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Max Pluxury

EX-SAHP Sherrif, EX-NG General, Ex-Families Leader
Dec 24, 2021
1. sultan sherazi
4.5 to 8 hours depending upon the day
6.Sultan King
7. 79512

Additional Info:
1. Leader of NG
2. I want to be the leader of NG because I spent 5 almost 6 months devoting my life to the org under Eva, Richard, ganesh, harvey and Darius. To say that I know the org through and through is an under statement. I have spent a lot of time in the city I have seen the good and the bad of the orgs and it's members but there is 2 thing I've done right in the city. 1. Meeting the people i have met and 2. Joining NG when I did. To me NG is a family and it needs to be kept that way to make it flurish. NG is the back bone of the city and I want to make sure that no matter the time or the day the citizens and the other leos can count on NG being there in times of need. I believe that NG should be the diciding factor for any battle that is being fought.
1.NG needs to be around almost 24/7 to truly serve the city in any way I want to get that up and running ASAP to try to get as close to 24/7 availability as possible.
2.The special units need to be rethought and re worked from the seals the the combat medics. That's why I want to make sure that the leaders of these division's truly know what they are doing before I put them in there place. So we can maximize that amount of RP coming out of these units
3.NG should be the deciding factor in many battles that's why I want to organize a small team of men that are willing to be around a lot and willing to risk there life 12/7 to be a QRF for all leos.
Finally to improve the RP i would like to make it the way it was in the " old days " there's a reason that it worked so well and there's no reason that It wouldn't work now. examples include, using and maintaining a command line a structure, only recruiting the best of the best to weed out the unwanted cases of fail and miss RP, using recruitment drives only when truly necessary and finally using smart and thought out tactics to fight against raids and storms.

Ashura Evans

Oct 13, 2021
1. sultan sherazi
4.5 to 8 hours depending upon the day
6.Sultan King
7. 79512

Additional Info:
1. Leader of NG
2. I want to be the leader of NG because I spent 5 almost 6 months devoting my life to the org under Eva, Richard, ganesh, harvey and Darius. To say that I know the org through and through is an under statement. I have spent a lot of time in the city I have seen the good and the bad of the orgs and it's members but there is 2 thing I've done right in the city. 1. Meeting the people i have met and 2. Joining NG when I did. To me NG is a family and it needs to be kept that way to make it flurish. NG is the back bone of the city and I want to make sure that no matter the time or the day the citizens and the other leos can count on NG being there in times of need. I believe that NG should be the diciding factor for any battle that is being fought.
1.NG needs to be around almost 24/7 to truly serve the city in any way I want to get that up and running ASAP to try to get as close to 24/7 availability as possible.
2.The special units need to be rethought and re worked from the seals the the combat medics. That's why I want to make sure that the leaders of these division's truly know what they are doing before I put them in there place. So we can maximize that amount of RP coming out of these units
3.NG should be the deciding factor in many battles that's why I want to organize a small team of men that are willing to be around a lot and willing to risk there life 12/7 to be a QRF for all leos.
Finally to improve the RP i would like to make it the way it was in the " old days " there's a reason that it worked so well and there's no reason that It wouldn't work now. examples include, using and maintaining a command line a structure, only recruiting the best of the best to weed out the unwanted cases of fail and miss RP, using recruitment drives only when truly necessary and finally using smart and thought out tactics to fight against raids and
He wasn't even in ng

Justin Froster

Aug 29, 2021
1. sultan sherazi
4.5 to 8 hours depending upon the day
6.Sultan King
7. 79512

Additional Info:
1. Leader of NG
2. I want to be the leader of NG because I spent 5 almost 6 months devoting my life to the org under Eva, Richard, ganesh, harvey and Darius. To say that I know the org through and through is an under statement. I have spent a lot of time in the city I have seen the good and the bad of the orgs and it's members but there is 2 thing I've done right in the city. 1. Meeting the people i have met and 2. Joining NG when I did. To me NG is a family and it needs to be kept that way to make it flurish. NG is the back bone of the city and I want to make sure that no matter the time or the day the citizens and the other leos can count on NG being there in times of need. I believe that NG should be the diciding factor for any battle that is being fought.
1.NG needs to be around almost 24/7 to truly serve the city in any way I want to get that up and running ASAP to try to get as close to 24/7 availability as possible.
2.The special units need to be rethought and re worked from the seals the the combat medics. That's why I want to make sure that the leaders of these division's truly know what they are doing before I put them in there place. So we can maximize that amount of RP coming out of these units
3.NG should be the deciding factor in many battles that's why I want to organize a small team of men that are willing to be around a lot and willing to risk there life 12/7 to be a QRF for all leos.
Finally to improve the RP i would like to make it the way it was in the " old days " there's a reason that it worked so well and there's no reason that It wouldn't work now. examples include, using and maintaining a command line a structure, only recruiting the best of the best to weed out the unwanted cases of fail and miss RP, using recruitment drives only when truly necessary and finally using smart and thought out tactics to fight against raids and storms.
Wait A Sec. You are 79k Id You Didn't Spent 5 Months Even in city how you spent 5 months in NG Don't copy others

Adii Gamer

Nov 18, 2021
1. sultan sherazi
4.5 to 8 hours depending upon the day
6.Sultan King
7. 79512

Additional Info:
1. Leader of NG
2. I want to be the leader of NG because I spent 5 almost 6 months devoting my life to the org under Eva, Richard, ganesh, harvey and Darius. To say that I know the org through and through is an under statement. I have spent a lot of time in the city I have seen the good and the bad of the orgs and it's members but there is 2 thing I've done right in the city. 1. Meeting the people i have met and 2. Joining NG when I did. To me NG is a family and it needs to be kept that way to make it flurish. NG is the back bone of the city and I want to make sure that no matter the time or the day the citizens and the other leos can count on NG being there in times of need. I believe that NG should be the diciding factor for any battle that is being fought.
1.NG needs to be around almost 24/7 to truly serve the city in any way I want to get that up and running ASAP to try to get as close to 24/7 availability as possible.
2.The special units need to be rethought and re worked from the seals the the combat medics. That's why I want to make sure that the leaders of these division's truly know what they are doing before I put them in there place. So we can maximize that amount of RP coming out of these units
3.NG should be the deciding factor in many battles that's why I want to organize a small team of men that are willing to be around a lot and willing to risk there life 12/7 to be a QRF for all leos.
Finally to improve the RP i would like to make it the way it was in the " old days " there's a reason that it worked so well and there's no reason that It wouldn't work now. examples include, using and maintaining a command line a structure, only recruiting the best of the best to weed out the unwanted cases of fail and miss RP, using recruitment drives only when truly necessary and finally using smart and thought out tactics to fight against raids and storms.
opp leader :cool:

Abo Basel

Aug 31, 2021

Ma Man Woke Up And Choose To Copy Nat Thrusts Application💀


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