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Richard Sole

Former Governor
May 8, 2021
Name: Richard Sole
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 26/04/1997
Nationality: British
Place of birth: Cambridge, UK
Residence: Los Santos, San Andreas.
Parents: Eric and Sandra Sole
Height/weight: 195cm / 90kg
Body type: Slim, athletic
Eye colour: Grey
Hair colour: Browny Blonde

Richard Sole is a very Polite, friendly and accommodating individual, but he will show force and let you know when you piss him off.

Richard has been living in Los Santos for a while now. Once serving in the National Guard, now LSPD. Richard's backstory is somewhat simple. Happy upbringing, lots of friends, enjoyed his younger years... Until his father died. When his father died, Richard took off to America in hopes of seeking a new life. Once arrived, he felt as if he wanted to do something good for his new community, so he signed up for the National Guard. Rising through the ranks quickly under Papa Valeri and Evangelia Papakosta, Richard became good friends with many state officials and assisted Eva in the running of the National Guard and setting up of the Special Forces unit, Special Air and Sea Division. Richard was trained by the best of the best and passed on his special forces training onto his team during his time at the National Guard and met his wife there, Willie Stroker whom he would do anything to protect and would do anything for her. Richard's time at the National Guard came to an end when he resigned from his position of General. Seeking more out of life, he and Willie travelled abroad to explore the rest of the world together.

Upon return to Los Santos, Richard wanted to get deeper into Peace Keeping and decided to join the LSPD alongside his wife. Putting his people skills and special forces training to good use, Richard took on the position of Major of the LSPD Division "Task Force". Lending a helping hand to his former fellow servicemen, he employed other retired NG personnel into the Task Force. This is now where Richard Resides and believes he will continue to be for the foreseeable future.

Richard's belief that Family and Friends always comes first means that whilst he seeks to put an end to corruption and will actively investigate fellow officers, he will turn a blind eye to his family. He won't join in with them if they are breaking the law but he simply does his best to ignore it but would do anything for his family in a time of need. He will, however, warn them of their actions and explain the consequences if they get caught. If he comes head to head against his family, he will however, shoot at them back if his life is threatened but will attempt to flee rather than fight. He does not let it get in the way of his working life though.

Richard find corruption disgusting and will actively work to fight it. If he suspects a colleague of being corrupt, he will search the stacks of paper trails to find the evidence to slide anonymously under the door of Internal Affairs and if he does not like this person, he may even slide the evidence to FIB if he deems necessary.

1) Due to his exceptional special forces training, Richard has the skills required to be able to take on up to 3 hostiles without hesitation.
2) During his time at the National Guard, Richard was taught defensive and advanced driver training. Because of this qualification, Richard will always attempt to flee when ordered to pull over by hostiles.
3) Richard loves his wife and family, therefore, he would do anything for them to assist them avoiding trouble and protect them in a time of need.
4) Richard is an avid believer in always having his cameras rolling. He has built a camera into every pair of glasses he owns that is connected to his phone which is always recording. When he has a police vest on, the feed automatically switches to the attached body cam to record the past 10 minutes of everything Richard has looked at.
5) Richard will carry LSPD vests in his vehicle for his work in the Task Force. Due to having to sometimes work undercover, this means he will borrow vests from the armoury and will always keep a maximum of 2 vests on his person or in his vehicle at all times. Not wanting to be perceived as corrupt, he will never leave them unattended or allow them into the hands of criminals deliberately.
6) Because of Richard's former life in the National Guard, his attitude towards criminals is very poor and rough. He will do whatever means necessary to let the criminals know who is boss. This can sometimes mean the odd beating of prisoners who misbehave in custody, gagging of prisoners during transport because they don't shut up when asked and being heavy handed and blunt to anyone who pisses him off. He will give warnings before his more "rugged" methods are used though and will always justify his actions.
7) Touching on the last point again, Richard's actions might not always be verbal. He will grab people's arms quickly and drag them often without saying. Especially on the run up to throwing people in prison. He has no problem with just pulling someone without warning and dragging them quite forcibly to their fate.
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