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Soumil Carter

Ex-Leader of Families
Aug 18, 2022
  • 1.Your name IRL- Soumil Garg
    2. Your age- 17
    3. Time zone- GMT + 5:30
    4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Make sure to use AM , PM to make it clear)- 7:00-16:00
    5. Average online per day- 5-8 + hours
    6. Your Discord-Soumil Habibi#4398
    7. Your Nickname- Soumil Badmash
    8. Your ID-681
    9. I want to be curator of Crime section or State section- Crime section

    Additional information
    1. Why do you want to become an admin?
  • I want to become admin because I have gone through every phase of RP. I was the leader of Families gang in en2. In my term I gained enough knowledge about server and RP. As I was high command in sahp for more than 5 terms in en2 I have gone in both side of RP in the server. Being a admin is not only about leaving RP but also supervising it.
    2. What are your strengths?
  • One of my greatest strength is I can handle extremely adverse situations very easily and calmly. I observed something about admis that they sometimes become really arrogant and ignorant, I can give surety about it that I will be staying humble.
    3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
  • Sometimes my OOC problems prevent me to play GRP.
    4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
  • I think I have gained enough experience in city. YES
    5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
  • Yes I will sell my business.
    6. Any IRL issue or Situation that is Preventing you From being Active at the moment?
  • Sometimes my OOC problems like exams can prevent me from being active.

Sylvia Som

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Nov 2, 2021

The age is lower than the accepted minimum for the admin team.​
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