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George Michaelson

May 20, 2022
1. Your name IRL-George
2. Your age-18
3. Time zone-GMT+4
4. Average online per day-5-8 Hrs
5. Your Discord- FLUJI#2656
6. Your Nickname-George Michaellson
7. Your ID- 76438
Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
Almost a year ago, when i firstly joined this city my first LEO organizations was LSPD, as everyone i started my journey from zero, day by day i was learning more and more, I’ve meet and shared a lot of fun, a lot of experience and knowledges with a lot OG people from past. LSPD always was my home, i spent more then half of my LEO carrier in LSPD,
From Gabis term i always been in charge of PD, while my past PD times, i have seen a lot of things that isnt happening anymore, it means that past time always was ,,prime’’.
I want to get that strong and unbeatable org from criminals, and want to get its worth to LSPD.
On my second term of PD i got Head of Undercover, this department was kinda new for LSPD but i make it a most active department in PD, my department was obliged for things that it’s really supposed tho and i think i gave finally foundation to UC in LSPD to be active department as i make it.
I remember times that people was joining in PD for hard work and not for making dramas, this organization under my leadership will gets its worth and whats all the officer is really supposed to be on all the events/globals ETC.
I already got skills of leading multiple LEO orgs, i already tried out a LEO org leadership and i can easily say that its not really easy, but when its easy when you have too much experience about it and when you have your skilled team that can really be right next to you to help with everything. For this past 7 months i got all the enough experience to get leadership and lead a grateful organization as its LSPD, for this time its really need to get someone as leader that can really woke up this organizations and really get it back on TOP as it was always, with that, i can say that i will bring things that will be used by everyone, ill make PD looks like to a past organization, mean its strong and powerful abilities that it has but kindly cant used at this time, so i will bring most experienced and skilled HC team which really have abilities to put their 100% to it and get back PD on TOP.
After my PD time i moved to FIB, i was HC couple terms. I got 00 agent as well and was making things that 00’s was supposed tho, so for now i think i already have enough knowledge about everything to apply for PD and make it happen!

My ideas to improve organization.
I’ll only have a couple departments but with good amount of efforts,
I will have one Lethal force department like SWAT.
That they will be in charge to be on all the events and they must be very actives because LSPD is organization which a name ,,SWAT’’ comes from, so they will be always ready for different challenges for whole days, to improve active from this department i will issue them benefits, as its bonuses, access to cars, taking dogs, and a lot thing that they would like to do.
As i mentioned before, i got a lot of experience regarding UC, i will always have eyes on this department, as it is a most needed department for state, as FIB is making casefiles, we can get them evidences and help them to make things easier for them, this department will be focused for busts as well, they will get people which have a lot guns/ammunations, illegal stuff and bust them easily, as i did one in syndras term was my record, i busted one of family they was like mafia and i confiscated 15K AR ammo, 300AR, and lot of shit, so i will be inspiration for this department, also i will have benefits for them for more people to get them interested in department, so when someone will sees that their hard work is appreciated they will have motivation for it.
Human resources - a most skilled team that will be obliged to take care of everything that will be related to them, and take actions immediately, such as responding to citizens about their questions and further joining, gave trainings and not let any new member to wait for a long time and just watch others how they work, they will have speak about everything that they must do when they are conducting their duties, they always will be ready to do a mass recruitment anytime. And thats such a important thing for them. I will have a good amount of bonuses for them as well since they are important team for organization to get newbies there.
I will give them a little bit more things to teach new officers while trainings to avoid warns/verbals from them coz of driving in ghetto, breaking rules and ETC.


Regarding Special task forces: they will be picked by only approval of Deputy chief and Chief, candidates can be suggested by COS’s and they will be a team like 00’s so they must have a lot experiences and RP abilities to lead org while their time,

Internal affairs: Their job will be normally as they are doing everytime, checking officers logs, requesting bodycams, taking complaints and ETC.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Role play is a most important thing that all the LEO should always do!
My officers will be trained and it will be mandatory to act and show their professionalism,
So they will not act to suspects without thinking and they will did their work with all of their efforts, it means that they will be chilled out to suspects, communicate for further investigation and etc.

To improve roleplay for everyone ill make sure that my officers will not be sitting in HQ for no reason, ill make sure that all of my officers will be on patrols and helping state/putting their 100% on it.
To improve roleplay its requiring to have communications with other organizations, conduct special operations together.
I will make sure that ill have a great relationships with other LEO orgs and no complicit between us, together we’re brave!

And as well all of the LEO organization have their forced special team, so i will have meeting with all of them, and i will try to get all of the ORGs forced team to merge it with together and have a practice training on NG’s base, so this will improve RP a lot between LEO organizations and it will helps to improve communications between organizations, so this type of trainings will improve LEOS skills and they will use their practice skills when they will meet each others on globals, events, and ETC.

Thanks for reading my application!
Best regards, sweety George Michaelson <3

Nicolas Kakyoin

It takes time
May 8, 2022
This guy deserves the leadership , been working with him , he can put his full effort to the team and I am sure he can be one of the best leaders of LSPD , good luck to him and best regards.

——————-Nicolas Garcia——————-

Bob Bonkers

~ Reviewing forums since 2022
Feb 24, 2022

Senior of State will contact you in DM's or In-game​
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