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Twist Titan
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Date of violation
Jan 31, 2023
Time of violation

Chinna Twist

Iam a Botu
Oct 19, 2022
iam saying multiple times leave but she is not leaving even though iam pointing a gun but she is not leaving


Jan 15, 2023
i'm The EMS Person in the Video
That Guy Mic is not working in Game and i kept Asking Him to say Anything or Even Write anything to Make me leave
But he didnt even reset his Mic
Beside That guy Was harrasement me The Whole way in the city and Following me Every Where For Some Reason
You Can See in The Video i Waited Too long in My car and even After i Left the Car To give him Chance To Say anything And i Told Him That He Need To Reset The Mic if He is Talking
But He Didnt Listen To Me At All
That is why i waited inside the Car And Waited After i Left The Car
i Even Waited Maybe he will shoot on the Air or Shoot Any Stray bullet to Give a Sign to Leave
But no Result At all
After all i Revived That Guy on the Ground And That Guy Came to Hospital To Talk With HC There
No one Was Able To Hear Him
And The Others Were Barely Hearing Him
He Should Fix His Mic To Have Healthy Game play for every Body Thank you And have a good day


Jan 15, 2023
Ah And i Forgot to Mention After i Saw His Video
He was Insulting Me Also Saying Get Lost Instead of Leave or please Leave like most of players Do
Such Acts Make the Game Toxic And unhealthy
My Advice be respectful To your fellow Gamers in the end we all here For fun and the good times Not for insulting

Chinna Twist

Iam a Botu
Oct 19, 2022
where is remaining pov need complete pov of the situation until you patch

To The Admin You will notice in my video when he standed Near Me he had no voice at all
So he was talking to Himself there


Aug 22, 2022
Left eye id24424 disinforming about she(id158006) cant ask to leave ems.... It is not correct. RP working in any zone. And eems employe cant know whole situation. And in their rules writed they need to stay away from gunfight and need to listen and follow demands guys with guns.

158006 ramming car and show disrespct to ems worker.


Jan 15, 2023
One More Thing :-
This Guy Had a Plan To Do such a situation To Black Mail EMS People
He Even Admitted it Himself on the fourms
Here is the link
Simply he Did This all story So he can Get 100k From EMS HC
He Went to PH Hospital to Black Mail Our Leaders
Emma And Mike
So Basically i suspect That he Did something so his mic will not be hearable
And didnt write something in the Chat So he can Get easy money
And For The Last Time when i was in my Car i waited too long so he write something or say something
And when i left my Car he still didnt write or reset his mic or even Shot stray bullet
About your question Why i didnt Leave when you held me at gun point
Q:- because you didnt Say anything or write anything to show me that you wanted me to leave
And i kept telling you To write or say something But you failed to do so
But Yea its your plane
Thank you Admin And have a good day all
And For person who work alot of Hours On ambulance
i see all the time people with gun on my face but that doesnt mean to leave
They use it sometime to make me know that they are trying to tell me something
like waving hands or pointing some places
its easier and faster
And always when people want me to leave simply i Leave its nothing personal we have work to do and people to save
Once i hear shots or Leave voice or chat
But your shaddy way and your mic put you in such situation


Aug 22, 2022
One More Thing :-
This Guy Had a Plan To Do such a situation To Black Mail EMS People
He Even Admitted it Himself on the fourms
Here is the link
Simply he Did This all story So he can Get 100k From EMS HC
He Went to PH Hospital to Black Mail Our Leaders
Emma And Mike
So Basically i suspect That he Did something so his mic will not be hearable
And didnt write something in the Chat So he can Get easy money
And For The Last Time when i was in my Car i waited too long so he write something or say something
And when i left my Car he still didnt write or reset his mic or even Shot stray bullet
About your question Why i didnt Leave when you held me at gun point
Q:- because you didnt Say anything or write anything to show me that you wanted me to leave
And i kept telling you To write or say something But you failed to do so
But Yea its your plane
Thank you Admin And have a good day all
And For person who work alot of Hours On ambulance
i see all the time people with gun on my face but that doesnt mean to leave
They use it sometime to make me know that they are trying to tell me something
like waving hands or pointing some places
its easier and faster
And always when people want me to leave simply i Leave its nothing personal we have work to do and people to save
Once i hear shots or Leave voice or chat
But your shaddy way and your mic put you in such situation
in pov mic was restted ... u can check it ...
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