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Your ID
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Frawley Opps
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jan 29, 2023
Time of violation

Frawley Opps

We The Opps
Sep 7, 2022
This whole situation was tipped off when an ex family member came to my house and decided to try to steal my solar panel. He is constantly stalking and harassing myself and other family members. I realize I was not in the right for everything myself but I was provoked and upset with the whole situation. I broke down the video in what I would like to report ID 24424 for with time stamps and reasoning.

Provoking @ entire POV
Harassing @ entire POV
FearRP @ 5:31 ignores demands and tries to steal solar panel with gun pointed at him
Mixing @ 7:23 "you're on this game 50 hours a day bro"
Car ramming @ 9:20 and beyond


Aug 27, 2021
First of all you are completely lying to admins, I dont stalk any of you from the family and im not harassing any of you. Since I left the family this is the first time i have encountered a single one of you so stop lying to the admins to try make it seem worse.

Secondly, There is no provoking in the entire POV so idk wtf you are talking about here. Harassment is an IC law, not punishable by forums, only punishable by cops so go get me arrested XD. Started shooting at 2? Therefore you didn't finish demands before killing. You can also hear yourself deafen in discord - metagaming. OOC Insults from 5:48 onwards. You CR me before I did anything to you, self report for CR.
And you were also mixing so another self report. And you say I am provoking when you say you are trying to leave the situation but you are driving literally at me at 50kmh waiting for me to do something sooo if anyone is provoking it is literally you. Craziest thread ive seen

Frawley Opps

We The Opps
Sep 7, 2022
you are being a weirdo provoking and harassing by going out of your way this entire POV to ruin my gaming experience.

"first time i have encountered a single one of you so stop lying"
- explain this then

"Started shooting at 2? Therefore you didn't finish demands before killing"
- I gave you chance to walk away so I stopped counting and then you try to turn and run past me while I have a gun pointed at you still. By the time you did all that the 5 seconds was already over to begin with.

"You can also hear yourself deafen in discord - metagaming"
- please tell me where in this video did I speak to anyone about the ongoing situation or when did anyone who I'm "metagaming" with ever show up? Discord is allowed if you are not metagaming, which clearly I'm not here.

"OOC Insults from 5:48 onwards"
- nowhere are there OOC insults, those are everyday words if you want to claim those as OOC insults then the whole server is wrong.

"You CR me before I did anything to you"
- I did CR you first but yet you are still waiting outside of my house once again provoking me. I was upset and that should be completely understandable watching your actions.

"And you were also mixing so another self report"
- find where I'm mixing please

"you say I am provoking when you say you are trying to leave the situation but you are driving literally at me at 50kmh waiting for me to do something sooo if anyone is provoking it is literally you"
- yes let me go over the city speed limit so you can hit me and send my car flying through the air, that makes total sense.

"Craziest thread ive seen"


Aug 27, 2021
People have received warnings before for metagaming for just having discord deafen sound in the background. And am I not allowed to be standing on a public street anymore? Is that what provoking is? Standing on the side of a street, wow. And "Rat bitch" "you're a fucking bitch" "fucking pussy" "get a life" are OOC insults towards me. And btw city speed limit is 120kmh so you are going heavily under that limit.

Frawley Opps

We The Opps
Sep 7, 2022
People have received warnings before for metagaming for just having discord deafen sound in the background. And am I not allowed to be standing on a public street anymore? Is that what provoking is? Standing on the side of a street, wow. And "Rat bitch" "you're a fucking bitch" "fucking pussy" "get a life" are OOC insults towards me. And btw city speed limit is 120kmh so you are going heavily under that limit.
I deafened so my friend who isn't even in the city doesn't have to hear me argue with you. I will say again like I did before, there was no info given to anyone therefor it's not metagaming. Also you are sitting outside of my house waiting for me after the situation was well over with therefore provoking me still. Congrats on getting a response from me by hitting your car after you bothered me for 10 minutes. Also none of those statements are OOC insults. I was speaking in character clearly seeing as how I also mentioned you were in FIB and know my address because of that. As for my speed limit better safe than sorry.


Aug 27, 2021
I deafened so my friend who isn't even in the city doesn't have to hear me argue with you. I will say again like I did before, there was no info given to anyone therefor it's not metagaming. Also you are sitting outside of my house waiting for me after the situation was well over with therefore provoking me still. Congrats on getting a response from me by hitting your car after you bothered me for 10 minutes. Also none of those statements are OOC insults. I was speaking in character clearly seeing as how I also mentioned you were in FIB and know my address because of that. As for my speed limit better safe than sorry.
If you think that that is provoking then you clearly think the whole world is focused on you. I'm minding my own business at that point and you ram my car. And I wasn't even in FIB then so you are just assuming that, i know your house number because you have verbally told me it before. As for the speed, too slow = unsafe driving, for someone that knows how to drive you should know that.

Frawley Opps

We The Opps
Sep 7, 2022
If you think that that is provoking then you clearly think the whole world is focused on you. I'm minding my own business at that point and you ram my car. And I wasn't even in FIB then so you are just assuming that, i know your house number because you have verbally told me it before. As for the speed, too slow = unsafe driving, for someone that knows how to drive you should know that.
Seeing as how you have such a huge problem with Chicky, Yung, and myself currently, yeah I'd say your GRP world does revolve around going out of your way to start drama. Point proven on multiple posts now. As for this post specifically, I'm done talking to you. Everyone has opinions, lets see what the admins say.


Aug 27, 2021
Seeing as how you have such a huge problem with Chicky, Yung, and myself currently, yeah I'd say your GRP world does revolve around going out of your way to start drama. Point proven on multiple posts now. As for this post specifically, I'm done talking to you. Everyone has opinions, lets see what the admins say.
Ok big man
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