by being jailed.