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James Hossenfeffer

Dec 10, 2022
Hey everybody, James Hossenfeffer here. I think Jimmie Booker is the #1 choice going forward with the SAHP. He's creative , he's intelligent, he's down to earth. Most of all he see's everything at all angles. I strongly support Mr Jimmie Booker as next Leader.

Dominik Wick

Dec 3, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Stephen
2. Your age: 34
3. Time zone: CST
4. Average online per day: 10 hours
5. Your Discord: Worships#7288
6. Your Nickname: Jimmy Booker
7. Your ID: 16522
Additional information
1.) Leader of... San Andreas Highway Patrol
2.) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
1. San Andreas Highway Patrol has a great depth of Roleplay available to it, through various department services as well as with its overall jurisdiction. I'd like to expand and explore these services by introducing/utilizing the following departments. I believe they will provide the best balance between necessary services and creating deeper positive civilian interactions.
A) Human Resources
Human resources will handle all recruiting and training efforts, as well as all internal monitoring of logs and officer activities.
Internal Affairs: Conducts audits and investigations when officer complaints are delivered
Field Training Office: Works with officers in the field and audits officers that are in the field, providing advice.
B) Field Operations
Field Operations are the backbone of SAHP and are currently under utilized/under staffed. I will strive to address this by adjusting the focus of SAHP around Field Operations being our core. I want Field Operations to be the driving force behind SAHP.
Patrol- The core of any LEO Organization, Patrol is as it sounds, the dedicated arm of a LEO branch that conducts daily field operations through patrol and presence. I will strive to design SAHP around utilization of clearly visible marked units. These are our Highway Patrol team members.
Transport- The backup of the Patrol division. Transport works closely with DoC and the Government to provide dedicated transport related services, including both towing and detention related activities. The transport division also encompasses the critical Aviation aspect of the SAHP, providing rapid response services to areas during emergency calls.
C) Special Operations
Special Operations are the teams dedicated to the extra duty services related to SAHP. They provide what is needed when regular operations just aren't enough
Special Response Group [SRG]- The SRG team is in charge of critical operations, such as negotiation, hostage retrieval, and operational security. They are expected to be the best of the best, and to present a clear and professional image for SAHP during joint organization events.
Undercover- The Undercover branch of SAHP is currently under utilized. I have a plan in place that I'd like to openly discuss with both the government and curators, as well as the Director of the FIB to see what we can do to rework this area. I believe integrating UC as a fugitive task force unit and having them work hand in hand with other agencies to retrieve wanted criminals would be ideal.

2. I want to make SAHP a more open and accessible organization. I've noticed in the most recent term, we had very strict hiring standards and a lengthy interview. I've already re-worked the interview process to streamline this, and want to be more inviting to some of the newer citizens to try out law enforcement. I believe as long as someone is trainable and understands what's going on around them, they should have a chance to serve and protect. I also want to rework our training phases to be a bit smoother and faster. I want to structure around Phase 1 being Theoretical, and introducing the systems to the cadet. I want Phase 2 to be with a Field Training Officer, and to start immediately. This will consist of two tickets, processing an arrest, and one traffic stop. They will then be promoted to Rookie, and ready to ride-along for any situation. Their final phase is Phase 3, independent operations. This is where a Rookie, after completing Phase 2, takes an Instructor on a ride along, showing their general knowledge of policing for at least two hours. This gives the time for the instructor to understand whether or not the Rookie is ready for full duty as a Trooper, while also functioning as a tool to encourage more patrol related activities.

3. I strive to create a leadership team that exists with an open door policy. While we still operate within the chain of command, those within an organization should feel free to communicate concerns with their high command members. This includes a desire to step up within the organization, discussing new or additional duties, and creating opportunities for honest and open feedback. I have a level head and enjoy a balance between having fun and being serious, and wish to continue on this path. I have proven myself as both Deputy Chief of LSPD and as Undersheriff for SAHP before venturing into stepping up to take the reigns for my own term. I believe I have done a great job building relationships during this time, and want to continue on the next step of this path.

3.) Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

I would like to start with the Transport team being made readily available to the Government as well as National Guard teams, so that suspects can be speedily processed and professionally handled. I look at this having multiple benefits, in that it provides a team getting steady arrests, where Cadets can participate, and it closes a gap that we currently experience in the city. I want to actively have those on the transport team either in a vehicle moving a suspect, with a vehicle staged and ready to go, or in the air waiting for a call. They, like SRG, will be a rapid response style unit. And I will actively push for training and drills to get response times down as fast as possible.

I would like to expand on Undercover operations within SAHP, to focus more on fugitive recovery rather than traditional detective work. While I don't at all want to limit them from gathering and submitting evidence, I want their primary focus to be working with other organizations to create a Fugitive Task Force that operates daily to retrieve outstanding fugitives of all nature. I want the days of free reign criminals to end, as they strive to close the net, knowing there's a dedicated transport team ready to grab their suspect once they've captured them.

I also want to focus more heavily on the awards and recognition aspects for SAHP. While some awards have been given, I want the term to be focused around showing progression within the department. If selected for a term, I will not only keep the current award structure, I will implement Peace Officer Certification levels. There will be three exams available to progress from 1 to 2 to 3. The Peace Officer 1 qualifies anyone to be up to a Corporal. Peace Officer II certification qualifies people for supervisor level activities, and asks more detailed rule based questions. Peace Officer 3 is a test designed for High Command members, and focuses on finer details necessary to operate the department. My goal behind these is when approached by outsiders, exams appropriate to their skill are available to evaluate their actual knowledge and benefit to the department.

I also want to push for more Joint Organization Activities beyond just patrols. I believe joint recruitment drives have merit, alongside joint patrol activities. There are times when the city is absolutely booming, and times when it's more quiet. By establishing procedures based around maximizing roleplay, LEOs can continue to have a presence while still safely operating, and bonding as a larger brotherhood. I want to push for joint Special Operation unit trainings, joint patrol activities, and joint fugitive retrieval work.

I believe these tasks in combination will create the highest level of roleplay possible, and will help SAHP not only grow, but perform as a professional and functional organization that adds to the city as a whole.

Thank you for taking your time to read my application

EN3 Undersheriff Jimmie Booker

Tariq Pluxury

Nov 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Stephen
2. Your age: 34
3. Time zone: CST
4. Average online per day: 10 hours
5. Your Discord: Worships#7288
6. Your Nickname: Jimmy Booker
7. Your ID: 16522
Additional information
1.) Leader of... San Andreas Highway Patrol
2.) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
1. San Andreas Highway Patrol has a great depth of Roleplay available to it, through various department services as well as with its overall jurisdiction. I'd like to expand and explore these services by introducing/utilizing the following departments. I believe they will provide the best balance between necessary services and creating deeper positive civilian interactions.
A) Human Resources
Human resources will handle all recruiting and training efforts, as well as all internal monitoring of logs and officer activities.
Internal Affairs: Conducts audits and investigations when officer complaints are delivered
Field Training Office: Works with officers in the field and audits officers that are in the field, providing advice.
B) Field Operations
Field Operations are the backbone of SAHP and are currently under utilized/under staffed. I will strive to address this by adjusting the focus of SAHP around Field Operations being our core. I want Field Operations to be the driving force behind SAHP.
Patrol- The core of any LEO Organization, Patrol is as it sounds, the dedicated arm of a LEO branch that conducts daily field operations through patrol and presence. I will strive to design SAHP around utilization of clearly visible marked units. These are our Highway Patrol team members.
Transport- The backup of the Patrol division. Transport works closely with DoC and the Government to provide dedicated transport related services, including both towing and detention related activities. The transport division also encompasses the critical Aviation aspect of the SAHP, providing rapid response services to areas during emergency calls.
C) Special Operations
Special Operations are the teams dedicated to the extra duty services related to SAHP. They provide what is needed when regular operations just aren't enough
Special Response Group [SRG]- The SRG team is in charge of critical operations, such as negotiation, hostage retrieval, and operational security. They are expected to be the best of the best, and to present a clear and professional image for SAHP during joint organization events.
Undercover- The Undercover branch of SAHP is currently under utilized. I have a plan in place that I'd like to openly discuss with both the government and curators, as well as the Director of the FIB to see what we can do to rework this area. I believe integrating UC as a fugitive task force unit and having them work hand in hand with other agencies to retrieve wanted criminals would be ideal.

2. I want to make SAHP a more open and accessible organization. I've noticed in the most recent term, we had very strict hiring standards and a lengthy interview. I've already re-worked the interview process to streamline this, and want to be more inviting to some of the newer citizens to try out law enforcement. I believe as long as someone is trainable and understands what's going on around them, they should have a chance to serve and protect. I also want to rework our training phases to be a bit smoother and faster. I want to structure around Phase 1 being Theoretical, and introducing the systems to the cadet. I want Phase 2 to be with a Field Training Officer, and to start immediately. This will consist of two tickets, processing an arrest, and one traffic stop. They will then be promoted to Rookie, and ready to ride-along for any situation. Their final phase is Phase 3, independent operations. This is where a Rookie, after completing Phase 2, takes an Instructor on a ride along, showing their general knowledge of policing for at least two hours. This gives the time for the instructor to understand whether or not the Rookie is ready for full duty as a Trooper, while also functioning as a tool to encourage more patrol related activities.

3. I strive to create a leadership team that exists with an open door policy. While we still operate within the chain of command, those within an organization should feel free to communicate concerns with their high command members. This includes a desire to step up within the organization, discussing new or additional duties, and creating opportunities for honest and open feedback. I have a level head and enjoy a balance between having fun and being serious, and wish to continue on this path. I have proven myself as both Deputy Chief of LSPD and as Undersheriff for SAHP before venturing into stepping up to take the reigns for my own term. I believe I have done a great job building relationships during this time, and want to continue on the next step of this path.

3.) Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

I would like to start with the Transport team being made readily available to the Government as well as National Guard teams, so that suspects can be speedily processed and professionally handled. I look at this having multiple benefits, in that it provides a team getting steady arrests, where Cadets can participate, and it closes a gap that we currently experience in the city. I want to actively have those on the transport team either in a vehicle moving a suspect, with a vehicle staged and ready to go, or in the air waiting for a call. They, like SRG, will be a rapid response style unit. And I will actively push for training and drills to get response times down as fast as possible.

I would like to expand on Undercover operations within SAHP, to focus more on fugitive recovery rather than traditional detective work. While I don't at all want to limit them from gathering and submitting evidence, I want their primary focus to be working with other organizations to create a Fugitive Task Force that operates daily to retrieve outstanding fugitives of all nature. I want the days of free reign criminals to end, as they strive to close the net, knowing there's a dedicated transport team ready to grab their suspect once they've captured them.

I also want to focus more heavily on the awards and recognition aspects for SAHP. While some awards have been given, I want the term to be focused around showing progression within the department. If selected for a term, I will not only keep the current award structure, I will implement Peace Officer Certification levels. There will be three exams available to progress from 1 to 2 to 3. The Peace Officer 1 qualifies anyone to be up to a Corporal. Peace Officer II certification qualifies people for supervisor level activities, and asks more detailed rule based questions. Peace Officer 3 is a test designed for High Command members, and focuses on finer details necessary to operate the department. My goal behind these is when approached by outsiders, exams appropriate to their skill are available to evaluate their actual knowledge and benefit to the department.

I also want to push for more Joint Organization Activities beyond just patrols. I believe joint recruitment drives have merit, alongside joint patrol activities. There are times when the city is absolutely booming, and times when it's more quiet. By establishing procedures based around maximizing roleplay, LEOs can continue to have a presence while still safely operating, and bonding as a larger brotherhood. I want to push for joint Special Operation unit trainings, joint patrol activities, and joint fugitive retrieval work.

I believe these tasks in combination will create the highest level of roleplay possible, and will help SAHP not only grow, but perform as a professional and functional organization that adds to the city as a whole.

Thank you for taking your time to read my application

EN3 Undersheriff Jimmie Booker

John Spectre

Just chilling Around
Feb 25, 2022
On Consideration

Interview will be done today
Contact me on discord for more information​
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