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Jayhind boss

Aug 30, 2022
1. Your name IRL :- manthan derasari

2. Your age :- 22

3. Time zone :- GMT +5:30

4. Average online per day :- 10 to 12 hours

5. Your discord:- Jayhind bosss#7881

6. Your nickname:- Jayhind bosss

7. Your id :- 179541

Additional information

1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of specific organization ?

I have lot's of experience in LSPD department that's why let's start with my experience,

I'm joined 1st LSPD term when Ryan slater was leader it's my 1st time experience and it's my best term before i worked in SAHP ....

After Ryan term I'm always stay in LSPD and always part in every term .. i have experience of chief of IA , commander of swat (EN3) , captain of HR , caption of SWAT , and lot's of time experience of lutinent.... and my current rank is special task force...

I'm done my part of life in every department that's why this time I wanna try to run LSPD ....

My experience explanation is over now I'm talking about why i wanna be a leader,
So when I'm done my golden term in lspd so i realise all officer are good all high Command is also good but still they need good leader because of every time i show they working hard but they don't get promotions and bonuses... so i wanna be a leader of LSPD that's why they gets good experience with me...

In every term FIB is best for every citizen and LSPD is not 1st priority for every citizen of los Santos , but in my term LSPD is best priority of every citizen because my officers getting help every single person they are proving we are best in city , that's why every one loves LSPD in my term .

3. Your advices for improving roleplay level in organization.

My thinking is improving the roleplay level in organization is always use proper rules and regulations, my officers are using proper redio codes and proper RP situation , my every officer getting good clothing (uniform) that's why every citizen know about my officers..

I'm dividing 5 department of my organization ..

1. FTO :- most important department of LSPD

2. IA :- they are giving strike if any officer doing wrong

3. Detectives :- they are best spy of Los Santos

4. Parking Enforcement:- they are always cleaning our road of city

5. SWAT :- They are doing special operations

Let me explain every department,

1. FTO :- This division will take care of the trainings and recruiting in the department. This will be divided into two parts one will be HR division which will be for the recruitment and the the other part will be FTO which will be for the training of newly hired officers. They will consist of the officers who like training or interviewing they will contain the best and experienced officers which will make the organization strong by training new officers and selection the officers who are worthy to be a part of LSPD.

2. IA :- They will ensure that all officers are clean, and if corruption is discovered, they will fight it. They will also inspect warehouse footage to ensure that no one steals from our armory.

3. Detectives:- Detectives division which will collect evidences from the crime scene and will make city clean by being an undercover. They will collect evidence against the crime families and gangs and will make a case file which will be provided to FIB in order to get a warrant against gang and crime families for a raid. They will make the city clean by being a part of the crowd and they will always be working for the organization.

4:- Parking Enforcement:- This division will be made by the people who love towing illegally parked cars they will always make sure that no cars are parked illegally under our jurisdiction and if there is any they will make sure they are given a fine and the vehicle will be towed so that they do not repeat the same mistake again. This will contain of people who loves towing or issuing fine so that they can enjoy their work.

5. SWAT :- Will be the most important department of LSPD, Will host 3 ghetto patrols in 1 week they will be the first one to respond to globals and locals and will be leading all events such as bank, subs, aircraft and more.

I'm adding one more most important rank ( squad of LS ) , if any of my officers are best in shooting so I'm giving them this rank it's basically best killer of gang members..

I will sure my officers doing best department call and doing friendship with all department of Los Santos.

Thank you so much for read my forum , if you accept this so thanks in advance..love from Los Santos.

Regard ,
Jayhind bosss

Snapy vmroo

Oct 19, 2022
1. Your name IRL :- manthan derasari

2. Your age :- 22

3. Time zone :- GMT +5:30

4. Average online per day :- 10 to 12 hours

5. Your discord:- Jayhind bosss#7881

6. Your nickname:- Jayhind bosss

7. Your id :- 179541

Additional information

1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of specific organization ?

I have lot's of experience in LSPD department that's why let's start with my experience,

I'm joined 1st LSPD term when Ryan slater was leader it's my 1st time experience and it's my best term before i worked in SAHP ....

After Ryan term I'm always stay in LSPD and always part in every term .. i have experience of chief of IA , commander of swat (EN3) , captain of HR , caption of SWAT , and lot's of time experience of lutinent.... and my current rank is special task force...

I'm done my part of life in every department that's why this time I wanna try to run LSPD ....

My experience explanation is over now I'm talking about why i wanna be a leader,
So when I'm done my golden term in lspd so i realise all officer are good all high Command is also good but still they need good leader because of every time i show they working hard but they don't get promotions and bonuses... so i wanna be a leader of LSPD that's why they gets good experience with me...

In every term FIB is best for every citizen and LSPD is not 1st priority for every citizen of los Santos , but in my term LSPD is best priority of every citizen because my officers getting help every single person they are proving we are best in city , that's why every one loves LSPD in my term .

3. Your advices for improving roleplay level in organization.

My thinking is improving the roleplay level in organization is always use proper rules and regulations, my officers are using proper redio codes and proper RP situation , my every officer getting good clothing (uniform) that's why every citizen know about my officers..

I'm dividing 5 department of my organization ..

1. FTO :- most important department of LSPD

2. IA :- they are giving strike if any officer doing wrong

3. Detectives :- they are best spy of Los Santos

4. Parking Enforcement:- they are always cleaning our road of city

5. SWAT :- They are doing special operations

Let me explain every department,

1. FTO :- This division will take care of the trainings and recruiting in the department. This will be divided into two parts one will be HR division which will be for the recruitment and the the other part will be FTO which will be for the training of newly hired officers. They will consist of the officers who like training or interviewing they will contain the best and experienced officers which will make the organization strong by training new officers and selection the officers who are worthy to be a part of LSPD.

2. IA :- They will ensure that all officers are clean, and if corruption is discovered, they will fight it. They will also inspect warehouse footage to ensure that no one steals from our armory.

3. Detectives:- Detectives division which will collect evidences from the crime scene and will make city clean by being an undercover. They will collect evidence against the crime families and gangs and will make a case file which will be provided to FIB in order to get a warrant against gang and crime families for a raid. They will make the city clean by being a part of the crowd and they will always be working for the organization.

4:- Parking Enforcement:- This division will be made by the people who love towing illegally parked cars they will always make sure that no cars are parked illegally under our jurisdiction and if there is any they will make sure they are given a fine and the vehicle will be towed so that they do not repeat the same mistake again. This will contain of people who loves towing or issuing fine so that they can enjoy their work.

5. SWAT :- Will be the most important department of LSPD, Will host 3 ghetto patrols in 1 week they will be the first one to respond to globals and locals and will be leading all events such as bank, subs, aircraft and more.

I'm adding one more most important rank ( squad of LS ) , if any of my officers are best in shooting so I'm giving them this rank it's basically best killer of gang members..

I will sure my officers doing best department call and doing friendship with all department of Los Santos.

Thank you so much for read my forum , if you accept this so thanks in advance..love from Los Santos.

Regard ,
Jayhind bosss
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