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Charlie Sensei

Aug 21, 2021
1. David
2. 19
3. UTC +3 // GMT +4
4. 6-8hrs
5. nebyx#5304
6. Charlie Sensei
7. EN3:1238 EN1: 21642, EN2: 609, ITA: 141, DE1: 1203, PT: 308. (servers, where I have actively, played) If Russian grand counts, I'm 27k ID on the second server.

Additional information

1. Vagos Gang.

2.(1) First of all and mainly, I have decided to become a gang leader as a consequence of the current situation, new English server is about to open, and its always so much fun to feel fresh beginning RP experience (fun is the first thing that makes me play this videogame and especially grandRP), starting up with powerful gang will eventually help me to take over the city, and at the same time will let me create a lot of memorable adventures (everything in connection with clean and non rule-breaking Role Play)

2.(2) Will surely be leading the family as soon as server releases. (Indeed, have been the leader of a few official and unofficial organizations on Grand RP projects throughout my 2-year experience, started playing on Russian grand projects when English server wasn't even existing).

2.(3) At the end i would like to clarify leadership qualities that I found in myself after spending a reasonable amount of time as a leader:
- Management skills - Clear, direct communication with all members.
- Multilingual - Can speak different languages which will help me communicate with foreign people. (Fluent in: Georgian, English, Russian. Can understand and talk a bit: Italian, French and a bit of Armenian.

3.(1) My Effort to make rp experience better:

Firtly, I consider Before-invite interview as one of the most important things to make sure that all the members know the Server Rules and will not damage others game experience with their lack of knowledge. If player fails interview(Done by high command) on his/her first time, we will compensate another chance from him/her to improve knowledge.

3.(2) As a leader i will do my best and show my members only great examples of playing actual IC Situations.

3.(3). No Doubt Will Attent every gang event, as well as will manage other IC/Gang Activities such as: Hostage Situation, Store Robberies, Ghetto Robberies/Kidnapping etc. , Turf team ready, graffiti team ready, FZ tactics made awaiting to execute and more.

3.(4). I will have kind of members-get-paid System working, Which in simple words means - depending on their effort member will get paid calculated amount.

3.(5). Have warnings system for members, in case of gang member breaking a Server/Game rule Or will not follow commands Comms/demands will be given warning. Warning type sits around 0.5 - 2points, if member did something that damaged Gangs face and its considered lot serious rather than Failing Rp and getting demorganned, member wi get punished with 2 warning points, 0.5 and 1 is for less serious cases. Limit of warning points

3.(6). As far as I'm concerned, the connection between players and administration is most important for the process of producing pure Roleplay. Hands down, mentioned communication has to be easily accessible, with the feedback of actual players(a group of people who are an engine of the project), I hardly believe that the server will grow, nowadays grand RP is the biggest GTA V project worldwide and to my mind, improving given subject will make the server much more progressive. And with my stable connection to administration i will be more than happy to make it easier for my gang members to comunicate with administration.

With pleasure, yours cheerfully David in-game known as Charlie Sensei.
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