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Luka Mamardashvili

Mar 1, 2022

1. Your name IRL : Luka
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT +04:00
4. Average online per day : 8-10 Hours
5. Your Discord : Luka Mamardashvili#9369
6. Your Nickname : Lukaa Mamardashvili
7. Your ID : 3318

Additional information

1. Leader of Federal Investigation Bureau

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

> 1) So First reason is why i want to become the leader of the FIB,i will tell u.In last term when shabah was a Director of FIB just all people left mee too,because there was not any active,no one was attanding the ATM Robberyes,Store robberies,FZ Raids,Hostage Situations and other events,so no one wanted to work.The conclusion is that,if i will become the Director of the FIB,all agents will work and if they will not work they will be a fired from the organization or they will get a warnings and strikes,so i need memebrs in to my organization who will work very hard,who will be a very active,also i will help to my mebmers in any situation,if they need a help and that is a first reason why i wan to be a Director of the FIB.

> 2) The Second reason is,I have good experience in every cities (ENG 1 srever,ENG 2 Server,ENG 3 server) in the FIB and in every legal organizations Fore Example : in ENG 1 server -> i was a DHOD of UC departament (HC),In the LSPD i was Captain (HC) of The SWAT team and Lieutenant of FTO Team,NG HC too,in ENG 2 server -> i was a HOD of IA departament (HC),NG General (Leader),SAHP HC of FTO team,in ENG 3 server i has been a Chief of staff ( COS - HC) when jonny rich was a director.So with this all my experience i know how to FIB organization is working and if i will become the leader i think it will be a good term and i will lead it very well.

> 3)Third reason is,so everyone knows the FIB is a very different and best legal organization from other orgs (LSPD,SAHP,NG and GOV),because when u are FIB agent and when u are UC team member u can take evidences of the gangs very well and it will be easy,because when u are UC team member u can wear your personal uniform and no one will know that you are an agent,also FIB has a very good equipment for example : cars,guns,uniforms and other things.I have people too who will lead all the Departaments (UC,Special ops,HR,DEA and IA) they has a good experience and they know all rp rules (State rules,Event Rules,Gen Rules and others) so i can truest them,and they will to FIB be a first and best organization in this city.

> So i have a many reasons to become the Director of the Federal Investigation Bureau.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

> If we want to improve the RolePlay level in the organization,of course we need to follow all rp rules and situations too (State rules,Gen rules,Event rules and others)So in to my organization will join the people who knows the rp rules and situations,because if i will invite the people in to my organization who does not knows any rp rules or any rp situations,mybe someone will break this rules and my organization will receive the warning and if we will get a many warnings my organization will be a disbanded and its will be a bad for me,for my people and my organization too so that is aimportant thing to everyone need to know all rp rules and situations to join in any organization,thats how i will improve the Rolelay level in the FIB.

Now i want to talk about the departaments :

1) Human Resource (HR)

- This is a moste important dpeartament in the organization,because this HR team memebrs they are checking the applications,they are taking the Interviews from a people who wants to join in the FIB and they are checking if this people knows rp rules and asome state situations,also they are making a tarings for a new agents and they teach to this agents what tehy need to know in the FIB.

2) Internal affairs (IA)

- This departament is a important too,because this team members are checking if any agent is breaking any rules or if they are working correctly,also they are requesting the bodycame proofs ,and in this bodycames they are checking if this agent breaked the rules,and if they fined something when agent is doing anything wrong (breaking any rule) this IA team memebrs will give hem a strike or warning so i think this departament will help me very well.

3) Spec ops (SO)

- this team members will involve in every special operations and they will lead it for example : hostage situations,Store robberies,Ghetto Patrol and othe operations.

4)Undercover (UC)

- this team will take evidencies of the gangs and crime organizations,and they will help me to make a casefile and if we will take many evidences we will raid this gang and it will be a good for the city,because we will reduce the number of criminals.

> So this all departaments are very important for my organization and if i will be a leader HC memebrs and all FIB organization members we will work together as a team,we will impro the rp together and I think that together we will defeat the criminals.With this all this term will be a best,this organization and we will not get any warnings and we will not breake any rp rules.

Ex FIB COF EN3 | Ex NG Leader EN2| EX LSDP Captain of SWAT EN 1

Thanks For Reading My Application !!!

==========Luka Mamardashvili==========
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