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Sep 29, 2022
1 Name : Blerand
2. Age : 17
3. Time zone : GMT +2
4. Average online time per day 5-10
5. Your discord : Skezz#4854
7. Your id : 103813

Additional information

Leader Of Bloods
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1 i want to be leader of Bloods because i was HC in so many gangs before that gave me experience so i wanted to for show my abilities again but as a leader

2. Bloods is a gang that i want to be leader of cose is a gang with a great hq in ghetto so i will be a war in ghetto everytime we will try not to have rule breaks and finish tearm with 0 warnings

3 Being high command/deputy in multiple gangs gained me more experience and i want to make most respected gangs of everyone
I will try to make bloods Best gang in city i will try to do events many people will want to join the gang when they see we are the best in city i will try to join every event as a leader and will make bonus system for every one in every event.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. I will have great deputys whu will leade the gang while im of they will make sure we dont do rule break

2.will make sure to have good spray team so that can spray every hour and we can see atleast 10k spray profit in every hour

3. I will make sure no rulebreak inside the gang, if they did any rulebreak it will be result with kicks/strikes

My Experience

4x UnderDeputy Bloods
3x Warlord marabunta
5-10x HC in all gangs

My goals
1.%100 turf
2.Finish the tearm with no warning
3.Contorl Ghetto 10%
4.Make sure spray profit is always max
5.Have Deputies who can lead to more activity when I’m not in city.
6.Alliances with gangs.

Thank you for reading this
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