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Rejected James Town Cripz | Unofficial Organization

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Jakob Bear

Nov 27, 2021

Family name - James Town Cripz | JTC
Family owner - Rivi Blanco | ID 69916
Family house number - 111
Family Discord Owner - Rivi_Blanco#4568
Family Leader forum - Jakob Bear


It all started a cold december night. Rivi and his brother and some freinds were sitting at a doorstep playing some dice and drinking beer. It was cold. It is almost christmas night and they havn't bought any christmas gift for their mothers yet. They were just about to turn on a joint that they just have made, where a car pulled up. The people in the car pulled out guns and started shooting. Everyone panicked and ran for their lifes except for one. It was Rivis brother that turned around and pulled out his gun icecold against four people. Rivis brother didn't survive, but Rivi and his freinds got away alive. Rivi and his freinds belive that he saved their lives with fighting back.

They all remember the red car that pulled up that night. They all wanted revenge. They started their own little family call "James Town Cripz" and began to do criminality, so they could get their revenge. After they have got their revenge, they will spend their money on moving out of the ghetto and get a better life, where their kids can live in peace without the risk of getting shot.

Family goals:

Get out of the ghetto.
Get our revenge.
Get a better life.
Get a live without criminality.
Recruit more friendly cripz into the family.

How we plan to achieve these goals:

We will work hard. Earn the money that are needed. We will recruit people that we find right for the family and need the same revenge that Rivi and his freinds wants.

Some of the members will do the illegal stof like doing drugs, sell at blackmarket and steal from people.

The other part of the members will be legal and for an example become workers at a construction site.


The family will make money illegally from street robbery, store robberies & black market sales and legal income will come from beach market sales, trade with other citizens and from working within the cities legal orgs. We also intend to pursue are interest in various family business.

Family Rules:

. Respect the calls from higher ranks.
2. Treat all family members with dignity and respect.
3. Family outfit has to be on in any family event/activity.
4. 3 strike rule
5. No rasism and sexism
6. Do not steal from the family

Family Motto:

Kill with no mercy.

Family colour:


Dress Code:

Blue shirt with white flowers
2. Blue jeans


Organisational structure:

- Founding Members

OG JTC - Trusted member that helps the Real OG's manage the family.

Big JTC - These will be the main soldiers of the family's criminal interests chosen and manged by the Real OG JTC.

JTC - Chosen by OG JTC these trusted members help them with there duties in the family.

Young JTC - Young JTC pursuing the families legal interests in the city that have proven there knowledge of how to succeed in this city and have proven there knowledge of the city's laws.

Little JTC - These members serve the same purpose as the Baby JTC but have not yet proven there knowledge of how to succeed in this city and knowledge of the city's laws

Baby JTC - Starting Rank open to people at the hotel on there arrival to the city also friends of the family that are not members of another family.
Last edited:

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Apply under Role Play Biography Section.​
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