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Neg Blue

May 14, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Meriç Yılmaz
2. Your age: 25
3. Time zone: GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day: 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Funky#1084
6. Your Nickname: Neg Blue
7. Your ID: 98755

Additional information

1. Leader of LifeInvader

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1. Managing the organisation in a strong way.

  • In EN1 i have worked for 2 terms and in EN3 i have worked 1 term. Because of my past experiences from my side hustles as well as part time jobs i did such as video editing for youtube content i can manage LI more than many people can do. I am experienced in LI and also well equipped when it comes to handling problems between and among groups thanks to the path of life i have been walking my whole life.

2. Adjusting the balance of power between high command and workers

  • In Life Invader there were always a strong corruption. Nobody was able to talk about it or they did not. There were many times workers were right but were silenced because they were not high commands. According to my view a high command should be respectable and admit their mistakes. They should be strong and good at what they are doing. They shouldn't silence people just because they can. The terms they have worked for is not important when their personality is not good. In nowadays company when hiring people companies look for personalities and qualities of the person have not what they have accomplished. Experiences and successful CV is indeed important. But that is not the only thing. In my watch Life Invader will be stronger and happier. There won't be any problems because of weak high command.

3- Creating warm and a friendly community

  • When there is happiness and people enjoy at what they are doing there are always better results. ince high commands and workers will always be in touch it is important to keep the friendly atmosphere. If a person is against mobbing even if one is paid millions he won't be able to find the power to continue with the job. I value the friendly atmosphere and personal aspects of the people im working with. The workplace shouldn't be an amusement park but everyone should be comfortable with the people they work with as well as the atmosphere. Im willing to create a strong sense of friendliness and respect among the LI. When power of balance between high command and workers adjusted better and a warm and a friendly community is created there will be success. Be it quality in ads, be it image of LI.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

  • First off all, i will make sure to equip high command better. Each of the departments will have it's own head but it is not enough. A company should be able to work when a person is sick or not able to work due to certain reasons. Every high command will be able to handle other departments and issues come out. Secondly i have thoughts that needs to be approved by you all, such as decreasing the money a person gets after a certain number. In LI every week is a race between workers. Competition is important and it helps a company thrive but it is not always good. I will improve new departments. And their main purpose will be recording the events happening through the city. For example, they will make interview with your ordinary person in the city, will ask them questions such as ''what do you think about gun control in the city?'' and will do colloboration with other departments. For examples interviews with the head of other departments can be done about some issues or situations. And also when a chase starts between police and robbers also a news helicopter can follow them to create RP material.

Best Regards,
Neg Blue
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