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Harry Spy

Dec 8, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Harry
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day: 10 hour
5. Your Discord: Harry Sindhu#8013
6. Your Nickname: harry sandhu
7. Your ID: 1242

Additional information
Leader of Families

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. The first reason I have experience in gangs I can take care of all the gang members and I want to get 100% turf capture

2. The second reason is that I am an old player and I know the laws of turf and gangs and I want improve the Role-Play expiranse

3. i will do what ever I can to help people learn the laws and also if i got it my friends and family members gonna join Families I will to focus on gang events and i will take control of it like Clandestine, Battleship, Submarine, Vehicle theft, Gang turfs and Store Robbery.

Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. My advice to improve the RP level in the organization is to involve our activities as much as we can with the other orgs.

2. I will try to give prizes and bonus who active in the gang and do good for the gang and I will give bonus 2 days in week so people get motivated.

3. I want to make sure the people Im inviting to the gang know the rules.

4. The leader of the gang must meet every period with the members of his gang and talk about the conditions of the gang and raise the ranks who active and do good for gang
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