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Matt Sirius

State Curator
Oct 20, 2021
Name: Matt West
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 10/05/1998
Nationality: Brittish
Sex: Straight
Personality: Very hurt, Kind, Helpful, Talkative, Confident, Funny
Place of Birth: United Kingdom, London.
Residence: N/A
Parents: Scott West (father(deceased)) and Lisa West (mother(deceased))
Height: 5"8
Weight: 70kg
Body Type: Slim
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Handedness: Right
Relationship: Single

(Important news on Mr and Mrs West's baby)

On the 01/01/1998 Mr and Mrs West were told their child was going to be a boy and they were so excited. They had hoped for years that they could have a child together but they weren't financially supported until now. They spread they're news to everyone in their family and even friends. They rushed they're marriage and moved into their dream home on the 11/04/1998. By now they were ready for their baby boy in a few months time. They named him Matt.


At birth, on the 10/05/1998 Matt was born.
After birth Matt had been given very little chances of surviving. She was massively underdeveloped. She was born 2 months early and spent the first 4 months of her life on a ventilator. Meanwhile at home Lisa (mother) was distraught to find out the news that Matt was a girl. Scott was not bothered at all by this still created a bond with his little girl. He visited the hospital every day after work to see how she was doing, while his mother stayed at home, claiming she was too ill from the child birth. Lisa had a massive hatred for her daughter Matt as she was miss-treated when she was younger too for being "a girl". Scott was brought up in a family where everyone he knew was in prison and he never felt loved. Scott survived on his own for 10 years after his parents were arrested for attempted murder of an FBI agent. They were both sentenced to 12 years in the HMP (Her majesty's Prison) in Ayelsbury, Buckinghamshire.

(Scott West(father))

By the age of 18 Scott applied to become apart of the LSPD. After being rejected for his family background Scott deleted all contact from his parents and others. He re applied in 6 months time and was approved. Scott underwent 1 year of police training and became a po1 (patrolman 1). By now, Scott's parents were released and tried contacting him to use him for criminal activities. Scott avoided all contact with them until 2 years later when he was walking into a shop. Scott was off duty and was held hostage at a 24/7 store on July the 24th 1990. He was taken hostage at the age of 21 by his parents. His parents used him to earn money when the police arrived otherwise they threatened to kill him. Although his colleagues arrived they did not disclose he was a police officer and was kept as a civilian hostage. Thanks to the negotiations teams, Scott was let go by his parents while they evaded police. While in the store, Scott's parents recognised him and without him knowing, planted a phone on him. Later on Scott felt a vibration in his back pocket and answered the phone. It was his parents telling him about what their plotting next. Scott reluctantly agrees and meets up with them to gather intel. Meanwhile, Scott managed to secure himself a spot in the detective division and went undercover to try and catch his parents in the act. Although tough for Scott, he arrested both his parents on 10/05/1991. His parents were given a life sentence for mass murders of LEO's and the selling and transportation of Illegal: Firearms/drugs/ammunition/people/and body parts.

On the 17/05/1991, Scott as a reward for the immense investigation and suffering he was given the rank of deputy Chief of Police, which later on became Chief of Police. Scott at this point had reached the highest rank his police department could give him.

(Matt age of 8)

It was a normal Saturday for Matt, her mother never spoke to her and her father was at work. She didn't have any friends nearby as she moved schools frequently due to bullying. Her father had been away for over a week now as Marshall Law was in place. All the government organizations had to attend this and resulted in some people not seeing their families for ages. Matt felt this the hardest. She loved playing sports with her dad and she was pretty sue he loved it too. She really missed him and begged her mum to see him however her mother never listened like always. Every weekday her mum even refuses to do he school run as she's "too busy". At such a young age Matt started to realise that her mother had neglected her, her whole life. Matt started to feel unsafe at home to the point she ran away. She went missing for 2 hours until being found by one of her dad's officers. Matt managed to see her dad for a few minutes while he said, "I love you, and I'll be home soon, please stay with mum!" He said it in such away Matt could only fall in tears and miss her dad to extreme extents.
Later that evening Matt was by herself in her bedroom until hearing a knock at the door. She answered it, and to her eyeline, two officers stood outside with then heads lowered and hats off. They asked if they could come in as they had some unsettling news. At this point Matt had been told her father had just passed away to an armed man. Matt couldn't believe it and rushed around looking for her mum for support. The police officers had told Matt that her mum already knew about his death about 30 minutes ago and asked Matt where she last saw her. Matt explained she was watching tv in the living room 3 hours ago and let the officers explore the house.

Also on the 19th of March 2006, Matt's mother was found dead, after committing suicide after hearing her husband passing.

Matt age of 23

Matt had lived with his aunt and is now a lieutenant of patrol at the same police department her father was Chief at. Matt's dream is to follow her father's foot steps and become Chief one day. However Matt is unaware of the means of her last name. Matt is in potential danger and doesn't know it. So far Matt is safe and is performing her great potential at the police department and is always being watched by her dad. He see's everything she does and is so proud of his little girl. He wishes her life isn't cut short and gives her signals with his soul in the real world what to do next. She believes her dad is always around her and is very spiritual. Matt is very trust worthy and means all good. She hopes that no one has gone through the same feeling she has and wants to save the community. Matt is awaiting a sex change and a new identity. she is currently awaiting.

Outcomes -

- Matt is able to eliminate threats 1v2 using her surroundings around her and mind-games because of her experience in the LSPD.
- Matt will take bribery for the money but will not listen to the conditions of the criminals and prosecute them.
- Matt will not speak anything about his department or anything important if ever taken as hostage or to any families if asked as she protects and serves.
- Matt will not do anything unlawful in the presence of her co-workers or at all.
-Matt will always have bodycam on when on duty.
-Matt will always obey LSPD rules.
-Matt is able to heal with her gun out as she has her medical stuff on her left hand side and has trained to be just as efficient with it.
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