Judging by the time and date, it looks like they hit us first.
Never denied this lmao. We did hit you first, we did kill all of you 2v4 or something because ya'll can't shoot for shit and fight with cover.
But look at the timestamp again, 15:32 and 15:46. 14 minutes between the two incidents, they're two separate incidents, we went away after the cops came. And when we returned back, you should have given demands or treated it as a separate situation. You didn't RP, and said the n word and killed us even before we could get out of the car because you were scared you'd get killed again.
Then you proceeded to mercy kill. Your video proves that what I am claiming is the truth.
Now quoting Mazhor on the rules for posting complaints for the reviewing administrator:
Evidence is cropped or edited (must be 1 minute+(exceptions might be, when you can understand the whole situation for less than 1 min));
I know arguments are not taken as truth and only PoV is what matters, so you can't punish them for calling me the n word. But it clearly shows he had his gun inside, and my friend is saying some stuff in OOC chat, about how we were not given demands in this situation. The other guy mixes and talks over mic and responds to those messages, metagaming.
Then he proceeds to get angry over something that was said in OOC chat because they got owned. Then he pulls out his already holstered gun and mercy kills us.