Family Name: Katman Crew
Family Owner: Acar Iraz ID: 36958
Family House Number:1440
Family Owner Forum Profile Link: Acar Iraz
Family Owner Discord: norvan#4775
Family Logo:
Background story:Acar Iraz was born in Orlo, Norway, the son of Ranulf Iraz and Osk Iraz. His father, Ranulf, took care of his family by fishing profession and they led a modest life. Over time, Acar could not remain satisfied with this life and began to realize his ambition.
On top of this situation, thanks to his father, he uses the boat environment he established for the boat thanks to his father and starts doing illegal business over the border. But over time, his illegal border works started to touch his family badly. He had to leave his country and go to a new place. And the real story was just beginning..
How We Operate:
We have a group that deals with both legal and illegal activities. Usually, we have an active place with the illegal side.
Rules of The Katman Crew
• No racism or bullying.
• Respect every member equally no matter their rank or position in the family
• City rules are to be followed, learn them and obey them
• Family members must hold together and protect each other.
• Must wear family attire during family events.
• Be loyal to family
• Get into the top 10 in the family ranking
• Become a respectable family
• To be a productive family for every member
Family Ranks
Member – New member
Soldier - Members who can accept new members into the family.
Staff - Members catering to minor needs and questions of members
Admin - Members responsible for new members.
Manager - Members responsible for all legal and illegal events in the family
Turfer - Family specific warriors.
Executive - The most authoritative member for events after the boss.
Deputy - The most authoritative members of the family
Boss - The most authoritative members after the family owner
KATMAN – The owner of the family.
Colors and Dress
Our colours: Red and white pattern
Dress: Any lower outfit can be worn but family attire is mandatory at the top.
Family Clothes:
Family Owner: Acar Iraz ID: 36958
Family House Number:1440
Family Owner Forum Profile Link: Acar Iraz
Family Owner Discord: norvan#4775
Family Logo:

Background story:Acar Iraz was born in Orlo, Norway, the son of Ranulf Iraz and Osk Iraz. His father, Ranulf, took care of his family by fishing profession and they led a modest life. Over time, Acar could not remain satisfied with this life and began to realize his ambition.
On top of this situation, thanks to his father, he uses the boat environment he established for the boat thanks to his father and starts doing illegal business over the border. But over time, his illegal border works started to touch his family badly. He had to leave his country and go to a new place. And the real story was just beginning..
How We Operate:
We have a group that deals with both legal and illegal activities. Usually, we have an active place with the illegal side.
Rules of The Katman Crew
• No racism or bullying.
• Respect every member equally no matter their rank or position in the family
• City rules are to be followed, learn them and obey them
• Family members must hold together and protect each other.
• Must wear family attire during family events.
• Be loyal to family
• Get into the top 10 in the family ranking
• Become a respectable family
• To be a productive family for every member
Family Ranks
Member – New member
Soldier - Members who can accept new members into the family.
Staff - Members catering to minor needs and questions of members
Admin - Members responsible for new members.
Manager - Members responsible for all legal and illegal events in the family
Turfer - Family specific warriors.
Executive - The most authoritative member for events after the boss.
Deputy - The most authoritative members of the family
Boss - The most authoritative members after the family owner
KATMAN – The owner of the family.
Colors and Dress
Our colours: Red and white pattern
Dress: Any lower outfit can be worn but family attire is mandatory at the top.
Family Clothes:

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