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Inocencio Borges
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Murder Swayze
Nov 13, 2022

Nuno Borges

Feb 18, 2022

I would like to understand how do we know beforehand (as before getting a punishment (WARN)) that Debt collector is not a beginner/initial job.

I already know because I already got this answer for the third time without any further explanation as why it is not considered an initial/begginer job even after i've explained what happend with a POV as support.

I would like for the Curator of the project to read what I wrote because it cant be possible that people get punishments for situations like this.

It's not about me getting rid of the WARN anymore because I only have 2 days left to be WARN free. It's about punish people for an unclear/incomplete rule.

This is what I wrote in the previous complaint:

"I'm writing this complaint because I find unfair to be punished for an unwriten rule, or at least, for the lack of a list mentioning what the Initial jobs are.

To resume the situation, I was working as debt collector and the person I had to collect the money from was in the ghetto.
We interacted and it ended up on this person trying to rob from me.

As far as I know, people working in initial jobs can't get robbed, and I did what I did with that in mind. However, the admin Edu Perturbado punished me with a warn for fail RP.

I reported the situation in detail stating that i was working and, therefore, I could't be robbed. The answer to that report is that Debt collector isn't an initial job.
As I said in the report, I acted in the belief that i was in an initial job. the reason for that is that on Menu M - My job, theres a list of jobs mentioned in the general rule 6.24 (forbiden to rob people working in initial jobs as Truck driver, taxi driver and electrician) along with the Debt collector.

I also reasoned that I coudn't assume it to not be an initial job because of the level requirement to work in it as the truck driver is clearly mentioned in the rule and it also has a level requiirement.

In the end, even if it end up not being an initial job, I find unfair being punished for something that is not clear or defined. There´s no list of initial jobs (only 3 mentioned in the rule)."
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