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Ashton Cartel

Jun 27, 2022
1. Your name IRL -> Ashton Davies​
2. Your age -> 18
3. Time zone -> UTC+1
4. Average online per day -> 4 to 8 hours a day
5. Your Discord -> Ashton Davis#6429
6. Your Nickname -> Ashton Cartel
7. Your ID -> 5047
Additional information
1.leader of SAHP


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1 -> first of all let me tell you my LEO experience . when i joined the city on of my friends told me about san andreas highway patrol and so i joined with him i ranked my self up to lieutenant then the term ended so i joined the goverment as deputy warden but i got bored so i joined lspd as hr high command when the term finished i decided that i wanted to join fib and my friend offer me a hc spot i loved fib so much that i stayed for 2 terms so i got ranked up to deputy of fib .
so i decided that i wanted to try out to apply for SAHP leadership

2 -> the reason that i want to be the leader of SAHP is that i have been in a lot of terms with leader that i show that they did some mistakes that i wont do in my term but i will improve it . i think that many towing and patroling units need to by on duty to help the citizens or help them with any situation. and i only want 2 hr and for car insurance so my units help citizens at hq with any think . and i will do always a promotion ceremony for all my officers .

3 -> as being deputy fib i havent been seeing any units going patroling or attending store robberys. so i want to change this i want that my hr will hire as many people in sahp so we can attend store rooberys with a good numbers . i want that my hr do 3 recruitment a week. i will change the ranks so they look more spectacular and cool and i will make a new department .​

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

1 -> to improve rp in the city i want that my officers do rp commands ex : /me connects PDA to nearby SAHP tower tracking criminals

2 -> and i want to do like some special missions for sahp like patroling in a convoy or go on high way for any speeders and ecc....

3 -> i want that my hr team to train my officers as correctly as possible so they understand i dont want any officers that dont know how to arrest some on ecc..
and i want that my officers know the state rules and the legislation and last of all i dont want that my officers are rule breaker or unprofessional for stupid things so i dont want to run in any org warnings.

Thanks for reading my application
Best Regards Ashton Cartel
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