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Assasin Rich

Ex FIB Deputy Director | Ex SAHP UnderSheriff
Sep 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Shubh Kumar
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: 5:30+GMT
4. Average online per day: 7-8 hrs
5. Your Discord: Assasin OPS#4515
6. Your Nickname: Assasin Rich

7. Your ID: 4506
Additional information
1. Leader of... Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
I would like to list four reasons about why I should be leader of this org

A) I have been in LSPD in two cities and and have a experience about how to handle Organization Properly
B) Me and my highcommands have a whole overview of departments to be made and to overcome the problems in LSPD.
C) I have been HC in both terms of LSPD in lily blixky and Vincent Vega term.
D) I will make sure that Our Job as a leader should be NO Corruption , NO Favoritism , NO Toxicity , A Beautiful Family like relation with all other ORG , NO Rule breaks and respect all admins and curators and follow whatever they say.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.
1. I will make sure there are no people standing in front of HQ's and they should be must patrolling

2. Every Department doing there work efficiently or the head will get strike.
3. I will try to ensure good relationships with the other orgs
4. Will maintain a good RP

Assasin Rich
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