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IMPORTANT Applications for Leaders

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Sle Azy

May 8, 2021
1. Telvin
2. 25
3. EST
4. 7
5. Sleazy#8845
6. Sle Azy
7. 5103

Additional information
1. FiB
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Before I list my specifications, I wrote in my previous application: "An organization with this much popularity needs a leader who knows the rules, who knows his people, who know this city, who knows how to lead. ..Anything short of that and we'll be back here in two weeks doing this vetting process all over again." And unfortunately, we are here. Again. That was on June 13th, 2021. Today is June 26th, 2021. Fast forward thirteen days and this prestigious organization is in turmoil for all the wrong reasons. I mention all of this because enough is enough. FiB needs a real Leader with REAL leadership qualities, players are tired of family-run organizations being given due to poor selection. Players are tired of excelling beyond imagination only to be gatekept by a friend of a friend who just flew in yesterday and now has a higher position than them. Players are tired of their businesses being sealed due to poor communication -- The very thing these candidates glorify so much in their speeches, their applications, their lies they sell. Stop it now. The city is suffering. Now to my reasoning;
  1. Leadership: Bias, the common theme centered around most organizations these days (legal and non-legal) has been the growing presence of biases. A leader is selected and that leader has a family who has a grip on the majority of the city's other leaders and it creates this imbalance where nothing gets accomplished and corruption spreads at a rampant rate. I'm looking to rewrite that notion and restore the Bloods to its rightful position as one of the most feared illegal organizations in the city, free of any reign. Under the proper structure and proper chain of command. Leadership, when speaking on it a few things have to come into play and that's communication, personality management, humility, patience, and open-mindedness. To rebuild, rewrite and transition blood street gang out of the state it was left in is a task only meant for someone with those qualities and I know with extreme confidence I possess those qualities and more. An organization with this much popularity needs a leader who knows the rules, who knows his people, who know this city, who knows how to lead. ..Anything short of that and we'll be back here in two weeks doing this vetting process all over again.

  2. Connections: Starting off the city I got educated quickly on all the city rules and regulations thanks to members of government. Most of the community know those people (who helped me) went on to become administrators of the server (Gods). Having said all of this, I can say confidently with my connections to them I will be able to bridge the gap and help breathe a more healthy line of communication into this organization. Not only to avoid trivial strikes/warnings but to create organic and interactive roleplay scenarios other leaders did not get the chance to. Correlate community events, leadership sabotage (i.e.: how Nova Grey was "assassinated" by rival gangs in order to become a god), and more to name a few. Before flying into this city I was the lead chief for three high-rated cities where I trained over 1000 players and some high-profile (OOC) celebrities. Click Here. Working exclusively with Dwarf Mamba, HeyBigMike, Anthony Davis, and more I was the main guy who was either asked or tasked with training them when it came to LSPD, SAST, or SAHP. I as well wrote all SOPs, Gang Unit, S.W.A.T., and/or SRU protocols for multiple cities. Training handbooks, penal code revisions (different cities in FiveM had different RP styles, for semi-serious I had to rewrite entire penal codes), engagement codes, and more. I was a paragon for law enforcement.

  3. Honesty: I chose honesty as my last talking point due to the fact that I'm not a stickler. I'm not a tyrant or a dictator. My philosophy is the same old-school saying: "treat others the way you want to be treated", and I firmly stand by that. I'm all about maximizing the potential of a person which can only be achieved by setting a welcoming environment for them to grow in. With the current rate at which gangs are terrorizing the city, FiB needs elite members only. And what's crazy about that is, every person has the elite level in them it just needs to tapped into and honed correctly. That raw talent. Cause to me, talent is what you’re capable of doing physically (like in a raw way {raw-talent}) before you refine your craft. Then skill is what you learn to do with that talent.
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.
  • My advice for improving the roleplay level in the organization? Select better, well fit, bias-free players. Players who have the reputation to lead, players who are or have been vouched in by several respected members of the community. What I witnessed from the previous FiB organization was egregious, pathetic, disappointing and the people responsible need to be held accountable for the damage they did to the org. FiB is (OOC) script'ly bound to the PDA. The one tool that separates them from EVERY other organization in the city... And now they can’t use it? We can’t use it? That alone speaks volumes to the damage that was done. From there the improvement will have a trickling effect - leaders can put in place field trainers who can properly train new players on how to properly issue a high-risk warrant arrest. Who can properly approach civilians (until seen otherwise via passport/PDA/id) to apprehend wanted criminals. The city should not dread seeing FiB in the way of: Arriving onto a player’s property, immediately putting them in handcuffs, and walking them into a cruiser -- While surrounded by several civilians and not one other civilian was asked for an ID. That's inexcusable. This CAN NOT HAPPEN. Ever. A prime example of leadership failing to address standard rules of engagement, standard FiB procedures, standard common sense. Besides that, Know our boundaries and let the roleplay scenarios be just that: roleplay scenarios. A seamless flow of action where both sides can say whether they win or lose they haven't had that much fun in a while. So my second advice would be clarity to help us help you guys, the administration.

  • Along with administrative involvement, a firm grasp, and enforcement of ghetto/generals rules. All rules primarily but those two subsections specifically. Improvement of organizational roleplay starts from the top - down. Lead by example. I can't promise a one hundred percent success rate because no one is perfect, but far fewer chances will be given out to players who fail to comprehend that you can not shoot inside a gang HQ, you can not revive ANYONE with your weapon out, you can not excessively car ram a player with your vehicle. Simple mistakes go a long way into deteriorating the integrity of what is Grand RP. It's one thing to talk about the change but it's another to be the change.

  • Lastly, more cooperation between all legal organizations. Joint operations, universal negotiation training for all departments, case file collaboration, and more. I've witness LSPD and FiB come together to help each other elevate both team's understanding, quality, and execution of negotiating. Next would be the promptness of gang raids. With the overwhelming increase in gang activity and population, gang raids need to be done almost spontaneously if not impromptu. The setup for me would be rehearsed during our downtime spread out through different days so when it's time to execute everyone knows their roles and what to do. This will prevent leakage of information, improve our chances of capturing high-value targets, and crippling warehouses before gangs are able to move their war stock.
Last edited:


May 8, 2021
1. Nieleus
2. 27
3. GMT-5
4. 3-5
5. `RayJ#4966
6. Fetty Dejigalo
7. 1899

1. Leader of FiB

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. I would like the become the next leader of FiB to expand my knowledge of modern roleplay and have a organize structure of organization to bring out the best of FiB by helping turning it into a professional legal faction that attracts a lot of great players that has experience in LEO's organizations.

2. Being able to work with other experience players as leader will also bring a more sturdy and reliable structure and stable within the organization a whole lot better than how it use to be in the past. I believe in taking the leadership role of FiB is a very huge responsibility due to the many special features that the organization has script wise, and must be exercised with a distinct seriousness along with a strong back bone of dedicated players.

3. I would like to work together with other legal factions, (Gov, SAHP, LSPD, etc) to make sure that the city is a safe place to work and do what they need to be done without worrying about getting targeted from criminals and suspects. I like to have a better roleplay experience with the other legal factions. I understand that LEOS are here to enforce the laws of the streets and being able to communicate with the legal organizations as the leader of FiB can drastically improve roleplay, chain of commands, and overall the way LEOs work together within and outside of the city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.....
My advices for improving roleplay level in organization is have a level headed and always be open to ideas that admins and/or people from legal factions recommends. It takes more than 1 person to improve roleplay within any type of organization. For FiB, specifically, I want to be able restructure a few ideas that has already been implemented into the org. Being able to revise them so people within the organization has to follow those exact procedures so it can have a better roleplay quality in whatever sort of action is taking. I also feel like as a leader, it will help me improve my abilities to make a major improvement on other people that wants to experience a different of roleplay level within FiB which also helps bring more life to the server and fun for people within the org. While still maintaining a rule abying chain of command, and being extremely active within the organization.

Ethan Versace

May 8, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Ethan Gomez
2. 17
3. EST
4. 6-10 hours
5. vxqrethan#4324
6. Ethan Versace
7. 2401

Addition Information:

1. Leader of FIB
2. The reason I want to be leader of FIB is because I have a lot of experience in the legal side of orgs and really enjoyed being in FIB. I was also captain in LSPD and Dep. Head of SS in Government. I also do have experience in FIB as I was in FIB before it got disbanded and think I would be a good fit for the job. I've always liked FIB a lot and have wanted the opportunity to get leadership as well.
3. I would have strict rules on what to do and what not to do. I would also make it that trainees and any type of beginner would not be able to do much things so they can learn first. I would also make sure that everyone in the org knows all the rules and if they decide to break rules it would lead to suspension or even termination depending on the situation. I also would make it very clear on hostage situations that hostages are the number one priority and make sure that none of the FIB agents are trigger happy and start shooting for no reason.

Enok war

May 27, 2021
1. Your name IRL- Abhit Sankhe
2. Your age -24
3. Time zone- IST
4. Average online per day -6 hours
5. Your Discord- warscope #5927
6. Your Nickname Enok War
7. Your ID - 20058
Additional information
1. Leader of FIB
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I think i am better fit as FIB leader because
1. EXPERIENCE - I have always been working for legal organization since start from EMS to FIB i never used my connections to get in any of these organization i always like to earn my position and seen lot of benefits of connections getting in this organization who didn't even had basic FTP for FIB like arresting someone where my higher ups and i have seen much better people working hard than them and putting work where not recognized and i won't let that happen again.
2. Discipline - When it comes to Legal Organization like FIB it plays a crucial role in this city and also with great amount on power which can easily get abused and there is certain amount of discipline needs to be followed as FIB agents and understand the consequence to breaking rules and should think twice before making any action in the field and using their abilities in a non rp way.
3.Awareness - I am always aware about what happens around me and know who is putting work and who just want to mess around with those powers and have good idea about who deserves the power and who is getting demoralized and most important when i say about my playing hours its my active 6 hours not in during sleep mode.
4. Problem solving - As a FIB agent its really hard to find ability but its much needed one as many times its not just about shooting down gang members many unique situation occurs during this course and i am good at solving this puzzles with performing hardcore RP with it.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
There will be no biased or rush entry into this organization as happened before everyone will be treated there will be no special treatment for some family members or he is a friend of someone everyone will be performing FTP together. Exceptions will be the EX- Higher Ups who earned the position rather than just getting it will be considered to help it get it together and still will be cross checked.
2. No promotions based on connections or just arresting number of people will be promoted on basis of tactical and intellectual performance and tests to get everyone what they deserve.
3.Strict discipline and chain of commands to be followed to make workflow more smooth and effective in working every agent need to contact right senior or authority of the division rather than asking everything to the leader.
4. Creating Unique situation based FTP to randomly check ability of agent and help agents grow their ability to act in different with situation and build them to make right choice inmost situation without help of the higherups.
5.Strict punishments for agents who have broke the rules mostly getting demoted in first strike to work back to his deserved rank.

Personal experience - Been an FIB AGENT on whitelist servers like no pixel and other and already worked with FIB in GRAND RP for long time now that i am qualified to be what need to be done never had a chance before this might be my chance to make this much better place by re-establishing this organization.

Brian Dejigalo

Jun 6, 2021
1. Mikkel
2. 21
3. GMT+1
4. 6 - 8 hours.
5. KanZik#6092
6. Brian Dejigalo
7. 2364
Additional information
1. High Command in Families. Previous Deputy Chief in Police under the name Brian Oconnor.
2. First reason: Been in PD before so I know how everything works, and I know how to lead. I will respect the other departments and make it realistic so we only respond to urgent situations, we won't be at store robberies and stuff.
Second Reason: Not gonna go on the same path as the old FIB, we would create relations with citizens and have events where everyone can attend.
Third reason: I know a lot of people that would be willing to join with me and that I trust a lot. So they can help me organize and arrange everything, we have already made a plan about everything if I succeed to become a leader.

3. Make meetings each week where we talk about what has been good in this week and what we can improve on.
Have an Employee of the week that will get a bonus.
Having training camps where we will train with the other departments.
Hold parties for all departments and have close contact with the other leaders of the departments.

Ross Dejigalo

May 8, 2021
1. Lucas
2. 20
3. EST
4. 6.5H
5. ross#7777
6. Ross Dejigalo
7. 63
Additional information
1. Leader of FIB (previous families leader)

2. (1) I have been a part of this server since the day it was launched, and have had a leading role in a criminal organization(families) from the start. Through that time I had the opportunity to become the leader of the families for almost 2 months. I intended to set a standard for other criminal organizations and members of my gang by turning families into a structured yet fun environment for my members. Achieving that goal and much more was something I felt rewarding as I wanted to contribute to the community and make the crime side a great place for all. (2) During that time there were many ups and downs that required someone who can handle the pressure and turn a negative situation into something positive. I intend to bring the many people who I know are good and strong members of this community and bring the high standards set before to FIB for it to be the organization everyone looks to as it should be. (3) I recently have stepped away from the crime side and have joined a legal org where I am gaining experience and knowledge of how legal organizations function. Using my previous experience will give me an advantage against others when facing gangs and require gangs to start becoming more creative in things like events and general interactions. My main goal is to turn FIB into the gold standard for organizations and believe I have the skills necessary and people to follow who are proven members of the community to help achieve this goal.

3. The FIB should represent strength, order, and honesty. The organization will consist of people that represent all those qualities and display that through recruitment which is looked at from an IC and OOC perspective. Proper training will be given to everyone and there they will need to present the necessary prerequisites in order to advance in the organization. For specific situations such as robberies and Interactions within the ghetto, there will be a strict code of conduct to follow that will be enforced by the many leaders who will be there to control the situation. Ultimately, the structure of fib and image it will portray to the community generates a standard of RP for all of the community to follow.

Wolfy Vujacic

Jun 19, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Vuk (Translation: Wolf)
2. Your age: 14
3. Time zone: GMT
4. Average online per day: 5hours or less
5. Your Discord: Comrade_Wolfy #0001
6. Your Nickname: Wolfy
7. Your ID: 34308
Additional information
1. Leader of... (currently nothing)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
2. Reason number 1: fbi is getting weaker, so someone needs to bring back it on the top, someone needs to change the rules and test every agent
Reason number 2: they dont have a weekly rule check, weekly rule check checks the agent if he knows the rules every week
Reason number 3: someone needs to train these agents to become seriosly big tough agents, like to Improve their aim, train them what to do in some seriosly situations, and more
3. Well i mentioned training and tests, they must take the rules seriosly or else, and idk what should i mention right now, like, there is a lot to mention
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.


Jun 5, 2021
1. Telvin
2. 25
3. EST
4. 7
5. Sleazy#8845
6. Sle Azy
7. 5103

Additional information
1. FiB
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Before I list my specifications, I wrote in my previous application: "An organization with this much popularity needs a leader who knows the rules, who knows his people, who knows this city, who knows how to lead. ..Anything short of that and we'll be back here in two weeks doing this vetting process all over again." And unfortunately we are here. Again. That was on June 13th, 2021. Today is June 26th, 2021. Fast forward thirteen days and this prestigious organization is in turmoil for all the wrong reasons. I mention all of this because enough is enough. FiB needs a real Leader with REAL leadership qualities, players are tired of family run organizations being given due to poor selection. Players are tired of excelling beyond imagination only to be gate kept by a friend of a friend who just flew in yesterday and now has a higher position than them. Players are tired of their businesses being sealed due to poor communication -- The very thing these candidates glorify so much in their speeches, their applications, their lies they sell. Stop it now. The city is suffering. Now to my reasoning;
  • Leadership: Bias, the common theme centered around most organizations these days (legal and non-legal) has been the growing presences of biases. A leader is selected and that leader has a family who has a grip on the majority of the city's other leaders and it creates this imbalance where nothing gets accomplished and corruption spreads at a rampant rate. I'm looking to rewrite that notion and restore the Bloods to its rightful position as one of the most feared illegal organizations in the city, free of any reign. Under proper structure and proper chain of command. Leadership, when speaking on it a few things have to come into play and that's: communication, personality management, humility, patience and open mindedness. To rebuild, rewrite and transition blood street gang out of the state it was left in is a task only meant for someone with those qualities and I know with extreme confidence I possess those qualities and more. An organization with this much popularity needs a leader who knows the rules, who knows his people, who knows this city, who knows how to lead. ..Anything short of that and we'll be back here in two weeks doing this vetting process all over again.

  • Connections: Starting off the city I got educated quickly on all the city rules and regulations thanks to members of government. Most of the community know those people (who helped me) went on to become administrators of the server (Gods). Having said all of this, I can say confidently with my connections to them I will be able to bridge the gap and help breathe a more healthy line of communication into this organization. Not only to avoid trivial strikes/warnings but to create organic and interactive roleplay scenarios other leaders did not get the chance too. Correlate community events, leadership sabotage (i.e.: how Nova Grey was "assassinated" by rival gangs in order to become a god) and more to name a few. Backed behind the acting Governor and his predecessors my reach will extend far beyond doing daily "turfs" and "clandestine" events.

  • Role-play Quality: All I want to do as a whole is to be active and give life to the illegal side that was once dead. Coming from GOV then FiB; the gangs' previously showed up to no events, had zero activity in the ghetto, scarcely did store robberies and only did turfs. Now that has changed, but that change was momentary. I'm looking to pick up the torch and revive the RP to its full potential. This past week, the National Guard hasn't had to work this hard since they were formed. FiB hasn't had to actually do their job since it was formed (this is no knock to the previous FiB which I was a part of. We did excellent work but we hunted incompetent criminals. Not organized crime which we were displaying as bloods), LSPD hasn't been needed more now than ever to patrol the streets. Only group (to my knowledge) to successfully defend a FiB raid, successfully defend each black market raid, intercept a police cruiser -- take a cop hostage and create a prison break, and issue martial law.. In our first week. It was an amazing run short-sided by a few bad apples. These few glimpses I got to experience was enough to sell me. If this organization's trajectory is anything I imagine, this is one of the things I want to be a part of. Backed behind some extraordinary leaders I can appoint, it's no way we can't get things done.
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
My advice for improving the roleplay level in the organization? Select better, well fit, bias free players. Players who have the reputation to lead, players who are or have been vouched in by several respected members of the community. What I witnessed from the previous FiB organization was egregious, pathetic, disappointing and the people responsible need to be held accountable for the damage they did to the org. FiB is (OOC) script'ly bound to the PDA. The one tool that separates them from EVERY other organization in the city.. And now they can’t use it? We can’t use it? That alone speaks volume to the damage that was done. From there the improvement will have a trickling effect - leaders can put in place field trainers who can properly train new players on how to properly issue a high risk warrant arrest. Who can properly approach civilians (until seen otherwise via passport/pda/id) to apprehend wanted criminals. The city should not dread seeing FiB in the way of: Arriving onto a player’s property, immediately putting them in handcuffs and walking them into a cruiser -- While surrounded by twelve other civilians and not one other civilian was asked for an ID. That's inexcusable. Besides that, Know our boundaries and let the roleplay scenarios be just that: roleplay scenarios. A seamless flow of action where both sides can say whether they win or lose they haven't had that much fun in a while. So my second advice would be clarity to help us help you guys, the administration.

Along with administrative involvement, a firm grasp and enforcement of ghetto/generals rules. All rules primarily but those two subsections specifically. Improvement of organizational roleplay starts from the top - down. Lead by example. I can't promise one hundred percent success rate because no one is perfect, but far less chances will be given out to players who fail to comprehend that you can not shoot inside a gang HQ, you can not revive ANYONE with your weapon out, you can not excessively car ram a player with your vehicle. Simple mistakes that go a long way into deteriorating the integrity of what is Grand RP. It's one thing to talk about the change but it's another to be the change.
Don’t overlook this application. This man knows every rule to a tee. Also has the leadership qualities you’re looking for to run an organization to your standards. It’s clear as day by reading this application he’s more than qualified for this position and the interview process will show that. Thank you.


Jun 5, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Kartik Bhatt
7-10 Hours
Kartik Bhat

Additional information-:
1) Leader of FIB
2) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. FIB , is a top tier law enforcement organization and its a must for the FIB agents to maintain high level of Rp and professionalism,
The fundamental issue with the old FIB was that it was highly unorganized and lacked professionalism, so my first duty would be to recruit prestigious ex employees from various legal organization to train the recruits in a proper order.
2. Controlled investigation and wiping organized crime, illegal contraband, drugs and firearm selling along with gathering highly confidential intel with a good sense of rp that if fun for both side of the state org.
3. Lastly not making biased decision that promote uninterest among the players leading to intentional rule breaks, I would give everyone equal opportunity to proof themselves by giving them trial ranks as I had noticed the problems in the old FIB before it got disbanded and so I would certainly work on improving those areas.

3) Recruiting highly experienced people for the field training department and sending higher ups with lower ranks to create high level rp situations.
Last edited:


May 24, 2021
Kartik Bhatt
7-10 Hours
Kartik Bhat

Additional information-:
1) Leader of FIB
2) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. FIB , is a top tier law enforcement organization and its a must for the FIB agents to maintain high level of Rp and professionalism,
The fundamental issue with the old FIB was that it was highly unorganized and lacked professionalism, so my first duty would be to recruit prestigious ex employees from various legal organization to train the recruits in a proper order.
2. Controlled investigation and wiping organized crime, illegal contraband, drugs and firearm selling along with gathering highly confidential intel with a good sense of rp that if fun for both side of the state org.
3. Lastly not making biased decision that promote uninterest among the players leading to intentional rule breaks, I would give everyone equal opportunity to proof themselves by giving them trial ranks.

3) Recruiting highly experienced people for the field training department and sending higher ups with lower ranks to create high level rp situations.
You r good leadr parfect


May 12, 2021
Kartik Bhatt
7-10 Hours
Kartik Bhat

Additional information-:
1) Leader of FIB
2) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. FIB , is a top tier law enforcement organization and its a must for the FIB agents to maintain high level of Rp and professionalism,
The fundamental issue with the old FIB was that it was highly unorganized and lacked professionalism, so my first duty would be to recruit prestigious ex employees from various legal organization to train the recruits in a proper order.
2. Controlled investigation and wiping organized crime, illegal contraband, drugs and firearm selling along with gathering highly confidential intel with a good sense of rp that if fun for both side of the state org.
3. Lastly not making biased decision that promote uninterest among the players leading to intentional rule breaks, I would give everyone equal opportunity to proof themselves by giving them trial ranks.

3) Recruiting highly experienced people for the field training department and sending higher ups with lower ranks to create high level rp situations.
hope he becomes the leader he has leadership quality


Jun 10, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Ryan
2. Your age: 36
3. Time zone: US MST
4. Average online per day: 8-10 hrs
5. Your Discord: Stryfe#5318
6. Your Nickname: Strife McMillan
7. Your ID: 8959

Additional information
1. Leader of -

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?:
A- Many issues that FIB and other organizations have run into stem from a lack of thorough understanding of server rules and roles of each department. As a former Captain of the National Guard, Director of Secret Service, and SSA in FIB, I have extensive knowledge of the rules of engagement and legal processes necessary to run a functional legal organization. Strikes are often issued for a basic misunderstanding of how to proceed/move forward in certain situations which I can fully remedy. During my tenure as SS Director and leader of NG ground strike troops as a Captain we were never issued a single strike, and not once did we require intervention from an admin to resolve any situation at all. Proper training solves these issues - I have a proven track record to back up my suitability for this position.

B- I would like to elevate the roleplay level and professionalism of FIB (and all) organizations as a whole. People can take their roles seriously and still have fun. This is a game after all, but FIB employees need to RP as such and treat everyone around them (including suspects) with a level of respect they want reciprocated. Simply put - if you can't take your role seriously and act disciplined when on duty WHILE having fun, you don't deserve to work for one of the previously most respected orgs in the city. Bad seeds in upper management spread their habits down the chain. I am fully capable of delegating upper management that can convey my morals and discipline all the way down to the lowest rank.

C- Most importantly, I would like to re-unite the state organizations to work as a team and smash any previous drama from former administrations. I pride myself on my relationship with all the other state organizations, and members from each can and will back me up on this claim. We should all cooperate and work as one well-oiled machine to elevate the RP level of events in Grand. I have previous experience coordinating operations between every department, and I treat them and their members with the utmost respect. It's a two-way street. If you want people to work together, appoint those who give their allies appreciation and acknowledgement for their assistance.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in organization:
I personally feel that former administration had a lack of understanding of division roles in its arsenal. If members feel like they have an important individual role in their org, it empowers them and they will deliver better RP as a whole. I will reinforce and specify the tasks for each division so that everyone feels their job is appropriate and has merit. We will hold a strict recruitment guideline that caters to a specific kind of player. We can run an org that follows the rules and appreciates the RP that gangs/criminals provide for us if we are professional, disciplined, and focused from the top down.

Your consideration is appreciated!
-Strife McMillan


May 13, 2021
Kartik Bhatt
7-10 Hours
Kartik Bhat

Additional information-:
1) Leader of FIB
2) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. FIB , is a top tier law enforcement organization and its a must for the FIB agents to maintain high level of Rp and professionalism,
The fundamental issue with the old FIB was that it was highly unorganized and lacked professionalism, so my first duty would be to recruit prestigious ex employees from various legal organization to train the recruits in a proper order.
2. Controlled investigation and wiping organized crime, illegal contraband, drugs and firearm selling along with gathering highly confidential intel with a good sense of rp that if fun for both side of the state org.
3. Lastly not making biased decision that promote uninterest among the players leading to intentional rule breaks, I would give everyone equal opportunity to proof themselves by giving them trial ranks as I had noticed the problems in the old FIB before it got disbanded and so I would certainly work on improving those areas.

3) Recruiting highly experienced people for the field training department and sending higher ups with lower ranks to create high level rp situations.
You gonna be a good leader from my opinion

Tyrell Johnson

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
May 14, 2021
1. Rick
2. 30
3. GMT+1
4. Minimum of 8 hours per day
5. TheRick#0500
6. Tyrell Johnson
7. 10411
Additional information
1. Leader of FIB
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
- I feel the FIB is the organisation that has major influence on the city. They basically keep the stability between legal and illegal in this city. Currently I feel the stability is a bit gone, legal is really bending to the illegal gangs. I think FIB is "the" organisation that can change all this if it is ran properly. I have seen the "wrong" display of power by the former FIB. Daily black market raids ruin the balance, excesive force like that should only be used when proper intelligence has been provided.
- As a captain of the National Guard I have been in contact with a lot of the FIB higher ups during the past. I have seen the good and the bad side. I am more than capable of changing the direction and will make sure a fresh new start of the FIB will cause it to be a clean organisation. When you put me in charge of the organisation I will make sure to have regular contacts with other organisations and ofcourse the govenour. The cohesian between these organisation will cause a much more stable and non-corrupt FIB.
- In order to have a properly ran FIB I will make sure to setup an extensive training program for new recruits and a zero-tolerance policy to agents that were found abusing their powers. I have seen FIB agents performing acts against the city laws and not being punished for this. In my opinion agents breaking the laws should be arrested, sent to jail and lose their job. I will than also communicate this information between the other organisations so they won't be able to abuse their position somewhere else. This is the only way to run a crackdown on corruption in legal organisations.

3. My advice is very simple, make sure people are trained properly and make sure they know about basic laws and regulations. Make sure a zero tolerance policy is set for people that do break laws. Last but not least, as the FIB has a lot of different options, black market raids, gang HQ raids etc. etc. those possibilties don't have to be used on a daily basis, which was the current policy. As we always say in the National Guard, the city needs to be fair. Give everyone a chance to show their best side, legal and illegal, balance is key.


May 24, 2021
1. Your name IRL. ANKIT KUMAR
2. Your age ::: 23
3. Time zone :: 5:30
4. Average online per day. 9 hours
5. Your Discord:: Ankitislive#5614
6. Your Nickname .ANKIT
7. Your ID. 12896
Additional information
Leader of: FIB

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

A) I am a Sargent in the SAHP, I have been at my post for a little over two months now. I have risen through the ranks quickly due to my activeness and competence on patrol and when dealing with citizens. I would like to bring this strong Competency and work ethic to the FIB where I believe it has been lacking.

B) FIB agents are supposed to be top negotiators. I feel that in the past negotiations have been breaking down due to a lack of ability and proper training. Under my command NO AGENT will be allowed to negotiate with a criminal Organization if they have not been properly trained, tested, and verified as loyal to the state. This will cut down on agents favoring criminals during negotiations, who they have had past contact with.

C) FIB Agents should be tasked with blanketing the city with under cover agents, properly gathering information on families and organizations, and then executing proper successful raids on those families and organizations. This has been an issue in the past as there is no real coordination between the State Organizations. Under my command there will be a liaison to each state org that will train and lead a SWAT division for each that will be able to assist with raids when enough information has been gathered to conduct a raid.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

SAHP has taught me a lot about RolePlay in our city. It is sometimes an issue when interacting with citizens that either side State, citizen, or suspect fails to properly RP. The fix for this issue isn't always a punishment for the person who fails to use proper RP but perhaps the institution or continuation of a proper example. If our State employees are held to a MUCH higher standard than normal citizens, or suspects then the city as a whole will "in time" improve their RP ability as well. It is not always right to report a person you are interacting with because they fail RP, Instead Continue or Improve your RP so that others can see how it should be done. Under my command ALL FIB agents will be held to an extremely high standard of RP and if they fail and continue to do so serious actions will be taken on my part.


May 28, 2021
1. Lucas
2. 20
3. EST
4. 6.5H
5. ross#7777
6. Ross Dejigalo
7. 63
Additional information
1. Leader of FIB (previous families leader)

2. (1) I have been a part of this server since the day it was launched, and have had a leading role in a criminal organization(families) from the start. Through that time I had the opportunity to become the leader of the families for almost 2 months. I intended to set a standard for other criminal organizations and members of my gang by turning families into a structured yet fun environment for my members. Achieving that goal and much more was something I felt rewarding as I wanted to contribute to the community and make the crime side a great place for all. (2) During that time there were many ups and downs that required someone who can handle the pressure and turn a negative situation into something positive. I intend to bring the many people who I know are good and strong members of this community and bring the high standards set before to FIB for it to be the organization everyone looks to as it should be. (3) I recently have stepped away from the crime side and have joined a legal org where I am gaining experience and knowledge of how legal organizations function. Using my previous experience will give me an advantage against others when facing gangs and require gangs to start becoming more creative in things like events and general interactions. My main goal is to turn FIB into the gold standard for organizations and believe I have the skills necessary and people to follow who are proven members of the community to help achieve this goal.

3. The FIB should represent strength, order, and honesty. The organization will consist of people that represent all those qualities and display that through recruitment which is looked at from an IC and OOC perspective. Proper training will be given to everyone and there they will need to present the necessary prerequisites in order to advance in the organization. For specific situations such as robberies and Interactions within the ghetto, there will be a strict code of conduct to follow that will be enforced by the many leaders who will be there to control the situation. Ultimately, the structure of fib and image it will portray to the community generates a standard of RP for all of the community to follow.
No one who has posted here will ever be as capable or qualified as Ross Dejigalo. No one here has the leadership experience and success to back their application like this man. I see a lot of people saying someone is a good leader blah blah blah. None of you have what it takes like this man does. I have seen the success he brings to EVERY organization and the leadership qualities and love for the job he has.

You all may think that you know what leadership entails but this man has lived and breathed this server and built up an empire of success and supporters throughout his time in The Families. Ross is far more capable to lead than a anyone here and I would support him over any application I've seen.

Zay True

Jun 1, 2021
1. Telvin
2. 25
3. EST
4. 7
5. Sleazy#8845
6. Sle Azy
7. 5103

Additional information
1. FiB
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Before I list my specifications, I wrote in my previous application: "An organization with this much popularity needs a leader who knows the rules, who knows his people, who knows this city, who knows how to lead. ..Anything short of that and we'll be back here in two weeks doing this vetting process all over again." And unfortunately we are here. Again. That was on June 13th, 2021. Today is June 26th, 2021. Fast forward thirteen days and this prestigious organization is in turmoil for all the wrong reasons. I mention all of this because enough is enough. FiB needs a real Leader with REAL leadership qualities, players are tired of family run organizations being given due to poor selection. Players are tired of excelling beyond imagination only to be gate kept by a friend of a friend who just flew in yesterday and now has a higher position than them. Players are tired of their businesses being sealed due to poor communication -- The very thing these candidates glorify so much in their speeches, their applications, their lies they sell. Stop it now. The city is suffering. Now to my reasoning;
  • Leadership: Bias, the common theme centered around most organizations these days (legal and non-legal) has been the growing presences of biases. A leader is selected and that leader has a family who has a grip on the majority of the city's other leaders and it creates this imbalance where nothing gets accomplished and corruption spreads at a rampant rate. I'm looking to rewrite that notion and restore the Bloods to its rightful position as one of the most feared illegal organizations in the city, free of any reign. Under proper structure and proper chain of command. Leadership, when speaking on it a few things have to come into play and that's: communication, personality management, humility, patience and open mindedness. To rebuild, rewrite and transition blood street gang out of the state it was left in is a task only meant for someone with those qualities and I know with extreme confidence I possess those qualities and more. An organization with this much popularity needs a leader who knows the rules, who knows his people, who knows this city, who knows how to lead. ..Anything short of that and we'll be back here in two weeks doing this vetting process all over again.

  • Connections: Starting off the city I got educated quickly on all the city rules and regulations thanks to members of government. Most of the community know those people (who helped me) went on to become administrators of the server (Gods). Having said all of this, I can say confidently with my connections to them I will be able to bridge the gap and help breathe a more healthy line of communication into this organization. Not only to avoid trivial strikes/warnings but to create organic and interactive roleplay scenarios other leaders did not get the chance too. Correlate community events, leadership sabotage (i.e.: how Nova Grey was "assassinated" by rival gangs in order to become a god) and more to name a few. Backed behind the acting Governor and his predecessors my reach will extend far beyond doing daily "turfs" and "clandestine" events.

  • Role-play Quality: All I want to do as a whole is to be active and give life to the illegal side that was once dead. Coming from GOV then FiB; the gangs' previously showed up to no events, had zero activity in the ghetto, scarcely did store robberies and only did turfs. Now that has changed, but that change was momentary. I'm looking to pick up the torch and revive the RP to its full potential. This past week, the National Guard hasn't had to work this hard since they were formed. FiB hasn't had to actually do their job since it was formed (this is no knock to the previous FiB which I was a part of. We did excellent work but we hunted incompetent criminals. Not organized crime which we were displaying as bloods), LSPD hasn't been needed more now than ever to patrol the streets. Only group (to my knowledge) to successfully defend a FiB raid, successfully defend each black market raid, intercept a police cruiser -- take a cop hostage and create a prison break, and issue martial law.. In our first week. It was an amazing run short-sided by a few bad apples. These few glimpses I got to experience was enough to sell me. If this organization's trajectory is anything I imagine, this is one of the things I want to be a part of. Backed behind some extraordinary leaders I can appoint, it's no way we can't get things done.
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
My advice for improving the roleplay level in the organization? Select better, well fit, bias free players. Players who have the reputation to lead, players who are or have been vouched in by several respected members of the community. What I witnessed from the previous FiB organization was egregious, pathetic, disappointing and the people responsible need to be held accountable for the damage they did to the org. FiB is (OOC) script'ly bound to the PDA. The one tool that separates them from EVERY other organization in the city.. And now they can’t use it? We can’t use it? That alone speaks volume to the damage that was done. From there the improvement will have a trickling effect - leaders can put in place field trainers who can properly train new players on how to properly issue a high risk warrant arrest. Who can properly approach civilians (until seen otherwise via passport/pda/id) to apprehend wanted criminals. The city should not dread seeing FiB in the way of: Arriving onto a player’s property, immediately putting them in handcuffs and walking them into a cruiser -- While surrounded by twelve other civilians and not one other civilian was asked for an ID. That's inexcusable. Besides that, Know our boundaries and let the roleplay scenarios be just that: roleplay scenarios. A seamless flow of action where both sides can say whether they win or lose they haven't had that much fun in a while. So my second advice would be clarity to help us help you guys, the administration.

Along with administrative involvement, a firm grasp and enforcement of ghetto/generals rules. All rules primarily but those two subsections specifically. Improvement of organizational roleplay starts from the top - down. Lead by example. I can't promise one hundred percent success rate because no one is perfect, but far less chances will be given out to players who fail to comprehend that you can not shoot inside a gang HQ, you can not revive ANYONE with your weapon out, you can not excessively car ram a player with your vehicle. Simple mistakes that go a long way into deteriorating the integrity of what is Grand RP. It's one thing to talk about the change but it's another to be the change.
How could you not give this man a chance? As far as the application process goes, this guys' are crazy and deserves an interview to say the least! Give him a chance.

Bill Dior

May 9, 2021
1. Derick
2. 24
3. EST
4. 9 hours
5. Slime#0115
6. Bill Dior
7. 8381

Additional information
FIB Director

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
1. I want to change the culture of this organization and make it the prime example of what every legal organization should be. I have what it takes to be a Leader and a structure that will keep us in line and follow rules pertaining to the city. Also active from anywhere from 8-11 hours a day so I can be online and supervise all our members in the organization.

2.I can bring more RP to this organization due to me being connected with higher-ups in all legal organizations and criminals. I have leadership capabilities and structure to bridge all legal orgs together to where we all can RP and do stuff by the book.

3. I can bring a lot of experienced competent people over to this organization and turn into the pinnacle of every org

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
My advice is to get involved in Roleplay with legal organizations which will get some of the legal organizations that have nothing to do involved in some good RP. Like I mentioned before I can set up situations due to my connections. This will give us other ways for us to have fun, make money and fill in the times where we have nothing to do such as city events.
Last edited:


May 17, 2021
Kartik Bhatt
7-10 Hours
Kartik Bhat

Additional information-:
1) Leader of FIB
2) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. FIB , is a top tier law enforcement organization and its a must for the FIB agents to maintain high level of Rp and professionalism,
The fundamental issue with the old FIB was that it was highly unorganized and lacked professionalism, so my first duty would be to recruit prestigious ex employees from various legal organization to train the recruits in a proper order.
2. Controlled investigation and wiping organized crime, illegal contraband, drugs and firearm selling along with gathering highly confidential intel with a good sense of rp that if fun for both side of the state org.
3. Lastly not making biased decision that promote uninterest among the players leading to intentional rule breaks, I would give everyone equal opportunity to proof themselves by giving them trial ranks as I had noticed the problems in the old FIB before it got disbanded and so I would certainly work on improving those areas.

3) Recruiting highly experienced people for the field training department and sending higher ups with lower ranks to create high level rp situations.
he is the one who can handle this and has perfect qualities to be as a leader

- Martin Wade

Isaiah BoloFeeder

May 29, 2021
1. Telvin
2. 25
3. EST
4. 7
5. Sleazy#8845
6. Sle Azy
7. 5103

Additional information
1. FiB
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Before I list my specifications, I wrote in my previous application: "An organization with this much popularity needs a leader who knows the rules, who knows his people, who knows this city, who knows how to lead. ..Anything short of that and we'll be back here in two weeks doing this vetting process all over again." And unfortunately we are here. Again. That was on June 13th, 2021. Today is June 26th, 2021. Fast forward thirteen days and this prestigious organization is in turmoil for all the wrong reasons. I mention all of this because enough is enough. FiB needs a real Leader with REAL leadership qualities, players are tired of family run organizations being given due to poor selection. Players are tired of excelling beyond imagination only to be gate kept by a friend of a friend who just flew in yesterday and now has a higher position than them. Players are tired of their businesses being sealed due to poor communication -- The very thing these candidates glorify so much in their speeches, their applications, their lies they sell. Stop it now. The city is suffering. Now to my reasoning;
  • Leadership: Bias, the common theme centered around most organizations these days (legal and non-legal) has been the growing presences of biases. A leader is selected and that leader has a family who has a grip on the majority of the city's other leaders and it creates this imbalance where nothing gets accomplished and corruption spreads at a rampant rate. I'm looking to rewrite that notion and restore the Bloods to its rightful position as one of the most feared illegal organizations in the city, free of any reign. Under proper structure and proper chain of command. Leadership, when speaking on it a few things have to come into play and that's: communication, personality management, humility, patience and open mindedness. To rebuild, rewrite and transition blood street gang out of the state it was left in is a task only meant for someone with those qualities and I know with extreme confidence I possess those qualities and more. An organization with this much popularity needs a leader who knows the rules, who knows his people, who knows this city, who knows how to lead. ..Anything short of that and we'll be back here in two weeks doing this vetting process all over again.

  • Connections: Starting off the city I got educated quickly on all the city rules and regulations thanks to members of government. Most of the community know those people (who helped me) went on to become administrators of the server (Gods). Having said all of this, I can say confidently with my connections to them I will be able to bridge the gap and help breathe a more healthy line of communication into this organization. Not only to avoid trivial strikes/warnings but to create organic and interactive roleplay scenarios other leaders did not get the chance too. Correlate community events, leadership sabotage (i.e.: how Nova Grey was "assassinated" by rival gangs in order to become a god) and more to name a few. Backed behind the acting Governor and his predecessors my reach will extend far beyond doing daily "turfs" and "clandestine" events.

  • Role-play Quality: All I want to do as a whole is to be active and give life to the illegal side that was once dead. Coming from GOV then FiB; the gangs' previously showed up to no events, had zero activity in the ghetto, scarcely did store robberies and only did turfs. Now that has changed, but that change was momentary. I'm looking to pick up the torch and revive the RP to its full potential. This past week, the National Guard hasn't had to work this hard since they were formed. FiB hasn't had to actually do their job since it was formed (this is no knock to the previous FiB which I was a part of. We did excellent work but we hunted incompetent criminals. Not organized crime which we were displaying as bloods), LSPD hasn't been needed more now than ever to patrol the streets. Only group (to my knowledge) to successfully defend a FiB raid, successfully defend each black market raid, intercept a police cruiser -- take a cop hostage and create a prison break, and issue martial law.. In our first week. It was an amazing run short-sided by a few bad apples. These few glimpses I got to experience was enough to sell me. If this organization's trajectory is anything I imagine, this is one of the things I want to be a part of. Backed behind some extraordinary leaders I can appoint, it's no way we can't get things done.
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
My advice for improving the roleplay level in the organization? Select better, well fit, bias free players. Players who have the reputation to lead, players who are or have been vouched in by several respected members of the community. What I witnessed from the previous FiB organization was egregious, pathetic, disappointing and the people responsible need to be held accountable for the damage they did to the org. FiB is (OOC) script'ly bound to the PDA. The one tool that separates them from EVERY other organization in the city.. And now they can’t use it? We can’t use it? That alone speaks volume to the damage that was done. From there the improvement will have a trickling effect - leaders can put in place field trainers who can properly train new players on how to properly issue a high risk warrant arrest. Who can properly approach civilians (until seen otherwise via passport/pda/id) to apprehend wanted criminals. The city should not dread seeing FiB in the way of: Arriving onto a player’s property, immediately putting them in handcuffs and walking them into a cruiser -- While surrounded by twelve other civilians and not one other civilian was asked for an ID. That's inexcusable. Besides that, Know our boundaries and let the roleplay scenarios be just that: roleplay scenarios. A seamless flow of action where both sides can say whether they win or lose they haven't had that much fun in a while. So my second advice would be clarity to help us help you guys, the administration.

Along with administrative involvement, a firm grasp and enforcement of ghetto/generals rules. All rules primarily but those two subsections specifically. Improvement of organizational roleplay starts from the top - down. Lead by example. I can't promise one hundred percent success rate because no one is perfect, but far less chances will be given out to players who fail to comprehend that you can not shoot inside a gang HQ, you can not revive ANYONE with your weapon out, you can not excessively car ram a player with your vehicle. Simple mistakes that go a long way into deteriorating the integrity of what is Grand RP. It's one thing to talk about the change but it's another to be the change.
We need a guy like this not a guy that's friends with admins
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