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Richard Darkin
Administrators nickname
Ivkezz Obama
Nov 18, 2022
[https://imgur.com/a/VVSk45z#QIdzXtf] [https://imgur.com/a/SXgQdZ1] [https://imgur.com/a/PJWSBJn#aHRyE4X] [https://imgur.com/a/FuBDYj6]

Richard Darkin

Jun 9, 2021
Dear Mazhor, today on RS server my leadership of Vagos has been disbanded by Ivkezz Obama, and I feel like my organization didn't deserve it. When I submitted a complaint about his decision, he answered the thread and rejected it, so I am making this complaint to you.

Today when we attacked the turf territory of Ballas, 3 of our turfers crashed, so we waited some time for them to come back, and came a little bit late to the turf. Because of that, Ballas reported us for Ghetto Rule 2.14. because they wanted to disband us so badly so that they can win 100% turf. I was really mad about that, so I contacted Ballas Leader on Discord, asking him if it was really necessary to report. I asked him "do we really need to give warnings to each other?". He pretended he didn't have anything to do with that and said that his turfer reported us, not him, so I said "I know, but he is going to disband us, then should I disband you so that you don't get a season? That's not the point".
After Ballas Leader saw that message, he sent it to his friend Ivkezz Obama that is the Curator of the Administration, and Ivkezz disbanded Vagos because my message was "toxic".

I didn't want to instantly bother you and instead made a complaint about Ivkezz Obama, and he didn't let Chief Admin review the thread, and instead rejected my complaint with an edited image as proof that was covering half of my message, making my words taken out of context.

I think that I didn't do anything wrong, because I just wanted to make peace with Ballas so we didn't have to report each other, and I didn't want to be Toxic or make any beef with other gangs.

Thank you for your time reading this and for always helping me when needed. And please do something about this, because Ballas will get the 100% territory just by having a corrupted Admin on their side.


  1. Messages with the leader of Ballas on Serbian:
  2. Messages with Leader of Ballas in English (google translate):
  3. Messages with Ivkezz Obama on Serbian:
  4. Messages with Ivkezz Obama in English (google translate):
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