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Ace Galante

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Aug 17, 2021
Organization: SAHP

Name: Ace Galante
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Nationality: Italian
Place of Birth: Italy
Sexuality: Unknown
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: None
Strengths: Leadership, Shooting, Driving.
Weakness: Patience, Straight

Life Story:
Growing up:
Ace grew up only with his father, His father got into trouble get into trouble and got into debt. He did everything to save Ace, he used to rob ATMs, people, and LEOs just to get some money to survive and to be able to pay his debts, Ace was present for most of his crimes, and after a couple of months, his father was been charged for his crimes, after Ace was left alone in the world, he met some people and joined "The Families", at the beginning Ace used to rob people just like his father after few days he got involved also in few store robberies that his gang did and Ace was known as the best driver that they have ever seen, after a couple of years Ace got charged for his crimes.

Starting adulthood:
When Ace turned 24 after many years that Ace and his father didn't meet each other, Ace saw his father inside the jail and they protected each other so that no one messes with them after a couple of months his father got into trouble with a group of 6 members inside the jail and he died. Ace found the one that killed his father and wanted to revenge. He was looking for a lot of weapons to kill them and after many changes, he found a weapon in order to avenge his father's blood. He killed the group that killed his father.

Career Story:
After ace served his time in prison he cleared his name in the government, he met a man that knew his father named Elon Moose who offered ace to join him for new way and different career that will change his life, So When Elon was elected as sheriff in the annual sheriff's election, Elon asked Ace to join him, Ace reluctantly agreed. After this Ace started working a good legal job as his Chief of Staff, but after few months he got bored and return back to his past and thought about to be corrupt cop, he renew contact with his old friends from the Ghetto and drove to them and Ace got into trouble from gang members and he had to kill them, and all his memories from the past backed to him.


1. Ace can arrest anyone for any reason
2. Ace can sell or use guns he picked up from the ground even if it was illegal.
3. Ace can help people escape jail, take bribes (Up to 100k), reduce their sentence, and remove them from wanted list.
4. Ace can threaten Judges and Lawyers, extort them or use violence in order to get what he wants.
5. Ace can off-road in any SUV or 4 Door vehicle.(RP Driving,)
6. Ace can do illegal activities due to his criminal past.
7. Ace can lie about requesting a lawyer and can deny the right to an attorney.
8. Ace can break anyone's body cameras. (Using /do destroys bodycam and SSD)
9. Ace can tell leak to gangs and to his friends intel he knows.
10. Ace can take his ID and radio off duty for sticky situations.
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