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Rejected Pardhaan | Unofficial Organization

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Zack Nepali

Jun 15, 2021
Family Name: Pardhaan Family
Owner: Zack Neplaii | 1213
Family House Num: 274
Family Owner Discord: Sumit#4570

Family Logo:

Background Story:
Zack Nepali was a young and successful individual who had never faced financial difficulties. He worked independently until he met a few like-minded individuals with comparable drive and courage. Together, they formed a group named "PARDHAAN," which translates to "Leading the way to heights with honesty." The group began with just four members and has since grown into a tight-knit family of independent individuals who proudly refer to themselves as PARDHAAN.

The Operation of PARDHAAN:
PARDHAAN operates based on two key values: humanity and honesty. Despite their playful nature, when it comes to significant issues, they stand together as a team to overcome any obstacles.

PARDHAAN Guidelines:
1. Show respect, maintain civility, and be welcoming to all members.
2. Participate in all events, if you're in the city.
3. Adhere to all server rules.
4. Discussions on divisive topics such as religion or politics are not permitted.
5. Treat all members with respect and avoid toxic behavior.

1. Achieve top family status
2. Encourage family members to start businesses
3. Maintain a position of respect within the city
4. Expand the family to include 200 members or more

Ranking System:
[10] President:
Head of family/owner
[9] Vice President: managing family and secondary leader.
[8] Deputy President: for management of events and logs.
[7] Range Master: only for good shooters who are always ready to engage in a gunfight.
[6] Director: Trusted and loyal, who maintains peace and makes family active.
[5] Deputy Director: Shows activeness in family and events
[4] Manager: familiar with city rule and new to family
[3] Deputy Manager: Those who are not familiar with city rules and are new in the city.
[2] Freeze: warning for breaking fam rule.
[1] Junior Officer: For those who just joined the family

Family Outfit:
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