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Ben Smith | 1340
May 28, 2022
Organization: LSPD

Name: Ben Smith
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: Qatar
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: None
Strengths: Good Shooter, Good Driver (Cars, Bikes, and Boats), Good at Following Orders, Can Remain Calm in Intense Situations, Multi-Lingual (3 Languages), Good Communicator, Good Leader, Fast Runner, Fast Swimmer, Conscience of Staying Fit at all times, Puts in the best effort when performing any task, Can make good relations with people I meet.
Weakness: Don't like saying no to close ones, Might make impulsive decisions when it comes to family or friends, Bad at driving air vehicles, Easily distracted.

Life & Career Story:
Ben Smith was born in Qatar, a prosperous middle eastern country, to 2 not so well to do police officers. He never got to experience the best of what he could in Qatar during his teenage due to financial problems within his family. Ben was constantly bullied by seniors in school who thought of him as nothing but just an autistic child, but no one knew about his smartness. He never gave up because of his problems, fought till he could, and became a savior for those bullied in school. At age ten, he started working with an illegal arms dealer who had his outpost in the area where Ben lived. Ben always knew he had to someday work with him to pull his family out of such a bad situation and make a lot more money, and he had been researching ways to deal with arms and work with this criminal organization. At first, his job was to export arms through police check posts to deliver them on the other side of multiple state borders. Being a kid, no one suspected him, and he worked his best for the arms dealer and made his way up in the organization's hierarchy. He gained a lot of experience from this, but when his parents learned about it, they shamefully kicked him out of his home and didn't accept a single penny from his earnings. Ben was disappointed and approached his organization's leader again, sending him to the beautiful city of Los Santos to work as their leading man. The day he reached, he started working in small jobs to understand the city and its people and gained experience from it while also checking the local black market and the secrets of the darknet. He then applied to SAHP but was rejected, and from there, he started learning about the knowledge needed to get into a legal organization. He worked his way up into the National Guard by attending their mass recruitment sessions in General Richard Sole's term and managed to get promoted several times with his hard work in just one time. Ever since, he's been making friends in the city, gaining experience to continue his illegal businesses, yet not even being suspected. The rest is unknown (future).

1- Be able to do any illegal activity only when off duty. (following all server rules.)
2- Ben can buy or sell guns in unknown places, such as the black market, to make money (following server rules and not stealing from the organization.)
3- In his spare time, Ben can enter the ghetto and resort to violent activities to save his friends or family.
4- Ben can take bribes of up to $100,000.
5- Ben brings his ID everywhere to help him in situations.
6- Ben can do criminal activity with his family.
7- Ben can wear his mask to hide his identity when off duty.
8- Ben can use any legal or illegal weapon to defend himself in a shootout situation (non-organizational weapons only.)
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