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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Liam Verceti
Administrators nickname
John Specter
Mar 5, 2023
Would Rather Show the proof I have outside of forums as it contains a curator meeting.

Liam Vercetti

Feb 18, 2023
Hello Dear Senior Curator of state/Bobby/Floki, Whoever will be reviewing this.

Today I am complaining about the horrible actions of the SAHP Curators that left me in such despair I do not wish to be in the project anymore.

Let me explain everything that happened, Yesterday I have went on the server as the Undersheriff of SAHP, after I took a small break from the game due to IRL issues, At this point I have done some global events for SAHP (IC Ones) And then The SAHP Curator "John Spectre" informs my good friend Elon Moose to join Curator VC, Now I thought I am his deputy so why not tag along with him, When John Saw me he said. "Guys Can I get an explanation on why Liam's twink is SAHP Deputy?" , We kindly gave him an explanation.

While I was trying to give that explanation He got aggitated at me and stated that I should leave to a different VC and he shall talk to elon. Now whatever he said to The Sheriff Moose I cannot know of as he is refusing to tell me, But from what I have suspected it implied my instant removal from deputy status and something else that I do not know of during the time of writing

Far as Im aware his reasons were that I was doing "General rule 6.2" Avoiding an RP Scenario Which I did not do, Even if I did he could have easely just punished me and given SAHP A verbal warning for this incident, No Sadly for the reasons I will mention down below he choose to either Threaten or intimidate the leader into removing me as from the facts I know elon has been a friend of mine since almost a year now (I joined EN1 grand RP and joined SAHP There where I met him That was in march so almost a year ago, I know unless its good for me and him he would never have removed me.)

Now the reasons that were apperantly brought against me was

-Multiple members of administration complaigning about my twink account
- Toxicity (I am assuming OOCLY since IC Toxicity is a part of my character)

Now here are the reasons I think he chose to have me removed

- About a month before this there was an incident where FIB had not valued my life in a hostage situation and "John Spectre" being the Curator of Both FIB and SAHP, I asked him about it, He made up reasons why he should not be punishing them (Which already is Bias Because I showed POV and he saw what happened), Then I ask him to join the curator VC to talk about this. I asked him one question that made him go off the rails "How is it that you give SAHP a warning but not FIB For not Valueing hostages life?". This made him yell at me and act so rude which I have never in my life seen from an administrator member. From that day forward I could feel it... Something changed He was always very cold and a bit rude towards me, It would appear he was holding his grudges against me.

Well Not to worry for him after that I have recieved NG Leadership and he did not need to worry about me... (According to an EX Deputy of SAHP) John has stated " Liam was the most hated deputy in SAHP and the hardest to deal with"

Fast Forward a bit, I lose my NG leadership due to IC and OOC issues. Upon learning of this my great friend Elon Asks me to go to SAHP To become his undersheriff again, I decide to due so, Now at this point Goverment starts targeting us (Mainly DOJ) And using metagamed/forged evidence which results in me being almost arrested so I play on a twink account so they wouldnt recognise and bully me 24/7.

A week after my twink became undersheriff This had happened.

I am Really not writing this to spite John or Hermanth or any SAHP Curator at that. But this behaviour caused so great damage to me I dont feel like I can even play the server not to mention the fact I had apperantly recieved what someone calls a (Deputy Leader Blacklist). Which I would like to appeal after looking at all of this.

Thank you for reading...

Floki Vilgeroarson

New to this
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 19, 2021
Not enough proof, regarding Gen 6.2 it was correct as you had an arrest warrant on your main and decided to leave the org and join through your twink so you avoid the rp situation and regarding the Leader removing you it was fully his decision, Curator only gave suggestions.

You aren't deputy blacklisted, you can become deputy again
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